Spiritual transformation requires balance
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archiveNovember 15, 1999. Teacher JarEl T/R Henry |
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JarEl: In considering man and spirit, mind and personality, in this relationship between man reaching up toward spirit, bringing spirit down into consciousness, down into self, everyday affairs. Like the spirit counterpart to trinity, on a human level, your spiritual transformation involves, body, mind, soul. The physical, mental, spiritual.
What about your connection to the earth, your connection to the substance of which you are made from this earth? This is a reality, albeit a transient one, a reality non the less. You are not the earth, you are not the body you inhabit, yet you live on this earth, this sphere, in a body, endowed with a mind, a fragment of spirit, a chart of identity, a prerogative of will with animal senses. You are told, accessing spirit is accessing your ultimate reality. You are guided to look within yourselves to understand your past, live in the present and create your future.
One of the concepts which is challenging to humans involved in spiritual endeavors, is the concept of transformation. Many are enamored by the cerebral, the intellectual aspect of spirituality, the languaging of the spiritual; the wording, thoughts and concepts of spirituality. Many have problems adapting these concepts into a very real sense of purpose and self. What I wish to convey to you is the sense of you, yourselves being here now, on this planet in your bodies and sensing that to change spiritually and grow, sometimes takes allowing yourself a few adjustments. Sometimes these adjustments may be adjustments in lifestyle, they may be adjustments in thought, they may be adjustments in behavior. What I am trying to get you to understand is a balance, a balance within yourself physically; your physical, chemical, electrical sense, your emotional and mental sense, and a balance between yourself, mankind and spirit.
Let us look at a building. Let us look at a very large, heavy and big building. This building is built on a foundation. The foundation, the base of the building sits on the earth. For a very large and stable building, you want to place the building on very stable ground, preferable rock, something that will not move. When you place the foundation, and begin to build, erect the structure; the foundation supports the structure. The structure supports the design of the building. The design of the building supports the functional, which serves possibly you as an individual and mankind in a social sense. This is much like your body. Your bodies, which are who you are, come from material and substance from this earth. There is a quote, a popular quote on Earth, usually recited on the deceased ceremonies," Dust to dust, Ash to ash". Your body, rendered to its base material.
While you live in this body, this temple, there is a relationship between how this body feels for you. Most of you have already experiences the varied nature and sense of the body; its limitations, what it does and does not do for you, and what you can and may do for it. It can make your life a lot easier, it can also compromise your life, as some of you have already experienced. So, with respect to your body and the world you live on, there is a symbiotic relationship. There is a relationship between the world you live on, how you, as mankind treat this planet and how this planet treats your bodies. They are closely related to each other. Being a life form, you are closely related to all other life forms on the planet. Your closest relatives, animals and plants, you could not live without.
Yes, your scientists can synthesize food, chemicals, minerals and products, but it will never replace living plants and animals either for food or friends or companions. Man was put here to live upon this world, part of the economy of this world is your responsibility to provide for yourselves, your families and for the betterment of society at large. Your world is evolving beyond the basic initial groupings of herders and nationalist city-dwellers into a global village; one world full of living beings, plants, animals, and humans. There is a relationship between the individual and this large group. You may think "What is a drop of water to an ocean?" But if you were that drop of water, you are the ocean. If you are an organism of life, you are life itself on this world. Yes, it is a very large group on not so big a world, and yes, you are important. Your well being, your sense of health, sense of purpose is important. It is directly important to you the individual.
The relationship between your body as a temple, which houses the presence of the great spirit, and you as a human being, a human animal in a human animal body, draws interesting parallels and metaphors. There is a relationship between a balanced body and a balanced mind and an ever increasing balance and connection to spirit. There are examples of spiritual types on your world who have led quite ascetic lives. Who have even ignored their physical bodies to the point of emaciation. Who have lived totally in the intoxication and bliss of spirit. What we are suggesting is a much more practical and economical way to live with spirit and be a part, member of society, have families and be balanced. Occasionally it is wonderful to go to the mountain top and discern the stars. To dream. To wish. To connect more deeply with spirit.
This planet will be changed one person at a time. As you, yourselves begin to change and adapt yourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually. You begin, and are already beginning to become sources of inspiration to yourselves and to others. There are many paths available to you at this time on your world to discern balance, to find the help you need, to understand yourselves, to understand your bodies, to adopt healthier ways of being, to insure greater health in your later years, as well as now. To see health as a pattern of lifestyle, not that you will live forever in this body on this world, but while you are in this body, and while you are on this world, that the potential to feel good, and make the most of your time here is very valuable.
So as you begin to see yourselves and God more as ONE, also begin to see yourselves and the world you live on as one. You may not be able to control all of the activity on the planet, but you are able to control your own activity on the planet in how you relate to the people, the life and this world in general.
In your meditations and deep thoughts try to sense wholeness; balance, and begin to sense that God is completeness. You are a part of completeness, a part of wholeness. You are becoming whole and complete. Begin to sense what connects one layer of yourself to another. See how the mind fits into the body. How your body stands on the ground. How your personality is exhibited through your sense of being. How the light of God is brightening in your lives.
Student: In your first part you said we are living in a body, in a material existence. You quite often referred to you and we. What is the definition of we or you. We find ourselves physically and emotionally attached to our bodies. We understand that we have a spiritual nature to ourselves. When you refer to us as you, who do you mean. Sort of a philosophical question.
JarEl: Thank you, I love philosophical questions. You is the ideal person. You are the person you are becoming, your soul, your personality, your spirit. The person I will meet at some time in the future on another world. 'We' is a term that is used by to designate humans as a group in their human situation on this world. "You" is the individual. In correct English it would be, you are the individual. The word 'you' refers to an individual person.
Student: I gather that as a person we have a personality which survives our physical body. We have a thought adjuster, a soul and a few other things. Is that who 'we' are now? The parts of us which survive the physical body?
JarEl: That is a good question. I cannot completely tell you who you are, now. This is something that you have to sense within yourself, who you are. For example; imagine yourself getting ready to leave this world and you are allowed to take one small suitcase; 'what would you put in it?'
Student: My soul
JarEl: And this my friend is about all you need to take. For your soul is the distilled essence of your life on this world. The person you are, and the seed-potential of a great spiritual being. Yes, you do take your potential, your potential is the thought adjuster, the gift of eternal endowment, the gift of greatness, the gift of love, the gift of substance.
Student: My soul is who I am becoming, then. My physical body which I have become attached to here is of a temporary usage. That is necessary in this particular environment.
JarEl: This vehicle, this body which has served you is real. Its service and function are real, and yet they stay here, and a part of you moves forward. A part of you in a respect that is completely you. The only thing which you leave behind here is you own legacy. You take completely what you are with you, That when you awake on the next worlds of sojourn, you will completely remember who you are. You will know yourself, just as you know yourself here and now. You'll know yourself without your physical body. With a different body, one which in some respects is similar, functional and much better adapted to the new world of sojourn. A body which is not created from animal flesh, but a more substantial spiritual substance. A body that does not need flesh to survive. A body which can live more on energy, light, more rarified substance. Also you are given an endowment of mind that complements this body of new substance, on a world of new life to enable you more fully to become who you are.
Student: This whole week I have been thinking about the angels, the seraphim which surround us. I am curious to know, well I kind of feel that I do have a seraphim, I am wondering if I one day will see them.
JarEl: you will certainly one day see them. In a sense they are around you and they do follow your movements and actions, not so much your thoughts. Though your thoughts are made known to them. They do not possess the capacity to share in your mind like the thought adjuster or the Spirit of Truth, or the adjutant mind spirits; through the circuits, your intentions are known. It is upon the intentions and decisions which you make that the angels act in your steed. They act in your behalf. All the while concerned to bring situation about which help enable your decisions and activities. Not necessarily interfering in the mistakes you make, but support you, that through these mistakes, you are able to grasp understanding and growth. When you become more activated spiritually, you become of much more use and importance n a spiritual sense. You are more closely and intimately assisted by the angels.
Student: On the mansion worlds, do we recognize people which we associated in this lifetime. Do we spend time working on relationships which we had on the earth.
JarEl: In some respects, yes, in answer to your first concern, you most certainly do recognize your associates from the days of flesh. By voice certainly, because throughout your ascension career everyone will go through tremendous change. The voice is one aspect of the personality that identifies a creature as such. This notion of continuing relationship is of certain concern. It is in this activity that many of your initial morontia or mansion world experiences will take place. Many people continue to work as human group associations on the mansion worlds. Part of your rehabilitation, if need be, has to do with making adjustments in some of your previous unresolved relationships.
Student: Do we have choices in who we can establish relationships with, or does it just happen like it does down here, we are given a family of genetic relationships which we had no choice in. We run in to people which we did not plan on. Is this planned by the Father or do we make choices with who we want to have relationships with down there.
JarEl: You are asking a lot at once. Yes, you have choices, yes you can work with who you want to, and yes the Father has a plan for you. No, the Father does not tell you what to do. Others may certainly tell you what to do.
Student: I had no choice as to who my parents were, my siblings were.
JarEl: Did yo not love them?
Student: Yes, regardless whether I selected them or not.
JarEl: Very good, not always do you have a choice of what is available to choose from, though you have a choice to choose from what is available. Just like on Earth.
Student: I guess this is what life is all about, making choices and decisions.
JarEl:: That is exactly what life is all about. More and more you will find that life involves the situations which you are the most uncomfortable with. There is a vast economy of recycling in the Universe. It is much like water. Whatever rain does not fall upon the plant, goes into the ground, eventually goes into a reservoir or it eventually evaporates and comes back down again as rain. All truths are recyclable. All truths must be constantly presented as new facts, new truths, with a fresh face, an appealing style. That whenever a person is ready for truth, truth will present itself. This is what I mean by recycling.