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Father's will is that we become holy, just, and great
  • soil
  • Land
  • Sea
  • AIR
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive September 9, 1999.
Teacher Jessona
T/R Mark


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[  ] soil   [  ] Land   [  ] Sea   [  ] AIR

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Tom:  I have a question. Reading in our text there is mention that the Father's will is that we become holy, just, and great. As I understand it, "great" is the equivalent of good, and I have a fair concept of what "just" means. But "holy" I tend to associate with solemnity and piety. I know the Master was holy and he was a jolly soul. Is this something we can develop, or is it something we are? Please expand upon the word "holy" and how we may aim ourselves with it.

Jessona: May I indicate that this phrase you cite incorporates the three reality responses that you have read
about in the Urantia text. Greatness in this case refers not simply to status, to the recognition of expertly
performed deeds, but it can be thought of more likely as the enlargement of being, a quantitative growth, the expansion of soul, the accumulation of broad experience, and an ever-deepening penetration into spiritual reality. This is that 'causative' response. "Holy" springs from the reverential tendency of the mind. Where "justice" deals with a quality, "holy" involves a totality. You have worked with an understanding of the phrase, "practicing the presence of God". This is that holiness. To be always engaged in embrace, aware, and working in association with the Father is that holiness. Not the holiness of a religious ceremonial piety but rather a very familiar, down-home, friendly association with God Himself. It is inclusive of deity in one's creature life to the point of blurring the distinction.