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Birth defects

Damaged bodies always have good souls
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive November 1, 1998.
Teacher Jessona, 
T/R Sheila








Tom: The other day I met with a child with obvious birth defects. As I held his hands, I wondered what else I might have done to right that situation.  Do you have any other comments?

Jessona: I assure you that evolutionary worlds are fraught with such occurrences as defects due to manifold
reasons. On a world like ours we are left with the default of the violet race at improving your genetics. You are powerless individually to right what appears to be a wrong. Your best focus is upon the soul of this individual, which has no defects whatsoever, for it is the construction of the Father as He complies with the will of that personality.

Assure yourself and even this individual that any object that comes in a package may come with a mar or a scar or a break in that package, but the item itself is as valuable as if the packaging were perfect. 

In your material world, as is understandable, you have the tendency to place a judgment on the way things or people look. It is understandable in your world of senses; it is something that sometimes interferes with your understanding of true compassion and true love. As has been stated already the soul of this child is perfect. Physical deformities, although they may seem unpleasant and uncomfortable to us, are not an indication of this person's status in any way. You must look beyond physical matter, to the more important aspect of the human being. Certainly this child is beloved in the sight of our Father; it is most preciously loved.

The sorrow, the discomfort, is in your perceptions, and it is understandable. But on an evolutionary world we need to accept physical deformities and imperfections as part of the evolutionary development, but, as concerns matter, it has no import on the soul of an individual.

You, on the other hand, you have your desire to want to see this child in a more functioning body. It is you who are in need of the compassion. It is you who benefited from this child's presence. It was a gift given to you.