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Spirit of Truth

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The Spirit of Truth is the great Comforter
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Rayson and Friends







The Spirit of Truth is the great Comforter. It is like a gentle rain falling on your souls, and can be called upon and fostered in each human's heart. The Spirit of Truth will never misdirect you. It is able to teach the difference between spiritual truth and mere fact. When you are able to discern spiritual truth, all things reflect the truth, beauty and goodness of The Father. Even in the worst tragedy - which is only a fact - The Father's fingerprint can be detected when looking through the Spirit of Truth and comfort becomes a reality. When one sees God, it may remedy the situation.

As our Creator Son lived to show man to God and God to man and was brought to a heinous crossing by the mortals of the realm, His loving apostles and disciples and other followers secluded themselves from the wrath of the Jewish authorities in Jerusalem at that time. When the Master appeared in his morontial forms, the followers were overcome with joy. But still they remained waiting for his promised spiritual bestowal. And after forty days, or at the feast - the Jewish feast of the Pentecost - the spirit was indeed bestowed. But not only to the loyal followers of the Christ. The Spirit of Truth was a gift from the Son to all mankind who sought truth and oneness with God.

The Spirit so inspired and mobilized the believers in Jesus that they immediately were filled with the overwhelming desire to preach the gospel. Although they forgot the message, the pure message of Jesus, which is the God as Father and all mankind as children of this loving Father, brothers and sisters in this spiritual family, they did preach the resurrection of the Master and the gates opening to all humans who would accept Him as Deity.

The Spirit of Truth was not bestowed only upon one class, one religion, one race, one sex. It was, and is, bestowed upon every ascendent child of time who sincerely hungers for enlightenment, truth, beauty,
goodness, and God. The spirit is not ever perceived by the mortal mind, heart, soul, as the Spirit of Truth, but merely creates an awareness and hunger to know more about Michael of Nebadon, the Son.

Every generation receives a new outpouring of the spirit to insure that the Fatherhood of God - Brotherhood of man concept shall never be lost on this planet. The spirit is bestowed upon all who are faith sons and daughters. However, the spirit is not equal in its bestowal. But, only equal to the capacity to receive truth.

Prayer, while not affecting the Spirit of Truth, does affect your receptivity to its leadings. Therefore, through prayer, my brothers and sisters, you will increase your capacity to receive and detect ever-higher levels of truth and Deity.

Another suggestion I would make is to increase your prayer life each day, and pray to be led by the great
Comforter who will always be there to show you the way. The Spirit of Truth also takes away the loneliness of the God-seeking mortal, for as you have had Jesus here, walking on Earth, living among its people, breaking bread, teaching lessons, if He had not sent his spirit you would feel an emptiness in your souls.

The Spirit of Truth also allows all mankind to find God. As Jesus portrayed man reaching Godward, the Spirit of Truth is the Son reaching manward and leading us to Son recognition. When the evolutionary religions make intuitive leaps forward in understanding it is due to the presence and leading of the Spirit. No generation shall be lost if they indeed have a spark which leads them Godward.

To understand the Spirit of Truth we must understand that times and world conditions change, therefore we have more than the life of Jesus the man-God to derive inspiration from. Jesus revealed man's perfection amidst the times and people he lived in. The Spirit of Truth will show you your perfection on this the world and peoples you live in - which are vastly different from the times the Master walked the Earth. However the higher truth, the hunger for God, faith-filled vision, prayer, brotherhood, and service, and loving kindness-mercy-compassion remain always the fruits of the Spirit of Truth.

To see the Spirit working in your life, observe the fruits of the Spirit. Do you need more compassion? Do you need more service? Stronger, deeper faith? More unselfish love? Prayer will open the channel, and in time the fruits will grow in your life. My brothers and sisters, I pray for you to be more faith-filled and less self-filled. It is the human condition to battle the ego versus the spiritual mind. Observe your lives and correct the manifestations of lower character using the wonderful, powerful helper sent from Michael himself to enrich your souls and make the world a more spiritual abode. Let us thank Michael for the Spirit of Truth, this wonderful bestowal that has helped us all Godward.

Question: When you said the Spirit of Truth was bestowed every generation, can you illuminate that? I don't really understand.

Answer: The reason for this is that each generation of mortals faces different temporal difficulties in the world. The Spirit of Truth is not static, but illuminates truth set against a backdrop of the world circumstances and peoples that are present in that generation. Some generations receive less because they are less spiritually receptive, perhaps more material minded, or perhaps must deal with great distractions, such as your aggressive wars, or hunger, or natural disasters. So unto each generation the Spirit of Truth reaches down to lead the children of time, but it is not a static message. It grows with the generations and illumines truth in the world they live in.

Question: Is it Micheal of Nebadon who re-bestows the Spirit of Truth to every generation?

Answer: Yes, that is correct.

Question: Does the Spirit of Truth work through the movies or any other of the media?

Answer: No, it does not. It works only through mortal beings. And if they work in the movies then, if they
are able to, they can bring truth to the people. Truth, however, can be discerned everywhere: films, books, in other people, and the beauty of the planet. The Spirit of Truth leads the seeker to the highest values reflecting beauty, truth, goodness and Deity. But it does not directly work on things. Only humans.

Question: Is the Spirit of Truth then a personality? Is it to the Spirit of Truth that we pray? Or to Michael?

Answer: No, Michael receives all prayers regardless to whom they are addressed. The Spirit of Truth is not a personality. It is a spirit, which does not create a consciousness of itself, but only a consciousness of the Son.

Question: In the revelation of the Spirit of Truth by generations to our group, would you take a look at the
ages? And there are little babies that are now growing. Is the Spirit of Truth relevant to each individual?

Answer: The Spirit is bestowed in a two-fold manner. It is for every individual to receive according to his or her capacity. In addition it is a restatement of the gospel of the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of man so that no culture, age, race, religion, non-religion, gender difference, will be left out. The Spirit of Truth must take into account not only the individual's hunger for The Father, but also the world that individual is shaped by. That is why there is a generation bestowal by Michael. For example, older people lived in a much different world than a child today. The Spirit of Truth for them led them on a different path to truth. A child growing today might have more choices to find truth to lead them Godward. So the Spirit of Truth is ever adaptable and alert to any stepping-stone to the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of men.

Question: Does the current encircuitment of our planet enhance the Spirit of Truth? Or is it a separate bestowal?

Answer: It is a separate bestowal. However, we have not considered the effect of the re-encircuitness on the mortal mind. This may indeed - and my prayers are for this to happen - enhance the spiritual receptivity and truth-hunger in the mortals of the realm, thereby increasing the awareness-knowledge of the Son. That is a most pleasurable thing to look forward to.

Question: Is it possible for human minds, at this point, to tune in to any universe broadcasts?

Answer: You are already tuned in. 

Question: Is there some sort of test that we can apply to the statements of a T/R in order to discern when
they come from the deep longings of the heart of the T/R vis-à-vis the true teachings of the teacher?

Answer: You can apply the use of the Spirit of Truth.

Requesting the mind of Christ is asking for is a better interface with the Spirit of Truth
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive January 09, 2002.
Teacher Minearisa

T/R Bill



Minearisa: You are becoming more familiar with the unseen realms, the worlds which intersect with yours.  (I refer to reality levels rather than alternate universes.) You are very familiar with the physical time-space level. You are uncertain as to the transcendental level and you cannot grasp at all the absolute level. Despite your lack of familiarity and your intellectual difficulty you are nevertheless experiencing more than the physical and mental levels. You are now much more aware of the spiritual level. I realize I have presented levels in two clusters of three and these are not identical one to one. They are different faces of the one ultimate unified reality, all of which takes origin and sustenance from the Paradise Trinity. So, as I was saying, you are becoming more familiar with the spiritual level and beginning to realize that it has equal solidity with the physical and the mindal levels.  

You are also becoming more convinced that the mindal level has equal validity with the physical; that your thoughts are real and that they have power. Physically you can be present in a room with others and with your eyes open. You can envisage others and see representations in your brain of the presence of other persons, other physical bodies. You are also becoming aware of your connections which are mental and spiritual, where for the spiritual connection you have often used the term, "heart". So I will use it tonight. You are beginning to really cherish your heart connections with each other.  

Your mental connection does not imply that you all think alike, that your politics are different, that your understanding of reality is not the same as your neighbor in this room, although there are great areas of overlap. But on the spiritual level you are alike for your spiritual connection grows out of your divine nature which is given to you by the Paradise Father, Himself, His Fragment within you. That is the same for each of
you. Hence your goals and your yearnings, your desires and your purposes, your great End of Existence share the same turf, are, in fact, the same.  

When you observe others in their activities, people that you do not know in the same intimate fashion as you know some others, what you must strive to accomplish is to gain easy access to their heart connection; to look past the physical, to transcend the mental/mindal differences of world views, etc., and perceive that you are truly united at the spiritual level of the heart connection. This is another way of saying that you are
brothers and sisters to each other because this heart connection is due to your relationship to our common Father, to our God.

Some of you long to share the intimate knowledge which is yours with so many people. You wish to open your arms and embrace the world and tell it, "Look!  We are all the same! We are children of God. We are all
brothers and sisters. Let's focus on that and not our differences". This is the definitive problem of this planet: It does not know its spiritual heritage! You have each in your own way, and to the best of your ability, been attempting to get this message across to others. You have made great efforts and you have had successes. Indeed, you are commissioned by Michael himself, by his Spirit of truth to reveal God to other people. As your level of God consciousness rises, your emanation of His presence will be that much more clearly shown.

Gwen: You were talking about mindal. Is that your conscious or subconscious level. Can you explain mindal?

Minearisa: The term, "mindal", is used in the Urantia Book to designate a level of reality which includes all of what your culture describes as mind: conscious mind, unconscious mind, and we also include superconscious mind, the realm of the Thought Adjuster. The term, "mental", in most people's understanding refers to conscious thought and therefor the term, "mindal", more accurately presents the whole area of conscious, unconscious, and superconscious mental functioning. In addition, there is included in the concept of mindal the whole circuitry of the mind which is the result of the mind circuits of the God of Mind, as that third person of Trinity is manifest on the Local Universe level as the Mother Spirit.  

The human mind is much greater than most of your students of the mind understand. It is not the product of the activity of the brain. It is definitely a reality level which is connected completely from one person to
another in certain ways and not limited to the planet earth, but embraces the entire universe of Nebadon. 

When you say, " like minded people" you acknowledge the circuitry like connections of the mindal arena. It is fairly well approximated by the collective consciousness and the collective unconsciousness postulated by some of your psychologists, but very little has been known about "superconsciousness". Many people are confused when they hear of this for they think that the uprisings of the unconscious mind into the conscious level constitute the superconscious intervention of God. Often severe fanatical reactions occur because of this confusion.

Ken: May I ask you about this connection of the mind...that the mind is connected not only at the material level but also on the upper levels, the higher levels, also. Is that just for those individuals who are so spiritually conscious that they are seeking this connection, that they want to do this?

Minearisa: Your Thought Adjusters communicate with each other whenever they wish. Therefore, on one level the answer is that everyone is connected at that spiritual level. But your question asked if there was an aspect of human intention which elevates this connectedness, the higher spiritual level...

Ken: I believe your statement was that the minds are connected.

Minearisa: Yes. The mindal level is more like a mosaic or a computer network. You have an access terminal into this network which is your individual nervous system and acts as a receiver/amplifier of the mindal circuitry; and in analogy, you have your own hard drive with a certain amount of memory which records your experiences, your thoughts, etc. But you are part of the network and you can share information. This is a limited but relevant analogy. The mindal realm is much greater than a computer network. When you leave this planet, either through natural death or translation, you unplug from the network. Your surviving morontia mind is the soul that you have created with the cooperation of your indwelling Spirit. The soul does not remember everything, for it has been filtered and the transcript that continues in your Adjuster contains only that which has value for the future. Your morontia mind, therefor, is on a different level.

The hundredth monkey concept is not a fluke, it is a reality. Those that think that the mind is nothing but the activity of the brain see the mind totally locally, as sort of a fuzzy area around the brain. Despite that it is viewed this way by many people, it is not accurate. Mind is more accurately described as a receiver and an
amplifier, or a terminal in a computer network. But I hate to limit it to such a paltry comparison.  

Ken: That raises another question. When an individual runs into those situations and cannot handle it adequately to their way of thinking, we are told that we can ask the Master for his mind, to exchange minds for that period. Is that the same circuitry? The same terminal?

Minearisa: Yes and no. The no is that when you request the mind of Christ what you are really asking for is a better interface with the Spirit of Truth that dwells within you. The Spirit of Truth dwelling within you is not synonymous with the mindal realm, but interacts.