Perfection and imperfection
SOURCE: Rayson and Friends |
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It has been said that this area of perfection and its counterpart, imperfection, causes more frustration, pain, and time delay in spiritual progress than any other area of consideration in the education of imperfectly created beings. Indeed, I myself continue to wrestle with this topic, and it was the lever, if you will, that was used so adroitly by Lucifer to draw support to his rebellion. He correctly perceived that the subject of perfection and imperfection in the universe is an area of much misunderstanding that begets highly emotional responses from not only beings of imperfect creation but also the equivalent of emotional response from beings created perfect. Indeed, you will spend well over a million years of your existence learning and struggling with this concept and still will not have a complete knowledge of it.
So what is perfect then? Perfect is Father. Perfect is the Trinity and all that emanates there from, unless it be deliberately created with imperfect potential. For they cannot do otherwise than to create perfect, except by most careful and deliberate engineering. You may be interested to know that the Ancients of Days considered it to be a major breakthrough in the creation plan when the first imperfect creation was made. That may even seem absurd to you, but the devising of imperfection by the Ancients of Days was a grand step forward in the history of the cosmos and the unfolding of future, present, and past time potentials over all that is.
So then what is imperfection? Ah, this is a far more difficult definition, for me especially, because like yourselves I do not have a complete knowledge of the perfect and the imperfect, however I will give my humble best of my own knowledge of what imperfection is. Imperfection, as I understand it, is that capacity to make a choice between behaving in the fashion set forth by Father and the Ancients of Days, or not. That which is not consistent with Father's plan is said to be imperfect. For example, the behavior of Lucifer was imperfect, and yet you may ask was not Lucifer a perfectly created being? It remains for me a mystery as to how Lucifer, said to be a perfectly created being, was able to behave in such an entirely imperfect fashion.
But perhaps the lack in my comprehension is due to my own imperfection, and it is important for you too, my friends, to understand that having been created imperfect you will necessarily have gaps in your understanding of the cosmic plan.
When we are created imperfect, you and I, much is given to us. Again a paradox perhaps, but it is not every being in the cosmos that has the capacity to choose other than Father's way. However, because we have that ability, we are in ways that I certainly do not understand deprived of other abilities that generally accrue to perfectly created beings, such as understanding the nature of the cosmos in certain ways. We imperfect beings must learn so much that comes innately to the perfect, however my understanding also is that because of our innate imperfection we are able to serve as co-creators with the Ancients of Days in unique capacities that are not available to our perfect counterparts. We serve as scouts, if you will, into certain areas of what is that cannot be reached by the perfect beings of creation, and for some reason that I do not understand and may never understand, this ability of ours is required for the ultimate settlement of the outer universes.
Has it not puzzled you that the outer universes are not yet settled? I know that it has perplexed me, and yet that is the condition at present. There is so much to discuss about perfection and imperfection, but what I have given you so far I believe is quite enough for one sitting.
Perfection is worship
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive April 14, 2002. Teacher Tomas T/R Gerdean |
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Angus: I've been thinking a lot about perfection, and the relativeness of perfection, etc., in our perfection
hunger, but to me, one of the biggest scams on humankind was the idea that we started perfect and everything literally went to hell in a hand basket after that, and to me that is a scar, a psychic scar that we all have to deal with, instead of having the perception that we are on a road to improvement, we are psychically wounded into the idea that we are on the road to degradation.
Tomas: It is a very old theory on your planet. Way before the Material Son and Daughter were here, your ancestors were primitively downgrading itself.
Mary Jo: I don't think that we can attain perfection on our planet. I think that we strive to improve, and I think we strive to follow the Father's will — maybe we don't strive hard enough — but I don't think that perfection on this planet is attainable. I think we simply work toward it and grow and even in the mansion worlds I think we still will be striving to become more Godlike and I think that is mainly the goal, or should be the goal in our lives.
Tomas: It is the ultimate goal of your Paradise ascent, and yet, even so, in relativity, it is experienceable in your world today, in your life, and thus in others lives' also, if you simply allow yourself to acknowledge
perfection when you see it. Perfection is worship. It is without flaw. It is at one with God. And that is how it is possible for you to be perfect in your realm even as the Universal Father is perfect in his realm. If you put
off perfection, you are guilty of the same technique as those long ago who put off the understanding of the great truth of Jesus that "the kingdom of heaven is within you." If you keep thinking, as many religionists have through the ages, that the kingdom is some future time, it will never come!
Indeed the Master said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom and all these things will be added unto you." Seek ye first the Kingdom NOW. Seek ye first your perfection now, in your life, as you live it, even in its relative smallness, even acknowledging its relative imperfection at the same time. If you are mindful of the values of good and evil and are able to extricate yourself from the concept that you are bad, then you will give yourself a better chance of acknowledging that you are good and that you are a part of the goodness of God.
So acknowledge your goodness now, your relative perfection, as you are able to. Even as it may be a fleeting moment now and then, even as your appreciation of your reality as a part of the Kingdom is a temporary or fleeting recognition. Give in to the urge to feel that divine enmeshment that will reward you with a strengthened sense of connection to that which is ultimate perfection. And thus reinforce your own perfection-hunger and your own perfection recognition.
To say you have perfection is not a feather in the cap of the ego. It is glory to God.