Love is as important as food or oxygen
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive May 25, 1998. Teacher Abraham T/R Nina |
ELLEN:Ellen: I found this in the Urantia Book: 92:7.14. "Modern man is confronted with the task of making more readjustment of human values in one generation than have been made in two thousand years. And this all influences the social attitude toward religion, for religion is a way of living as well as a technique of thinking." With that in mind, could you speak about the violence of the youth of today?
ABRAHAM:Abraham: Certainly. That is an appropriate saying — where the generations of today fit more living into their life span than those generations of the past. There is indeed a great deal of healing today's generation must promote. Unfortunately, for mortals to take action, things such as violence must hit close to home. For major healing to take place on a worldly scale, small healings need to start within the realms of our first beginning relationships such as parent and child. It is so small and simple to start with, and yet, it is as the individual who is ill and needs medication — yet refuses, only to find later their condition has worsened.
The love of a family, parent and child, is our greatest hope for the healing of youth violence. The society in
general, is the individual who is in need of medication, and foregoes teaching simple truths to equip parents with the skills to raise children, while conditions worsen. As I said, it starts out so simply with educating those that would be parents, or are parents, how love is as important as food or oxygen. A loveless child is unfortunately deformed psychologically, emotionally, and therefore, a black mark on society. Do you see how the small beginnings between parents and children are our hope for the violent youth of today? But, I can guarantee that any child receiving love from any source is apt to be fed in some small way.