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How the wisdom coding system works


Type of wisdom (purple box)
 E  = Evolutionary wisdom 
 R  = Revealed wisdom 
 H  = Hybrid wisdom (evolutionary + revealed mix)

Target audience (green box)
 P  = Personal 
 G  = Group (non-personal)

Type of content (yellow box)
 C  = Curated content (paraphrased, re-written, enhanced, translated, etc.)
 O  = Original unedited content from external source (direct excerpts, complete content, etc.)
 M  = Mix of both curated and original content.

Reliability factor of content (blue box)
 1  = High
 2  = Average
 3  = Low 
 X  = Cannot be determined.

[  ] soil   [  ] Land   [  ] Sea   [  ] AIR

  • Check boxes indicate to which planetary jurisdiction the contents of the page is applicable.
  • Can apply to one or more jurisdictions simultaneously.
  • All the applicable jurisdictions will have a check mark.
  • For additional information about the scope of these jurisdictions please refer to this chart.
  • For additional information about the properties of these jurisdictions please refer to this chart.

SOURCE: This row is used for recording useful information about the source of the wisdom entry.

Your errors and failures are all stimulants for future growth
  • soil
  • Land
  • Sea
  • AIR
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive November 2, 1997.
Teacher Lantarnek
T/R Jonathan







We all exist as the creation of God simply because that was the choice of the Father. In the magnitude of His being we find much that is complex, confounding to the creature mind. The immensity and absoluteness of this Being is quite unfathomable. But He is experiencible for one simple reason: the Father wills it. So He makes available the revelations of Himself that a creature soul can grasp.

The primary act of the Father was His decision that creation be. Subsequently the orchestration of the universes you inhabit is the work of his Creator Sons. Your own Creator Son Michael does the will of the Father, for he replicates the perfect creation of Havona. When the Father chooses and acts He does so perfectly. Michael is faced with the challenge of imperfection.

When you ask yourself how may I do the Father's will, be not concerned over the content of the will of the Father but the process of willfulness and enactment. Philosophically you can postulate that the universe could have been made in many ways different than the universe you are in today. Indeed, you are aware of the levels of reality presented in your text that do exist, alternate forms of God expressing Himself creatively. But the value of creation to the creature is that God did act. Were it not for His will and His subsequent action, I would not be here with you today; we would not be in fellowship.

The Father is penetrating the extremities of creation through you. Being in the realm of imperfection, you are granted the freedom to choose incorrectly. But to provide the proper perspective for this freedom, you need to understand that the exercise of choice and imperfect decision is to attain the ability to choose perfectly. When you choose, you do the will of the Father. When you enact, you succeed or fail in the attainment of becoming perfect. When you choose and act in error, you have not functioned badly; you have created the potential to function better, for better is relative to poorly and well.

Michael never hesitated to be about the Father's business in the creation of Nebadon. He knew the difficulties of the assignment, and he wishes all his children likewise never hesitate to enact the choosing of the personality and soul that seeks the Father, knowing full well the difficulties of such an endeavor. In seeking to do the will of the Father, do not be concerned so much that you know beforehand what the will is as that you, by faith and trust, know that your engagement is His will in the hour, that your comprehension results from the imperfect - or even perfect - enactment of your choice. Time and space for an ascending creature demands fault and error and the necessity for correction. This is the secret of the line "judge not". Judge not the results of your action but rather investigate the causes and effects and project a new course. All results are stimulants for future growth.

In the agelong ascent to be in the presence of the Father who does act with perfect results, you will have undergone such transformation that your evaluation of the appropriate and inappropriate acts of today will have taken on significance that you at this hour are unable to even conceive. Though it is the quest of the mortal creature to know the specifics of the Father's will, at this point in your evolution, your only successful
approach is that  you understand the method of His willing and His enactment. The specifics of what He chooses will become evident as you ascend through countless levels of personality attainment.

You are at the helm
  • soil
  • Land
  • Sea
  • AIR
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive November 2, 1997.
Teacher Elyon
T/R Mark






Throughout your entire ascension career you are firmly and completely at your own helm. You demonstrate to your teachers what you desire to learn, the depth at which you desire to learn it, your level of commitment to any given topic. This is how the parameters are formed on your learning, by your very will to demonstrate them to us. You have learned that nothing is ever forced upon you or asked of you if you are not prepared to freely give it. Therefore it is incumbent upon you to stretch your limitations and to demonstrate to whoever your teachers happen to be at the time that you are prepared and willing to learn the next step, the next level, because no teacher you will ever have has the authority or the desire to take you any place you do not desire to go as a student. Your lessons are an indication of your willingness to
accept them. Your level of spiritual growth is a direct indication of your desire to embrace that level. We as teachers are ever willing to dangle the carrot in front of you to encourage you to take that next step. But we are never willing to circumvent your freewill choice in this regard.

Therefore, we follow you; we follow your desires, your interests, your deep seated intents as the indicators for where we will go, how far we will go together. We would forever encourage you to stretch your boundaries, to reach beyond your normal perceptions to embrace what is outside of these realms.