The human mind is capable of greatness
SOURCE: Rayson and Friends |
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Question: When you discuss the three levels of mind, how do they relate to the Infinite Mother Spirit and that mind?
Answer: That is an excellent question. Mind, human mind, mid-mind, must be prepared to receive the Adjuster. It must have attained the seven levels of Adjutant Mind Spirits, which are the gifts of Divine Mother and her spirit. Therefore, Divine Mother is the Deity, which prepares mid-mind for the bestowal of the Adjuster. Also, as mid-mind works with the Divine mind, Mother Spirit is working in mid-mind to help the child of time hear the Divine.
The human mind is capable of greatness, of eternity perfection. But the choices are your own. You, the human will, may turn the mind, mid-mind, away from the Adjuster into sin, evil, even into non-survival. It is this arena, more so than the Adjuster, or the Mother Spirit, which offsets these lower impulses.
Question: Do the impulses then, the negative impulses, that you are discussing come from the lower mind, the human electro-magnetic impulses and if that which you try to fight with the mid-mind, with the help of the Mother Spirit and the Adjutant Mind Spirit?
Answer: Some come from the lower mind. Yes. Some come from character flaws.
Question: Where does a character flaw reside if not in the mid-mind?
Answer: You are not created in perfection; therefore it is the will of The Father to create within you rungs on the ladder of spiritual evolution. These rungs are your faults. Your feet climb it at your will, and your destination is God the Perfect.
Question: Where does the soul go when the brain dies, when the human mind dies?
Answer: The soul is shepherded to the mansion worlds by your guardian seraphim where it is reunited
with the Adjuster and personality of the human.
Question: So if a person’s mental capacity, through either disease or illness or old age deteriorates and
becomes no longer able to function on a spiritual level, that person's soul and Thought Adjuster wait in
the Mansion worlds until the body dies and the personality is resurrected?
Answer: That is absolutely correct.
Question: Rayson, you spoke of the mind being the arena of choice, the conscious mind. Is the will that makes this choice a function of the personality? Is it identical to the personality?
Answer: No, not identical. But it is a personality function. Your personalities are incomplete in your present form. Your soul will become your personality on the Mansion Worlds.
Question: Well, I'm a little confused. We are told that personality is one gift of The Father and is an unchanging attribute or entity.
Rayson: But you have not attained it fully, yet.
Question: Just as we have a piece of The Father living within us yet we are not communicating with Him fully yet, is it similar to that?
Answer: Your personality is bestowed, but you have not grown into it fully yet. Your personality will be seen more clearly in the morontial because it is more fully seen. It is your soul, it will become your soul.
Question: Well what is this thing that does the choosing?
Answer: Will. It is human will. It is a part of personality bestowal, but it is not synonymous with personality. There are times when you may choose to follow higher mind. Other times your choice will be not so evolved. You are the same personality but your will varies.
Question: When the impulses of the lower mind, the electro-magnetic and chemical make up of our mind,
weighs on us too much and we fall prey to it with anxiety or fear or even chemical imbalances or whatever, will appealing to the higher mind offset that, or will we just learn to live with that? Is there a way to reach a balance again in an unbalanced lower mind by appealing to the higher mind?
Answer: The balance will be achieved by your choices. Even though impulses may be strong and sometimes irresistible, you can choose in mid-mind not to act. This is balance.
Question: Though we choose not to act, which I guess in essence is the best thing possible in a situation
where your lower impulses are strongly affecting you, will the choice not to act constitute more soul growth, and will that help ease the struggle? Is there a way to ease the struggle against the lower mind
Answer: Yes. The more the human will chooses the higher road, the easier it becomes, because you make
spiritual progress. Also, soul growth and the reality of the morontial is actually put into practice and lived here on the material level. But you must choose. Starting as a child learns to walk, you fall, stumble, but you must get up again and take those few steps. Even when one has mastered walking there is running.
Question: Rayson, the Urantia Book says that after forty years old the adjuster is like a controller. Does
that mean that the mid-mind is used in some other way?
Answer: No, it just means that mid-mind had become more adept at hearing the Divine mind. It also means that the experience of the human has tempered the will with wisdom and evolved higher values. So choices are at a higher spiritual level and the Adjuster has a bigger field to plant seeds in.
The mind arena of choice
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive April 25, 1999. Teacher Tomas T/R Gerdean |
How the wisdom coding system worksWISDOM CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Target audience (green box) Type of content (yellow box) Reliability factor of content (blue box) APPLICABLE JURISDICTION(S)
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Tomas: The mind is wherein you largely live, for therein is your beliefs and perceptions. You think your way through your reality in the main, inasmuch as now you do not almost exclusively allow your emotions and lesser instincts to command your very existence. Having reached the realm where you are in a position of making choices constantly, your mind is occupied incessantly with thoughts of its own, and for its own interpretation of others' thoughts.
Herein too is where you can consider the topic "The Mind Arena of Choice" for even when you are observing your existence by and through your thoughts almost exclusively, that is to say not your physicality or emotionality but also not including an over-abundance of spirit, herein is where those choices are made that can further your faith or feed your fear. Consciously you would rather further your faith, and superconsciously you would rather further your faith, but there is an element of the creature that prefers the fear.
And a part of you is responsible for that. Fears are very tricky. They are elusive and ingenious at disallowing you to choose, for it is diminished when your self-mastery proves itself the victor with the Master, and it then becomes the vanquished and ultimately so insignificant as to be become non-existant. The lesser self balks at being eradicated.
I call to your mind that part of your mind would have these be very grand and glamorous, such that the millions upon millions of insignificant and superficial fears comprising much of you are not called into account because of their insignificance. I want you to be aware that they're not insignificant and that it is yet again another irrational justification brought on by the master intellectual fraud.
For all of these fears — reasonable and unreasonable, known and unknown — are mere perceptions which you have adopted and/or agreed to by your need to adapt and survive in your animal mode. Now that you are consciously aligning yourself with the will of Paradise, your thinking patterns are called to assimilate your animal nature and it does not want to share. It would have total control. It would reign supreme in your life.
In your deep mind lie each of the paradoxes giving rise to a decision which can help you to realize yourself. Next to you in your essence, in your very being, is your indwelling Adjuster as you allow it to work with you and for you. In order for it to benefit you and help you work through and past these millions and millions of fears, you must opt in favor of following that divine will as compared to that insidious self which is the undoing of all those who would seek to presume upon divine mercy.
This is one of the reasons we encourage you to become true thinkers, and so few people are genuinely good thinkers. They are lazy. Their minds are lazy, for the most part. And we urge you to keep your mind exercised as well as your body and your spiritual muscle. Keep it limbered up with easy faith-giving exercises, such as daily quiet with the Father and an attempt to carry this in grace into your day and throughout your arena, your realm.
Grace is a manifestation of graciousness which comes from the peace which passes all understanding which comes from that poise which is renewed when you relate yourself with divinity, with the subtle, supple summons to walk the path of truth, beauty and goodness.
The effects of a disciplined mind are two-fold, depending upon your intent, your motivation, but if you are sincere in your quest, in due course your Thought Adjuster will become a Thought Controller and enable you to retain your association with those things you have learned within your spirit life that have now become an eternal part of the personality of your soul.