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Serenity in simplicity
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive April 9, 2001.
Teacher Abraham










We are discovering that we each live, work, play and learn best when there is no pressure. Ideally, someday you will discover the full meaning of spiritual freedom, and that time really has no bearing on our eternal path. In today's mortal life there are deadlines, schedules and quotas to meet and ever strive to beat. In a world where material goods are so valued you can see how everyone moves, lives and has their being in a constant striving for attainment of more and better.

Economic issues are important in a material life certainly, but when society revolves around this 'striving to attain' the pressures can be unbearable. Pressures from employers, families, friends, society, cause a number of physical and mental ailments. Where is the freedom in that? Does spiritual freedom align with the material life? Yes, if you want it to. Does the universe realize your needs and help open doors to new opportunities? Of course it does. Can you force these opportunities to occur sooner than they should naturally evolve on their own? This is the pressure, my friends.

Pressure is losing sight of real priorities. Pressure is complicated living and always making one feel like they can never do enough, never have enough. The pressure keeps one in a state of continuous want. You never really ever have satisfaction of 'having' or gratitude for 'being well taken care of.' You only see that you are lacking and without. In this complicated world we have forgotten the serenity in simplicity.

Even when one chooses to be of service to their fellows, they feel not the joy in serving but the pressure to hurry and serve, and be done with it. They feel the pressure to squeeze in as much service as possible, as if it is buying a seat at Father's table. The purpose in serving is to connect with Father, to feel the Father's joy and grace working through you.

Bombardment of social fads and advertising tells us that 'only if we do this or have that will we really fit in, will we really be accepted.' The tides are changing where the spiritually minded will say to these social fads and advertising that, "no, we will not be pressured to keep a certain level of success. Father is our goal. Our ever-striving to attain Him is our focus. His grace and working in our lives is our success."

In understanding the law of spiritual freedom know that self or societal imposed pressure limits you in attaining the desire of all people. How are you pressured by the world, your family, peers and employer? What integrity have you sacrificed for the striving of what the world deems valuable? What small steps can you take in relieving yourself of such pressures?

Its all in your perception, my friends. It is how you see the world. It is in your perception of what you think is valuable. Where your treasure is there will be your heart also. In returning to simplicity how much more
time will you have to devote your attention to those things that really matter? Said Jesus, "My yoke is easy and my burden light." Father does not put upon you near as many pressures as you put on yourselves, or as many as you put upon one another. Find time this week to cleanse your life of these pressures. Be observant in life's daily events for there are wonderful lessons therein.