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A new gospel


A new gospel
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive August 23, 1997.
Teacher Machiventa
T/R Ginny






Tom:  Machiventa, you spoke of a new gospel. Can you expound on that?

Machiventa: The new gospel is simply and creatively the old gospel reexpressed. Many of the same truths, the same exact parables, may be simply restated. But many, having endured the trials of time, stand in need of some fine tuning and revision. It is desired that you play editors at this time. You, who have been given the original statement of the gospel by the Master, have internalized this gospel. It now has become a personal issue with you. Therefore you are in the best position. You, living here and now in this world amongst your brothers and sisters, knowing the tendencies and desires of those around you, you now are in the ideal position to restate the truths of thousands of years ago in modern phraseology and with modern application.

As I said, much of what was stated would stand on its own even now to this new generation, this highly technical, critical generation that you live in. But very much needs slight editing for reapplication. This can be done quite effectively without sacrifice of the basic truths. Simply changing the parables slightly or the story to encompass scenarios of modern day life would make accessible much of the gospel now cloaked in olden times. It is desired that each of you internalize this gospel so that when your brothers or sisters come to you to discourse on any matter of spirituality, you are then a fountain of information, of restatement of gospel principles according to the perception you have of this individual's capacity and reference framework.

Therefore we continually return to you and empower you and commission you and charge you and intently direct you to seize the opportunities before you to freely give away this gospel truth which now I term the "new gospel" as it is your gospel at this time among these people. If it is new and fresh and a matter of your own personal experience, it will be far more accepted by those around you and far more effective. So never be afraid to restate, to paraphrase, to offer your own observations as to the impact this gospel has had on your own personal being. The new gospel is a personal gospel passed from mouth to mouth, person to person, as a matter of personal experience far more than a matter of recitation of the old gospel.