Corruption | Integrity | Legalism |
Foolishness | Discernment | Judgementalism |
Selfishness | Love | Enablement |
Disregard |
Respect |
Idolatry |
Pride | Humility | Degradation |
Slothfulness | Diligence | Workaholism |
Licentiousness | Temperance | Strictness |
Cowardice | Courage | Foolhardiness |
The Virtue Continuum
SOURCE: unknown |
How the wisdom coding system worksWISDOM CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Target audience (green box) Type of content (yellow box) Reliability factor of content (blue box) APPLICABLE JURISDICTION(S)
SOURCE: This row is used for recording useful information about the source of the wisdom entry. |
Wimpy | Assertive | Arrogant |
Mean | Benevolent | Self-sacrificing |
Cowardly | Brave | Rash |
Pushover | Careful | Stubborn |
Indifference | Caring | Controlling |
Boorishness | Charming | Buffoonery |
Timid | Confident | Domineering |
Depraved | Conscientious | Deferential |
Cowardice | Courage | Foolhardiness |
Slothfulness | Diligence | Workaholism |
Foolishness | Discernment | Judgementalism |
Rudderless | Flexible | Rigid |
Quarrelsome | Friendly | Bootlicking |
Stingy | Generous | Extravagant |
Self-deprecation | Honest | Boastfulness |
Pride | Humility | Degradation |
Envious | Indignant | Retributive |
Lazy | Industrious | Single-minded |
Corruption | Integrity | Legalism |
Selfishness | Love | Enablement |
Fickle | Loyal | Gullible |
Chintzy | Magnificence | Vulgar |
Aspersion | Magnanimity | Vainglory |
Selfish | Nurturing | Martyr |
Fearful | Patient | Impulsive |
Naive | Practical | Cynical |
Cowardice | Protective | Bully |
Disregard |
Respect |
Idolatry |
Melancholy | Spirited | Boisterous |
Addictive | Temperance | Strictness |
Lying | Truthful | Tactless |
Impatient | Tolerant | Doormat |
Unsure | Vigilent | Impetuous |
Boorish | Witty | Buffoonish |