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To wonder is to be at one with your own
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts Lightline Teleconference 2024-08-01

Teacher: Amanson
T/R: Mark Turnbull

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[  ] soil   [  ] Land   [  ] Sea   [  ] AIR

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Amanson on Wonder  2023-03-26

“Wonder” is the delight of the universe; the motivating source of curiosity, exclamation, and joyous intent, bringing Spirit being into focus and a thirst for understanding into the intellects of mankind’s brothers and sisters.

Wonder is the encapsulation of the thirst for adventure that propels man into his/her joyous cycles of ‘dig, sift, discover, and chronicle’. It is a mirror of the vast unknowable frontier within a person, a frontier rife with mysterious nooks and crannies, undiscovered sequences, doors and hallways leading to undreamt of vistas and far-reaching objectives. We see all this personified when we look out at this unimaginable world.

But it was imagined. Therein lies the wonder. And who wouldn’t, when faced with things of such wonder, wonder? This is its purpose, its reason for being: the Wonder of it all. To wonder is to be at one with your own; [i.e. your own wonder], a noun engaged as a verb, or perhaps a noun engaged in ‘verbing’. The noun – the ‘wonder’ that is you – is at the same time a verb! Just as with the word ‘Love’. When is it never a verb? When is love, like Wonder, never active, even when it’s describing a stationary thing? Do you see? Do you see the wonder of it all?

And as you sit in wonder, let Wonder increase your perception. Let Wonder allow in the Maker of wonders and their Wonder. It is all connected beyond outmoded mental concepts which try to capture the manifold while completely misunderstanding the apparatus in its original design and purpose. And who could understand such a thing?  - its original design and purpose is wonder! And Wonder demands a humbling, a letting go of the mental constructs that delight in, but fail to, piece the wondrous thing together. It is indeed wondrous that this piece fits here, and that piece there, and that their effect is triggered by, say, this switch over here; or that these leaves fall from the tree in November and come back in May. Those things, its components, its ‘teamwork’ shall we say, can all be tracked. And yes, it is all wondrous. But beyond all that – the specific blendings of the many different working parts of things both manmade and natural – beyond all that is the Wonder. Who? Where is the beginning of such a thing? Not how it works but that it works. Not how it exists but that it exists. This is Wonder.

And the wonder of it all is made greater still by noting, as has been noted, such things are nothing compared to you. You are the Wonder of the world. Follow that mountain path through the lofty peaks, ducking behind waterfalls, out into the fields where, looking up, a bright sun and stars shine ever down, and realize what has been described is not of the outside world. It is within you, the Wonder of all creation. Now, open your eyes. And wonder.