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Practicality needs a healthy relationship with Spirit
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts Lightline Teleconference 2024-08-08

Teacher: Amanson
T/R: Mark Turnbull








“The Practical” is the way of the world but it is also the way of devotion. 

What is practical is that which is eminently doable, that which is available now, handy; in a sense, the line of least resistance. 'Practical' is a term most often applied to our daily doings, the common pursuits of living. And what is more practical than devotion to that Superior Energy that keeps all of these considerations, all of the the many different aspects of a life, going? It is indeed eminently practical to acknowledge and engage the Power behind it all. Start at the beginning, yes? Then life's other reasons to be practical - the daily doings, the many accounts and material pursuits - have a foundation, they are seen from the beginning to be what they are – aspects, chapters in a much greater story and not the story itself.

To be practical is to be observant, wary of that which is not yet within earshot, tuned to a frequency that brings news of future dealings before the future dealings arise. 

'Being practical' is often considered a dreary alternative to the adventurous life, but only if  practicality is missing its foundation: a healthy relationship with Spirit, the Oneness behind all those things people are normally ‘practical’ about. 

Life must be dealt with on a day-to-day basis – there are obligations and responsibilities, but these are only a small sliver of that which must be approached practically. “Practically” implies ‘practiceability’, that which can be done, and we know that in the realm of Spirit, or shall we say on the material plane with the help of Spirit, all things can be done. There is nothing that Spirit, with the aid of man, cannot accomplish. And this is extremely practical. 

To be practical is to be Spiritual in its most forthright definition. It has only fleetingly to do, with conservatorship of money, or withholding one’s natural propensity for change, or even fear of novelty when novelty might be precisely what the metaphysician calls for.  Being practical is allowing life to express itself as Life, and playing your part in that expression accordingly. Practical is not fear-based or hidebound. To be Practical is facing life as it wants to be faced and admitting that life now needs you to reinvent that stodgy old word ‘practical’, allowing in its new vibrancy, which admits life is invention, invention requiring you as its ever-willing partner, practically speaking. 

To be Practical is to be awake, awake and aware, of the ever-changing currents in the life you are leading and being led to.