Obedience is badly misunderstood
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive June 25, 2000. Teacher Tomas, Elyon T/R Gerdean, Jonathan |
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Tomas: Obedience is a quality that is badly misunderstood on this world and perhaps for good reason.
Blessed is the child who has an environment in which it feels and treasures trust, for in this environment the simple act of breathing is in obedience to the nature of God. The beauty of the realm in which you live in its natural and even refined states would not bring you harm. Your families, your loved ones, your teachers, these are persons that you want to trust and would obey because of the nature of the relationship, because of the authority involved in the quality of the relationship. It is because the relationship is based on an idyllic love, that relationship which has been portrayed in the beautiful description of the love of the Father for His children and the love of the mortal father for his children. The son who desires to do his father's will is indeed obedient to the slightest nuance of the father's desire, because the child chooses to please the
parent whom he loves. The selflessness of service is in response to an impetus of obedience, allowing the Father to guide your steps, to focus your mind, to deliver your voice; to hold your heart in obedience to that which is holy, righteous, and just.
The world in which you live is well familiar with disobedience. It is indeed more common to disobey than to not. The concept of obedience in much of your culture is an indication of weakness, of being a follower, blind follower, a state not to be esteemed. Self determination and individuality are elements of the human existence that have confused an appreciation of what it means to be obedient. It is not to be subservient; it is not to be a doormat. It is not to be obedient to those lesser values that would render you weak. It is intended that my words to you recognize that obedience is in response to that which calls forth your very soul and exalts it to the level of actually yearning to do whatever it is that is required in order to gain acceptance and pleasure from the idyllic love relationship in existence between divinity and divinity.
I love the hierarchy of the universe. I love the fact that each of us has our realms in which we function to have a sense of duty and responsibility. We are obedient to our trust, and we stay within the confines of our authority and offer to the next authority that which belongs to them willingly, giving up our sense of having no limitation, in full appreciation of the delineation of the many, many roles and responsibilities in order to maintain the universes of time and space. The order of the universe gives me a great deal of satisfaction, and this is possible because of obedience, not only obedience, of course, but obedience is a quality of the children of time and space that contributes mightily to the order of the universe, as you are intimately familiar because of your earthly experience.
How wonderful it is to obey His voice, to come to His side, to sit and bask in the pleasure of His company, to find your direction and have the confidence to walk therein, to have your holy character and have the will to live up to that which you can be when you obey your divine nature, your Indwelling Adjuster, and those authorities in the universe who contribute to your very greatness even in your humble obedience.
Elyon: In your course of life you have all undertaken a discipline of one sort or another, and it is because you recognize that you lacked a skill or talent that another individual has attained and is capable of conveying to you. So you undertook the discipleship, the training, from the one who has some degree of mastery. You did so with delight, for you realize what you would acquire that are present in the instructor. You thereby obeyed the instructions; you undertook the training; you went through the exercises and the drills with the
joyful expectancy that you will acquire what is being presented to you.
As Tomas has said, there is the tendency to not like the word "obedience", for — in particular in the culture you are in — freedom, liberty, and self determination are valued highly. Observing the course of history on this world, this value is good, for much oppression has occurred and even continues. But true liberty comes from mastery, and all mastery is received from a higher master. This requires your dedicated discipline to acquire that same ability.
To obey, to undertake training, is not to give up your ability to determine your own destiny, for you choose your allegiance and you choose your training. It is your course, and the end result is your liberty.
Jesus asked his followers to follow him. The Father asks us all to be perfect as He is perfect. In this way the road is narrow, but that narrow road is only narrow for you; it is another narrow road for another, and in the
totality of personality expression the avenue is broad. It is made up of the fine filaments of every personality seeking the Father and finding Him. It is not the drudgery of following a commander. It is the beauty of following the Father.
Living life to the fullest is not unlike the assembly of a complicated model. It differs in that it is living and adaptive, will emerge and grow as you undertake your project. However, there is a proper order in which a model is assembled to obtain a result. This is where discipline and obedience to rule and law and nature come into play. In the end you have what you sought and you have gained a great prize.