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Does God love us all equally?
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Rayson and Friends






Question: Rayson, you said that God loves us very much. Does He love all of us equally, or does He love
those who are good or trying to be good more than He loves those which are iniquitous?

Answer: He loves all equally. Why would He give you the opportunity of choice? Even the iniquitous among you are given a final chance to choose the ascension career once they have emerged from material life. That is how great Father's love is. Could your love be so great if it were your progeny?

Love is necessary for survival of all beings in the universe
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Rayson and Friends







Love is of higher mind, part of personality expression. Love is necessary for survival of all beings in the
 universe. Not only must they receive love, but must also impart love to others. Love is one of the highest
 accomplishments that any creature can aspire to.

It sometimes is said that love is illusive, perhaps because it is not a material thing, so that when it is
 sought as a material thing would be sought, you lose the grasp - and yet it is most readily accessible to
 all who would have it. And it is so easy to have love. The having of love, the getting of love is a function of the giving of love, which may seem paradoxical, but it is not. Like other God-given qualities goodness and truth and beauty - love is not something that the material creature creates, but rather is something that is passed on through the material creature to others. It is truly a gift from God, given freely, to be experienced freely and freely passed on.

And that is what love is. Not something that can be stored, or even really calibrated in the usual sense of
 your thinking, yet how truly one knows when it is present, how truly one knows when there is love in
 the interaction between individuals.

And one of the wonderful things about love is the fact that the practice of it, the striving to be loving, to
 impart love to others, not only increases one's ability to give love, but also increases the amount of love
 that is in turn received. The more you give, the more you in turn receive. The Father gives us only what we can use. There is no waste in the universe of any energy form.

It is useful, perhaps, to conceive of love as one might think of sunshine, the light that strikes your planet and your nearby stars. Without the light of the sun all life on Earth would perish. Even a small feeble ray of light can sustain some sort of life form. And the sun streams forth its light at no cost, freely given and freely received. How much better, then, is the love of The Father streaming forth over all the universes. Unlike the light of the star, though, there can never be too much. You could never get sunburn from the love of The Father.

There could never be any danger in the receipt of love, or any danger in the giving of love. The love of The Father is freely given and is there - even in individuals who not only do not ask, but also have deluded themselves into believing that they do not want love, that they shun love. It is a fallacy to believe thus, for if the love of The Father were not there, they would perish. But not to worry, it - that never will stop. The shame for such individuals is that in a misguided desire to have what might be called control they may stubbornly attempt to refrain from passing The Father's love on to others and, in so doing, impoverish their own lives and - at least temporarily - slow their own spiritual growth.

 Some worry about protection when giving out love or goodness or truth and beauty, and yet it is not
 these qualities of God that leave one vulnerable. Rather it is the negative qualities of fear and pride and so on that make mortals vulnerable. By working on love, by finding that which you can love in everyone and everything, you can exercise this muscle, develop it to a fuller potential, and thereby help to further your own spiritual growth.

So go forth gladly and shed love on your fellows and watch the results. Some will be immediate, others will be delayed, and many, many of the results coming from the love that you send will never be seen directly by you during your mortal lifetimes. But if you look into your own hearts and consult with your own inner self to find the truth, you will receive every assurance that the love you give causes growth and enhances the universe wherever it may fall,

Love is not just an emotion, and not just a spiritual quality; it is a force of energy. It changes the way the body works.

Like love, prayer never falls without engendering positive results. It always yields benefits and growth - not the instant gratification desired or even required by some - but be assured that the benefit is always there. How healing it is to receive the love of another. Like a drink of cool water on a dry hot day. How healing it is to behold beauty. How healing to experience goodness or to know truth.

Love is the gift of the Universal Father, and is manifested in the Eternal Son. In the life of Jesus on this planet we have witness to applied love, mercy. The gift of the father - love - and applied love - mercy - of the Son is ministered to mortals and other low-level creatures by the bestowal of the Infinite Spirit who down-steps through angels to minister the combination of love and mercy to you.

Love is a constant, which can be seen from the most infinite level down through the most finite. On the greatest level, which you cannot conceive of, the love of God The Father is so boundless that He loves every one of His creatures whether they are aware of His love or not. His love is so limitless that He loves both sinners and perfected beings alike. He is no respecter of persons, but loves each creation individually and limitlessly.

His greatest acts of love to you, mortal creatures of animal origin, are the divine fragments of His Spirit which each of you possess. The Father's love is extended through the ministry of mercy, always - first love,
 second mercy, and always ends injustice. He loves His individual children and His created worlds and systems through the Universal Eternal Son. Their down-step incarnations are the tangible proof of The Father's love and should serve as an inspiration to this confused and sin-ridden world of the existence of divine love and a divine pattern to all creation.

The life of Michael here - as Jesus - is on a spiritual level, the perfection standard to which you should all strive. The message of Jesus was “Love your brother as yourself.” For the skeptic, cynical of heart, or pure materialist, one can argue without self-love primitive species would not survive, without sex-love the species would not have propagated, without mother-love there would be no family home life, without neighbor-love survival would be limited, without tribal-love the elements and animals would have overcome the frail mortal, without nation-love there would be no great advances, without brother-love - the highest concept of love - we would not be aware of the existence of God.

Love your neighbor as yourself. This simple concept is what will take your world into the spiritual light of the new advanced revelatory religion. Simple, but very hard to achieve. Love one another. This involves a self-forgetfulness. Love is the desire to do good to others. And what's in that is to put another's needs before one's own selfish needs for ego aggrandizement. It means that dogma must be put aside. It means that in order to love one's fellows, tolerance must be consciously exercised every day. Jesus asks of you, learn to love one fellow more.

To understand your fellows is to love them. It is a reflection of your capacity on a spiritual level if you love and understand more of your fellows. It is not a measure of lack of divine love or spirit potential. If you do not consciously set out to know and love others you cannot truly know God, for God is not merely intellectual or philosophical, but is involved in actions in terms of service to your brothers and sisters. Service is not “done,” it is merely duty without love. You may do good works with a bad heart.

God is love, but love is not God. If one merely performs worthy acts without God consciousness, you are not entering the kingdom of God, but you are entering the kingdom of good. There is a huge difference. Mere humanism or idealism or political-social motivation is not Godliness, although God-knowing people encompass it. Love is the difference, love of God so strong that you would do anything to know Him and be like Him. And if one love's God and thirsts for God, to that degree how can you not love God's creations? Recognize the fragment of God in your fellows and love that.

One can only love personality. One cannot love concepts. God is a personality in that he is your parent creator Father. Your word love is so inadequate. It means such base emotions on your world that we wish there was another way to describe what spiritual love is.

Love acts without thought of reward. And love - spiritual love - is not defined by results. Plant the seeds of love and the harvest will be truth, beauty and goodness. Of that I can assure you. As to when the harvest comes, that is unknown. But love is contagious and will always be more infectious than fear, anger, hatred or sin. If you are truly illuminated from within by divine love and overflowing love for your fellow ascenders - and indeed all creation - then others cannot help but respond in kind. It is the benign virus of love. And you can be sure that you are doing the will of The Father.

Why, then are you not more filled with love? Why are you - like greedy animals - so often wanting to take rather than to give? John said, “children, love one another.” Why do you spend so much time staring at your own image in an antique glass when you but could lift your eyes upward and see the beauty and majesty of the universe. You will be so enlightened that you could not help but reflect divinity outward. And like a walk to the light, you will be surrounded by the multitudes as Jesus was.

Jesus did not talk down, or preach morality, or fear, or judgment. No. He simply applied love and mercy, and lived that way. And people loved Him instantly. You, too, may be Christ-like. It is not enough to celebrate the Christ. You must be the Christ.

Your planet is surely a backward and dark planet, which is why Michael chose this planet, the better to contrast the light of his love against such a confused and dark, suffering world. Shine your light so that the planet may be uplifted. You to whom so much has been given should not sit and bask in The Father's generosity without in turn reflecting that generosity to others. It is not enough for you to rationalize that you do not like this person or that person, such pettyness comes with ego. It will someday be an embarrassment to you.

You must begin to live the law of Jesus of Nazareth by loving more and more of your fellows the longer you live. The more you grow in the spirit, the more humans you will be tolerant and loving of. This is what the life of the master reflected: trusting in the love of The Father to such extent that even when one looks at this world and sees chaos, and despair, and destruction, and starvation, and conflicts, and hatred, and fear, and ignorance, and rigidity, and immoral belief systems, you can know that the outcome of the divine plan is benevolent, and enlightened, and loving and peaceful, and joy-filled, and spiritual; that when one looks at one's own life through the valleys of confusion and doubt that your faith will know that God loves you so much that the outcome of your life will be ultimately good, goodness; that The Father has created you as you are - in love, and see the outcome of who you would be in love, and that your place is assured but for your choices. You have been created to conquer doubt and fear, anger and hatred, all the demons of the human condition. And though love you will.

God's love is not finite. The more you faithfully believe this, the more love you will open yourself up to seeing. It is always there. It is your inability to take it that is the flaw. You cannot see justice or even fairness, but you can feel the love of The Father if you would but try, and once having felt and become full of divine love, and so moved by the spirit you could not help but to give it away, for you would realize that the more you love the more ability you have to love. Do not deny yourself this gift. Love freely and unselfishly and unconditionally. Love each other with the highest divine love that you can imagine.

A father often must take the long view on a child's growth, and so we sometimes - as children - do not feel we understand His ways. That is natural, but his love is constant. A parent's love never wavers, and your world would be so much more evolved if you each understood that you are secure in the divine love of your father. That fact does not ebb and flow, but is a constant and ever-giving replete well of strength for you to draw from. You cannot simply run out of love.

Remember, to enter the kingdom of God one must love one’s fellows and God. That is the ticket. So I pray that you will be more loving, kinder, tolerant, and understanding toward each other. As God is so generous in His love to you, you also will be generous in God's love to others, through you.

Sometimes love is boring
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive June 21, 1997
Teacher Daranadek
T/R Thea







John: I need, we need struggle. Sometimes love is boring. I can be lost with like-minded people.

Daranadek: My friend, your dilemma is shared by many. You have come up on a world of struggle, and this is a pattern you have utilized to succeed. It will take time for many of you to learn to adjust to the acceptance of joy and tranquility and to find the new patterns of struggle and re-label them, to find the new challenges. Also sometimes this plateau is necessary as internal preparation for the next round. However, if it is prolonged, seek deeper in yourselves, seek to understand your feelings, see if the possibility exists that you have difficulty in accepting the good things, for I must say on this world, the good things have not always seemed abundant to you. This will be an acquirement over time. Share your struggles with your human brothers and sisters, for you will find many willing to talk about this very problem. 

Absorb the words and love that is abundant to all of you
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive April 1, 1998.
Teacher Andrea
T/R Jack








This subject that I wish to bring forth now is on your abilities to absorb the words and love that is abundant to all of you. It is there for you to partake of and to cherish those moments in your stillness of that love that is so abundant to all of you. This is part of the stillness that you create in your endeavors to talk to your teachers and to our Father and His Son to increase your abilities to absorb all of the truths that we bring and also all of the love and understanding that are there for you to increase your knowledge of knowing of the way that our Father and His Son wish for you to know and take part in thereof.

You have crossed many bridges in the past. And each one of you has had experiences from which you have learned many hard lessons. And now you are at the point to where you cannot absorb all of the things that are given to you so freely. I am speaking of the love and devotion that our Savior and His Father have readily placed for you to absorb. Sometimes it is impossible to absorb all that is there because you wonder if your heart is big enough to absorb those things that They have spoken to you, whether it be in your silent
communications with Them for orally as we are tonight. But yet you have this devotion and determination to try and learn and remember the words we bring of the affections that our Savior and His Father give to everyone. This is free for you to take. But it is up to you to guard this love that they give and not cast it aside.

This is one thing that they are keenly disappointed in, is when an individual mortal will take this love so preciously given and cast it aside. This not only hurts the individual mortal, but it also hurts those that rest on high because of Their abilities to give this love to you. It is not a mortal love as you might call it. It is a spiritual love that is grown from your hearts and souls so that you readily receive the words of affection that they give.

The love that we speak of is of the spiritual realm, but yet this can be expressed in your mortal terms of speaking. When you have your peace and quiet of communicating with us anytime of the night or day that you have time to communicate with Them, They are there for you to talk to because of this love that they have for you as an individual mortal. This is love that is so great that there is no way that you can describe it from your mortal perspective. This is something that each individual mortal must feel for themselves, is this love that they give to you. You can experience the ultimate in receiving this because it is the thing you seek in your endeavors to be of the righteous minds that They wish you to be. But it takes effort on your part as a mortal to be at this point to where you can readily receive and absorb the words and love that They give.

You often wonder "Am I capable of this?" and I must say that you are capable as long as you will dwell in His house of righteousness and longing for both He and His Father. It is given so freely that it is available almost immediately upon your call or demand of being able to receive this love and words. Not only of love, but of encouragement in your endeavors to do as you wish to do. Their guidance is there for you to take hold of and walk with them in the path that They have given us all to walk and be a part of.

Your longings are always longings because of your mental abilities that leave doubts in your minds that you are not capable of absorbing what They give. But it is within your capabilities to absorb this. And They ask that you do and be a part of the things they wish for you to be a part of and in what you do. The longings that They have for you as a mortal is no more than what you as a mortal wish of them. But yet They are there, willing to help in any way that They can to foster your abilities in your attempts to bring brotherhood and sisterhood to this planet that you now exist in.

You, as I have mentioned before, are the pioneers of the truth and love that they have brought to you to give to those others and know that it is freely given without any restriction that They put on this love that They have. They only ask that you take this feeling of affection and guard it because it is of them that give it to you that you are also guarding. But do not falter in your beliefs and in your love and understanding because this will grow and grow and the more it grows the more you will understand what the full impact
of this really is in your mortal terms. The terms that I speak of are tremendous. It is endless because it can go from day to day, year to year until you put your mortal bodies to rest and join us in our world. This will be the time that your knowledge will increase to the point that you will realize what it really meant to be able to absorb those things that we have spoken of to you as a mortal.

But you have this eternal longing for the truths that They bring and what we can speak of to help you absorb these truths. This truth is given to you for your abilities to right the wrongs that have been done. Now, we are in this Correcting Time to correct those wrongs, and it will be up to you to help with this. This is why our Savior has brought about this Mission of us talking to mortals, is to guide each one in their attempts to clarify those mistakes and misunderstandings that do exist. But this is given to you through the love that They have for you and that trust that They have in you as a mortal. So you see, the trust the They have in you is not one way, it is also from you to them. Of course, as a mortal, your faith and trust and love and devotion is far greater then you realize. 

Your longings also are of your physical beings and what you must deal with in this materialistic and animalistic world that you live in. So it is one thing to accomplish and another to set aside these things to be able to reach the loving and enduring care that they have for all of you. The abilities that you long for are there for you to partake of. And this is because of Their feelings toward you as a mortal and the attempts that are being made in Their efforts to bring about the brotherhood and sisterhood of all the mortals of
this planet.

Your light grows brighter day after day after day. And each day that you awake in the morning and you start your daily routines you will have in the backs of your minds, "What can I do today that will enhance those things that our Father and our Savior wishes?" And this takes a lot of thought for you mortals to achieve this because of those efforts and forces that are surrounding you and all the other mortals of this planet. But yet you are determined to conquer those things that are objectionable to the way that you feel is the right way. And you do this with a soft, gentle voice to those who do not know the way things really are in the way they believe. You are the light that will shine for those that will come forth and their efforts to seek the truth as each one of you have sought those truths and the love and devotion that They bring to you in Their
efforts to help guide and teach you of these truths.

We, the teachers are the messengers of those words of encouragement and devotion that They give for us to give you.  So, with this attempt of trying to express the love that They give for all, I wish to convey to you that my love for you is also of this same thought. We, that are teachers of each one, and those that are teachers other than myself for this group, are of the same frame of mind in our attempts to bring the words of love and encouragement and devotion that we have for each one of the pupils that are of this unit.

With the thought that I have just expressed of acquiring more and more of the love that is given to you is there for you, as I've stated before, to partake of. But be very careful of how you handle this love because it is very fragile and can be cast aside very easily. 

So, with this thought, I leave with you your attempts to master the love that is given to you. 

There is coming a day of the Heart
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive February 12, 1998.
Teacher Berca, JohnSen
T/R Henry








It is good to share the enthusiasm for the love of the Father. In the realm of the spirit, there is one way to begin to feel connected to Father, and this is through the work and service to ones fellows. We begin our
service much as you would begin a job or work. It is through service that most of the lessons of the spirit are delivered. This opening up to the greater good within which ever brings man to see his true worth.

There is coming a day of the Heart, on your world. This day many are opening up to giving to the ones whom they love. This giving, though somewhat commercial in its outward thrust, seems backed by genuine interest to give to others in a loving and sincere manner. This opening of the heart is truly one of the evidences of the angelic realm working in the hearts of men. It is a great sight for us to see so many people on this world respond in a way they should be responding to their daily lives.

This will be the way in which a truly evolved generation will bring this gift to this world. Again in the spirit realm, everyday is like Valentines day. Our hearts are truly open always. Our sincere effort goes to help you to open your hearts more and more. The opening of the heart is man's effort to allow God to come into the mind of man and allow him to work with you in bringing love into your heart. You must open your heart to this love and with open hearts face your brothers and sisters that they may receive this spirit presence from you.

For love is a spirit presence, it is the presence of God the Father in reality. If God could materialize here, now he would appear just as you are loving, a person ready to give to another that they may receive the blessing
and recognition of a truly great presence. God would appear no different. The Master appeared on this world much the same. He was fearless in his attempt to love every one. It was this fearless and open hearted stance poised in a balanced mind which attracted many to his service. It was this ability of the
Master to love which showed the Father to all of mankind. It was his desire to bring peace to this world that he gave of himself totally, even his life he gave up to this world that you may see that life itself is a part of giving; as you give all, you will receive it again; as he reappeared again in three days. So what is it that giving gives to the Giver?

Giving opens the way for receiving. Receiving more love, universe recognition, lessons you need to learn, mercy. In many ways giving is the honor of returning what you are given, for within you there is truly a fountain of everlasting life and happiness. Giving is the key to unlock the gate to this fountain and allow it to begin to flow through your mind out into the world as loving and kind service and demeanor to others. This alone will bring your mind and its activities into balance, your deliberate and actual doing this will of the Father; opening up your heart to receive love from above, and opening your storehouse of goodness to the world. 

The shape of your symbol for the heart is a symmetrical curve which goes out and away from itself and slowly returns and connects again. This is much the same symbol of your relationship to God in that it forms a symmetrical relationship in man. As Father loves and gives to you and you receive this love into your heart. By opening up your love to others in their service you demonstrate the recognition of Father in others. The symmetry begins to display outside what is taking place within. There is no magic or shortcut to
this endeavor. That which is truly given allows you to draw upon the mercy credit of the universe, the continuing ministry of the spirit; The love of the Father. The loving and brotherly companionship of the Son, and the serviceable ministry of the Mother Spirit and her retinue of angelic presence.

So as you go about your day in this world, try to live with more consciousness of sonship and daughtership, the symmetrical response to your own relationship with Father/Mother God. Also remember to daily bring your mind to focus on this purpose and intention as you begin your daily journey into the gift of life in which you function.

JohnSen: Man can never hope to attain a truly great society without spiritual symmetry. A great society of individuals is only as great as those individuals are willing to give of themselves for the greater good of their brothers and sisters, society.

  • It is truly the act of today which develops the character of tomorrow.
  • It is to one having, that has been given.
  • It is to one who needs, God is truly searching.
  • It is for life itself, you are given its gift.
  • It is for your brothers and sisters you are given love.
  • It is for grace and harmony that Spirit enters.
  • It is for recognition of divine truth, man seeks.
  • It is the conflict in life, man's great teacher.
  • It is the heart truly opened, that spirit enters therein.
  • It is in the sound of silence that you will hear God speak.
  • It is for the life worth living, you are truly to become.
  • It is God's recognition of reality, that you ARE. 
  • It is from abundance, you are nourished.
  • It is for the Glory of God all things exist. 

These affirmations are to help you sense the singular commitment you have made to the Spirit Presence within. You can only be shown so much before you must act. It is upon acting which allows for the practices you develop to be given further guidance. Life is a lot like music. You can sit and study and read the notes, playing them in your head, but until you play them on an instrument, you have no music. Love and its spiritual counterparts are the same, again the symmetry, they don't really exist until you bring them into existence. For this you were given life. For this God has chosen to come down from paradise and personally live within to guide and service you. For this all of humanity awaits its glory. To the most worthy student are given the most difficult lessons. It is for this life here and now that you are a student. As you begin to bring the spiritual motivation you experience truly within the arena of your activities, the world will begin to benefit from such teaching. So my dear friend, begin to put away the fear you were given, and begin to see yourself as a truth son of Divine light. Use the strength and resource you are given to bring your mind to release its spiritual fruit that all may enjoy its sweetness. Begin to rely upon the effects of what you give to others to sustain you, to nourish your soul and to inspire your spirit nature. 

Love one another even as I have loved you
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive April 19, 2000.
Teacher Abraham







Said Jesus, "Love one another even as I have loved you." This was not so much a request from the Master, but a command. How can you love everyone — even those that have wronged you? How can you create a new and ever flowing current of this love between you and your fellows? It is difficult to love individuals who are not giving love or positive energy in return.

God can become more when you gather together, and you have the power to take Him with you wherever you go, with whomever you meet. You find it easy to see the God in one another, but it is difficult to see him in individuals you do not know or have had negative experiences with.

"Love one another as I have loved you." How does the Master love us? I do believe He sees the God and the good in each one of us. From that foundation the love begins to take root. The Master sees us on a Kingdom-soul level as in we are all children of the Most High's. The concept of we are brothers and sisters in the Kingdom of Heaven — we are all children of God — is the base that we find commonalties in. Everyone you meet you already have something in common with them. We each are an extension of our Father. We
are His children.

Jesus understands that we each have a path we must take and our experiences will shape who we become. Because an individual is different from Him, or perhaps they have a more narrow vision than Him, does not put barriers between Him and the individual. The Master knows why we have become who we have become. He expects us all to be different in personality and characteristics. He does not always agree with the choices we make, but He does so much love us for our efforts. He does understand the love we so crave and search for.

The Master has promised us that to love one another as He loves us is to have an enlarged capacity to receive divine revelation or greater understanding. This greater understanding teaches us of those greater
realities we will utilize to make the spiritual corrections we need here on Earth and usher this world into Light and Life. Light and Life cannot come about without the Brotherhood.

This week, my friends, ponder upon what it means to love your fellows as Jesus loves you. What does that mean? Does He look past the outer shape to the inner soul — the seed from which you bloom spiritually? To love one another as He loves us is to be able to take your fellows intolerance of you and make it a positive upliftment instead of a negative blow. When you look at your mortal acquaintances can you remember the commonality in which you all share? Contemplate the fact of how much power you really have to promote
the Brotherhood, and be in a mode of giving and not so much worrying about what you can receive.

Letting God's love flow through you
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive December 19, 1998.
Teacher Althena, Olfana
T/R Susan, John







Althena: As God's Love continues to increase and produce great blessings in this world, you will see the beauty increase in this world. You will begin to feel the revitalizing energy, which can indeed begin to emanate through your beings. This is the gift, that God's Love reaches to all of us, and expresses itself in the symbol of our beloved Christ Michael entering this world. 

Love in indeed a gift that we can pass from one to another. Love sustains us in ways mysterious, and yet at the same time, understandable. We are indeed created out of love, and therefore we resonate most strongly to the energy and vibration of this Gift from God Within Us. Let yourselves express this marvelous gift in your very being. Breathe in the love. Exhale the love. Walk with the pace of love. View the world with love. Touch and caress others with love. Speak with love in your heart and mind and voice. This is the most beautiful and positive expression of yourself that you can make.

And I would encourage all of you to realize that you have just begun to understand all the ways in which this beauty of love augments your being. We are touched by this in all our relationships. Help to develop this as a model among you. Be yourselves with love, in love, by love, through love, of love, and you will indeed be resonant with this Divine Energy, and you will best express the message of the Creator Son in his gift to this world.

Olfana: When Althena urged you to be yourselves, and to do so in love and with love, she is asking for a most profound openness on your part to a transformation from within. As with all transformations, this transformation entails releasing ideas and assumptions about yourself that are part of your legacy, which would have you persist in your fixed ideas about who you are, and what you are capable of, and what you are not capable of. When she asks you to "be yourself," she is not asking that you be the self with which
you are already most familiar. She is asking that you allow the potentialities, which the Father has sown within you, to emerge into your awareness and into your experience. And she is asking that your love, the love you have for God, and the love you have for your fellow creatures, incite you to open yourself to this "self within," these selves within that await your openness to spring into being.

You are more than you think you are! You are more beautiful than you think you are. You are more talented than you think you are. You are more gracious than you know you are. You have more love at the fingertips of your soul than you can dream of! Continue to bond with one another. Continue to establish working relationships to assist you in bringing your deeper selves into the light. Continue to seek the Will of the Father Within, for it is His Will that all you are is shared with all you meet. 

What does it mean to live to love?
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive September 27, 1998.
Teacher Welmek







Think for a moment, what does that mean - to live to love? How has it helped you in your life to discover the meaning of this and how might your friend discover it for him or herself?

Love is the dominant feeling in the universe. Unfortunately, while it is natural, while it does flow unconditionally from the source — from God, most humans must experiment, must learn through experience to find and give love. Let us think about what is love. Love is the desire to do good to others, and we could add and to yourself.  In order to find love, you must search, you must experience, you must experiment. Perhaps as a child you received love from your parents or from friends. As you grow older you seek love from your brothers and sisters, you find moments and opportunities of love from them. But to truly know love in the very deepest sense, you must seek the real source of love. This would be the search to find the love with.

When you tap that eternal source of love, you know without question what love is because it is now something you can feel throughout your whole being. Just as your physical mechanism senses through your eyes and ears, your soul has a way of knowing and it is through its own sensing it feels. And when that soul feels love, it knows the truly reality of what it has felt. It is an inner way of knowing. If you have not experienced it, it cannot be proven.

What does it mean to do good to others? What does it mean to love God, to love yourself, and to love others? When you experience what you call your romantic love, is it not your desire, as you think about this person much of your day, to find ways to please them? You do little things for them, you exchange sexual favors, and all of the other ways you have to show this love. This is something you think about — how can I
please this person? So how is it that you can please God? If God is the source of all things and each of us are mere mortals, we can give God what He has given us. But you cannot love someone whom you do not know.

So you must take that time to learn about God — to learn to know God. By taking time to do this each day you develop a relationship with God. You can worship God, and when you feel God's love, it would be a natural outpouring of love from God.

What does it mean to do good to yourself? Well, to find that source of love within is the most worthwhile thing you can do for yourself. Why do so many not do it? Because they allow the barriers of anger, lack of
forgiving themselves or others, laziness, complacency, self-absorption, all of these are barriers. The love of God is all around, it is humans who put up these barriers. You must break through these barriers. It is easy, one need only to ask and you will receive. But you must ask and you must experience and you must try to seek God's love. That is the greatest thing you can do, because until you find that love within yourself, you will struggle to be able to love others.

You may find one or a few that you can love, but to love all, to see all as your brothers and sisters, this will be a greater effort, this will require finding that love within. And what can you do for others? Love is the greatest service one can give. In the universe, that is your constant purpose, that is your constant desire.

How can you find a way to do good for them? What is it that they need? Do they need help with some physical task? Do they need someone to listen to them? Do they need someone to play with them? Look at the person and ask what is it that they need. Sometimes they are not sure themselves. You must look deeply within them, you must as you say read between the lines, you must intuit what it is they need. For sometimes they know exactly what they need at that moment and it may be nothing more than help with a
particular task. There is a wealth of opportunity to serve, to love.

It is not always easy to discern how you can help, for after all they all know how to go within and find the greatest help of all. But we do find ways, we are still growing, we are still learning, and we still have needs. So we find ways in those opportunities to help each other, out of desire to do good. It is a way of serving, it is a way of loving, it is a way of deepening our experience of love.

Every individual offers you an opportunity to learn; what can you learn from it? Maybe you can learn more truth, maybe you can see more beauty and help you to feel more love. But everyone has something to offer you. If you spend each day first seeking this well of love, let it flow through you, let it fill you. Then, as you go through your day you feel that love with you and you look for opportunities to share that love, to serve others, to find a way to help them. Then you are living the way of the universe. For the way of the universe is to live each day to love.

And so to do your best right now and to look at any problem, you need to know its past and its destiny. Do you glimpse the destiny that I have portrayed to you of the universe dominated by love? And within yourself, can you not sense what that might be like? And in your past, were there moments when you did not feel love at all, and perhaps not even glimpse what we now talk about? And so, you are in process, are you not? 

Somewhere between your past and what you see as the glorious ideal that you now begin to see as you walk this path. Therefore, each day is a wonderful experience to learn, to learn to live in this love more. Some days you will feel that you have accomplished more, others days you will feel that you have not accomplished much. But is this not the process of learning? Do not judge yourself. Simply ask yourself, am I trying? Am I trying to understand? Am I trying to live to love more than I did a year ago or ten years ago? If your answer is "yes" then you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, then you are following God's way. That is the path of life.

I do not mean to suggest to you that you are at a point where you would radiate the love that the Master would radiate. But that is the goal and it is something to strive for. What you are is not as important as what you are striving to become. Do not be hard on yourself. There will come a time as you grow in this understanding of yourself and as you feel more love for yourself, that you will naturally have the desire to share this with others. But you must understand that others do not always respond. Were there not even those that the Master could not reach and closed themselves off? You can only do your best, you can only try. The difference is whether during your day you still feel connected to this source of love. If you still feel this connection, then you can seek inner guidance as to what might be best for this person or you can simply allow that love to flow to through you. 

Imagine this other person surrounded in the bright light of love. You can do this without ever saying anything to this person. Throughout your day when you are busy and are absorbed in your tasks, when there are break moments, when there are times between tasks, reconnect. The more you can retain this
consciousness throughout the day, the more peace you will find, the more serenely you will get through your day, the less stress you will feel at the end of the day. This is the goal, this is the process, it is not
easy to achieve. It is particularly not easy to achieve in difficult jobs and the stresses you face.  

It is a matter of time and it is a matter of perspective. You are given this concept of being perfect. What does it mean to be perfect? What would it take to do everything right? Our expectations are often unrealistic. You will never, never know everything. You will never be perfect in all ways. You will become perfected in one way, and that way will be to always seek the will of God, the way of God. Your motivation is what becomes perfected. That is the only thing in us humans that becomes perfected. 

Now, let me ask you, do you have some control over this idea of seeking to find the divine way, seeking to follow the divine path, and to find this love and peace? Is it a choice you can make to pursue this? And so, in your own way you are becoming perfected because you are making choices and you are choosing this path to follow. And so you are on the only path that is available to you. In no other way can you be perfect. You must eliminate this thinking from your mind. Following God's way is the only way you in which you can achieve perfection. It does not mean that you can know everything.

Take this into stillness with you, take this concept when you are still, bring up this concept of perfection in your mind's eye and at that time ask the Father to clearly help you understand this idea, this concept of
perfection. And while it is there in your mind's eye, allow the thoughts to enter to help you see perfection in a new way. Have you ever experienced any one who is perfect in any way on this world? 

But until you understand perfection from a spiritual level, it causes great confusion, because when you look at the level of the material world, then you think that other humans should be perfect in the way they act or think, in knowing all there is to know about something. You see, you apply this concept of perfection at levels that it cannot manifest.

But when you apply perfection to the spiritual level, then there is a way, there is an opportunity for it to be, and that is for you to pursue this path in doing God's will. It does not mean that in every situation you will always know what is right, but it means that you will pause and you will seek the right way to relate to others.

What did the Master do? He said, "Father, not my will, but yours be done." He sought God's will in each of the things he did. That does not mean that you will always have a clear or perfect answer or know the perfect way. It only means that your motivation to seek the best way is real and genuine. And gradually it will become perfected in the sense that it is what you will always seek.

All humans seek love. When they do not know to seek it from within, they must seek it from without. They seek it through acceptance from their parents, brothers and sisters, their loved ones, their spouses. But you see, all of these people are human and fickle and imperfect. And no matter how much you do, how much you attempt to please them, it may never be enough. There may be some other reason they withhold their love from you and you cannot find that reason, so you constantly seek to find why. This inner innate desire to find love was given to you intentionally, because you must find love in your life. But the mystery is that you cannot find it only in other people, you must find it in God. You find this unconditionally loving parent who says to you "I love you, you are my child. I only ask that you share your love with me. I don't expect you to be perfect. I expect you to make mistakes. I accept you and all of your imperfections and I accept you as long as we share this relationship, this love."

So now, when you find this source of love, then you know you have it — it is permanent, it is ever lasting, eternal. That is your anchor, your foundation of love that you build upon from within. When you have this,
it is your foundation. The fickleness of the love and acceptance from others, perhaps frustrating and disappointing at times, but also wonderful and enjoyable, is part of the world of change. And no matter
how hard you try, no matter how much you do for someone, tomorrow they might say "that is not enough, I want more." So you might never be what they want you to be. So you must let go of that to some degree. It does not mean that you should not try to please others, to be a good person, to be loved by them, to seek a relationship of love, it does not mean that you should not try to do well or please your boss. But it means
there are limits and not to seek your only source of acceptance and love from people.

You will set up unrealistic expectations, you will set up an expectation of yourself whenever you do not get the love that you seek, that somehow you are failing, somehow you are not yet perfect yet. That will create
feelings of unworthiness and insecurity within you. And you will not love yourself if that is the way you see yourself. Your self can not be created from the images of others. It must be created from the true image of your real self, the God within. When you see that real self, all the rest is shadow and change. But that is the dilemma. God has given you a concept of perfection, a concept of love and an innate desire to seek and achieve these things. Where do you seek them? Who is the measure of how successful you have been? You must transfer that acceptance from without to within, and when you do that you have been born again. You have begun to seek the real you, your real self.

You are still in the physical world and you will still want and need a certain degree of love and satisfaction and success. These things are natural, you should continue to strive to achieve them. But you must lessen your expectation, lessen or change or transform this concept of perfection from without to within. And as you do that you will find that what can be almost obsessive for many people will lessen, then you will live your life more in balance. When you are dominated by the images and perceptions of the outer world, you
are out of balance. When you are dominated by living only in the spiritual inner life and do not deal with the real world and your brothers and sisters, experiencing them and with them and through them, you are out of balance. It is not wise to retire to monastery for all of your life. You need experience and interaction with others. So you must find balance between the material and the spiritual, between you inner and outer lives. And this is part of the secret, the mystery of leaning to walk day in balance. Of learning to live, learning to love, living to learn and living to love.  

Let me add one more thing. Most humans feel this sense of unworthiness because they are not perfect — perfect in their physical appearance, perfect in their intellectual acuity, they are not perfect in the way the world wants them or they think the world wants them to be perfect. And as you make this transition, you will see that that is not a realistic expectation on the part of others for your worth and value to be measured. Therefore, your worth and value should not be measured by others, but should be measured from your sense of awareness of who you really are, your real self. But at the same time as you lessen this expectation of measuring yourself by the judgements of others, you must, in turn, not look for perfection in others. Is that not only fair? You will not find other humans who are perfect, so do not expect that from others.  

This fragment of God that indwells you is your pilot, your guide. It will guide you through experience into
understandings you must obtain. If it were not so, then you would not need to do anything, to experience anything. You would only have to turn within and say, "what is the answer". But, the answer comes through the sorting, and the analysis, and the evaluation, and the building blocks of experience.  

We are all teachers and learners. At one moment you teach, the next moment you learn. I teach you, but I learn from you because you add to my experience. Let us all seek together the only way in which we will find perfection, and that is to simply share our inner life with God, to do the will of God, to find the way of God. And this simply means that in each situation seek to find the love, the love that is the desire to do good to others — what is in their best interest, how you can serve them. In serving them you love them, in loving them you serve them.

Love is an attitude, an intention of service toward your brothers and sisters
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive March 17, 2000.
Teacher Ham
T/R Bill







Let's speak once again about LOVE. As you mature in your spiritual progression, as you move from mortal understanding to gain greater spiritual insights, you are also learning that the word love denotes an ever-greater and expanding reality approaching cosmic manifestation. Indeed there are many who are beginning to understand that love is more a matter of the will than it is a matter of feelings. It is possible for you to choose to love. Your mortal flesh follows suit with feelings that you would normally attribute as affection.  

Love is an attitude, an intention of service toward your brothers and sisters. Love is the desire to do good to others, and when it is wholly sincere, it will result in actions. You see, if love was based upon feelings it would be limited only to those you feel comfortable with and who you approve of. When our Master entreated us to love our enemies, he totally transcended the realm of feeling in terms of a door of entrance. If you are commanded to love your enemies and love were based upon your feelings, this would be totally absurd and impossible. We are enjoined to love our enemies. Therefor logically and truly this love is not ultimately or initially a matter of warm, fuzzy feelings. To love our enemies is to be God-like and to recognize that the status of "enemy" is in a large part a perceptive category. The reality of that other person is, in almost all cases, really as another son or daughter of God.  

If your enemy should be not of normal mind then this is of a different situation, and in that case these words do not apply. The matter of discernment as to where another person whom you term "enemy" is in fact a faith son or daughter is not something that you can easily decide. Therefor we recommend that you take the default position that this is so, that your enemy is, in fact, a brother or sister of the same Parents and worthy of love, as you are kin. When you attempt to love an enemy, think to yourself, what good could I desire for this other person? What could I pray for, wish for, and even possibly help effect that would be in the best interest of this, my enemy? To love another is a matter of intention, a matter of attitude.  

Love takes no count of worthiness before the bar of judgmental human nature. Love is patient and kind. It is not paranoid. It does not imagine evil about other people, but always expects the best. And as the Apostle Paul so beautifully stated, love never fails. Love is the attitude of God. It is the essence of God's nature. It was out of God's loving heart that he decided to create the worlds of time and space, because he desired to share his nature, his existence, his joy, with other personalities. Love begets love. It creates new opportunities. Love rejoices in diversity and in the expansion of reality. Love is never self-centered, never scraping, stingy, rude or abrupt. Love expands to embrace all others. Therefor love is the greatest thing, the greatest reality in the universe. Knowledge is constantly expanding, and that which is superceded falls away like scaffolding. Our expectations for the future are imperfect, and will be fulfilled in ways greater than we can imagine, but love remains the staple, the foundation, the quest and the eternal prize.

Divine love
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive March 1, 2001.
Teacher Tomas, Aaron
T/R Gerdean







Ginny: Is it possible for us mortals to love more divinely? I mean, even each other? How can we do that? It seems so much of a premium on this planet.

Tomas: How indeed are you to know and reveal a better kind of love — a higher, divine love, as compared to the human and sentimental and romantic love of the mortal creature? Once again you will find your answer in the heart of Stillness. You will recognize those of you who have engaged in a communication with Our Father within, that He responds to you in love but it is not the same kind of quality of love that you would get from your companions, peers, parents, teachers, children, neighbors, et cetera. The realm of divine love is such that your emotions are a lesser factor, but in human love, emotions are the greater factor.

Love to an animal is having its needs met. You feed your pets and they respond and you think they love you. The same truth can be perceived in relationships, human relationships of all sorts, yet love is often the least 
factored of all. Many times your relationships are based on respect, which runs a fine line with fear; many times your relationships are primarily sentimental, which runs a fine line with tenderness; many times your 
relationships are intense, which runs a fine line with driven. When lovers say "I love you" it is because they see their ideals reflected, and so they are saying, "I see myself in you and I like myself" but as soon as the facts of life reveal themselves, that which is reflected may not be "love" but something else, thus love must be redefined on each new level of experiential living.  

This is why love is advancing. The state of puppy love of the pubescent is not that far removed from the idyllic love of young lovers, but it is far removed from the octogenarians who have seen life through heartbreak, health problems, death of children, war and so on and have within them a profound appreciation for the constancy of their companion. And so while we realize the full range of human love as having great value, it is a wise student who will seek to perceive what spiritual love is, as compared to mere human love.

In the short term definition, divine love seeks to find the farther view. Indeed, Our Father who IS Love, is able to see the ending from the beginning, He has such perception, such clear vision, and from this vantage point He understands how the creature is responding to the moment by moment situations en route to a more sublime understanding that can only be born from experience, from having garnered wisdom. A point regarding higher love is therefore a certain detachment from all that is a reflection of the human condition. 

Divine love persists even when you are ugly, or frail, or wrong, or lost, or unlovable. And humans haven't got what it takes to consistently love unlovely mankind. Only a divine love is capable of seeing it through, through forbearance, through long-suffering, through meditation and understanding, through forgiveness, through the long run, from the farther view that will give the perspective that transcends the human condition in making room for the divine perspective, which is true love.

Love is a far greater fact of life than anyone has yet imagined
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SOURCE: Lightline Teleconference  2024-09-26
Teacher: Amanson
T/R: Mark







Amanson on Light

I will speak tonight of Light and the lesson it leaves you with. 

You have brought forth much light from the deep well of your imagination which in turn has, through your faith, ignited into bright, living spiritual Light enveloping much of the life you live day by day. And what it presents you with is the opportunity to delve further and further, say deeper and deeper, into the furnace that stokes all the machinery at play in the universe: the bureaucrats of Light, the harbingers and messengers of Light, the beings and essences of Light. The truth of Light. 

Is it all Light? Yes. 

And is Light at its very core Love? Yes. 

So the Light you envision, that you call forth in your healing exercises and  proactive vibrational work, the Light you quite consciously bear about you like a universe-tailored cloak, is Love. It appears as Light; it works as Love. Your deepest calling, your adherence to this thrilling, mediating, transforming material of the galaxy that seems to hold everything in place in its brightness and wonder, is, at heart, Love. Love that can be seen is Light. Or, Love is seen as Light. 

But now consider the prevalence of the phenomenon of Light, its omnipresence, and think of what that is really saying, what it is really trying to tell you.

Love is a far greater fact of life than anyone has yet imagined. Or at least very few. It has caught the fancy of poets and playwrights for centuries, and it became a fad amongst a very necessary generation a while back (remember, as I know you do, “All You Need is Love”?) But what was missing from this noble but incomplete vision is “All There Is is Love”. Such an experience is blocked daily, hourly, by the machinations of many a bruised ego seeking to hold its head above water by any means necessary, but that should not blind you to the fact that all of life is Light (that’s science) and all of Light is Love -- Love you can see, and call into practice; place into various situations -- in any location -- through the mechanism of Mind. And the onboard tracking device of Faith. These are materials working in dimensions not considered much in the ‘everyday world’, but such dimensions exist larger than any power exists in ‘the everyday world’. And they wait to be utilized by Love, the very Love from which they originate. 

Tie yourself to the original point of entry and let Love become active as, and in, Light. Where there is Light there is Love and where there is Love there is Light. Mind can summon them; allocate them.  And the Heart is the burning beam of it all.

Holding that Steady Beam of Light is first and foremost a matter of attitude steeped in Gratitude. How can one project a steady stream of the stuff of Holy Thankfulness if one is not thankful oneself? The highlight of any day is the moment both sides of this coin are revealed at once; when the Light sent out has taken root and is beamed back by a fellow Light connoisseur, whether your fellow would see it in those terms or not.

The Steady Beam of Light projected into and onto the world is born of a different realm, one that adds weight and substance - odd for a commodity called ‘light’ – to a world thin with exhaustion of its own elements, elements of a seeming magic unto themselves – DNA, enzymes, flora, fauna, seas, stars, seasons – but elements which without the added ingredient of Spirit (i.e. Light) can only yield so much, can only give forth a measured output. But when radiated with the Light of Spirit – as vegetation is nurtured with the sun and rain – the world becomes a many layered and purposeful palace of wonders, with no boundaries, “no fences facing” to quote a beloved poet. 

By projecting – some would prefer the term ‘extending’ – a Steady Beam of Light, the opportunities for this growth above and beyond the local become illuminated. One senses by example the existence of such realms and the world becomes larger exponentially. 

The Steady Beam of Light lights not only the world around you but the world within you, a much larger area indeed. When Light falls on any area of concern how much brighter the outlook, for suddenly the parameters of what looked like an enclosed, insufferable, inescapable helix is now bathed in a sort of magic elixir, a potion that can cure rather than conceal. The Steady Beam of Light is gentle but relentless; will not allow past shadows to keep their positions, will not allow past attitudes to hold their customary place in the pantheon of prejudices. 

When one is confronted with a Steady Beam of Light, both the beholder and the bringer, the torch bearer, are changed – brought closer to this Light and made more like it: effervescent, telling, open-minded, devoted to its Source as an extension of its Source. The beam knows it is but a beam, but the Light of which it consists is the Beginning and the Ending, the Bringer of All Beams. And you then, bearing such a beam, have become part of the living process by which the world is transfigured by these individual Steady Beams of Light. 

The Steady Beam of Light is the answer to that nagging question, “What can I do? How can I help?” There is no greater help one can bring than to be a daily bearer, an hourly bearer, a constant and happy bearer, of The Steady Beam of Light. 

This is serious business. Smile.
The vibration of Love
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SOURCE: Lightline Teleconference  2024-10-31
Teacher: Amanson
T/R: Mark


Amanson on The Vibration of Love

'The Vibration of Love' is the nature of the Oneness. It is the Oneness created. It is all things wrapped into One with their origin; the crystallization of the Holy Moment of Creation set to its purpose and allowed into the atmosphere. It IS the atmosphere.

The vibration of Love is much more than a simple vibration and yet it is exactly that - a simple vibration. But the fact that it is a vibration of Love makes all the difference - now it is the Alpha and Omega. The Love that holds the universe - all the universes - together is beyond the scope of telling. Neither word nor thought could ever encompass it, yet deed can portray it, and therein lies the vibration's conscious entry into the resemblances this Love has created; created through its vibration. For all [created] things are, in essence, vibration - frequencies - at various speeds for varying purposes. And these vibrations all come back to their Mother: the Vibration of Love. 

So the term, our subject here, the Vibration of Love, can - like the teachings of Jesus - be considered (and appreciated) on many different levels. It can be a catch phrase, a song lyric, a provocative new twist on 'The Word'. At whatever level one wants to engage with it, it will meet you there. But understand: it is more than a simple thought, a way of placing a concept in context. It is the very basis of all Life, of the universe, of the many universes and all that encompasses, and then beyond even that. 

And yet the magical part is it all comes back to you. It emanates from you. This fundamental source of the very Life you and everyone else is living originates in you. You are, if you will only slow down and see it, the Vibration of Love. It has you. It is you. It began time and now it has, from a place beyond time, acknowledged you. From the beginning you were and ever shall be 'The Vibration of Love’.
Man must love fully or he will become the lowest of the animals
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SOURCE: Chief Dan George


In the course of my lifetime I have lived in two distinct cultures. I was born into a culture that lived in communal houses. My grandfather’s house was eighty feet long. It was called a smoke house, and it stood down by the beach along the inlet. All my grandfather’s sons and their families lived in this dwelling. Their sleeping apartments were separated by blankets made of bull rush weeds, but one open fire in the middle served the cooking needs of all. In houses like these, throughout the tribe, people learned to live with one another; learned to respect the rights of one another. And children shared the thoughts of the adult world and found themselves surrounded by aunts and uncles and cousins who loved them and did not threaten them. My father was born in such a house and learned from infancy how to love people and be at home with them.

And beyond this acceptance of one another there was a deep respect for everything in nature that surrounded them. My father loved the earth and all its creatures. The earth was his second mother. The earth and everything it contained was a gift from See-see-am…and the way to thank this great spirit was to use his gifts with respect.

I remember, as a little boy, fishing with him up Indian River and I can still see him as the sun rose above the mountain top in the early morning…I can see him standing by the water’s edge with his arms raised above his head while he softly moaned…”Thank you, thank you.” It left a deep impression on my young mind.
And I shall never forget his disappointment when once he caught me gaffing for fish “just for the fun of it.” “My son” he said, “The Great Spirit gave you those fish to be your brothers, to feed you when you are hungry. You must respect them. You must not kill them just for the fun of it.”

This then was the culture I was born into and for some years the only one I really knew or tasted. This is why I find it hard to accept many of the things I see around me.

I see people living in smoke houses hundreds of times bigger than the one I knew. But the people in one apartment do not even know the people in the next and care less about them.

It is also difficult for me to understand the deep hate that exists among people. It is hard to understand a culture that justifies the killing of millions in past wars, and it at this very moment preparing bombs to kill even greater numbers. It is hard for me to understand a culture that spends more on wars and weapons to kill, than it does on education and welfare to help and develop.

It is hard for me to understand a culture that not only hates and fights his brothers but even attacks nature and abuses her.

I see my white brothers going about blotting out nature from his cities. I see him strip the hills bare, leaving ugly wounds on the face of mountains. I see him tearing things from the bosom of mother earth as though she were a monster, who refused to share her treasures with him. I see him throw poison in the waters, indifferent to the life he kills there; and he chokes the air with deadly fumes.

My white brother does many things well for he is more clever than my people but I wonder if he has ever really learned to love at all. Perhaps he only loves the things that are outside and beyond him. And this is, of course, not love at all, for man must love all creation or he will love none of it. Man must love fully or he will become the lowest of the animals. It is the power to love that makes him the greatest of them all…for he alone of all animals is capable of love.

Love is something you and I must have. We must have it because our spirit feeds upon it. We must have it because without it we become weak and faint. Without love our self esteem weakens. Without it our courage fails. Without love we can no longer look out confidently at the world. Instead we turn inwardly and begin to feed upon our own personalities and little by little we destroy ourselves.

You and I need the strength and joy that comes from knowing that we are loved. With it we are creative. With it we march tirelessly. With it, and with it alone, we are able to sacrifice for others.

There have been times when we all wanted so desperately to feel a reassuring hand upon us…there have been lonely times when we so wanted a strong arm around us…I cannot tell you how deeply I miss my wife’s presence when I return from a trip. Her love was my greatest joy, my strength, my greatest blessing.

I am afraid my culture has little to offer yours. But my culture did prize friendship and companionship. It did not look on privacy as a thing to be clung to, for privacy builds walls and walls promote distrust. My culture lived in a big family community, and from infancy people learned to live with others.

My culture did not prize the hoarding of private possessions, in fact, to hoard was a shameful thing to do among my people. The Indian looked on all things in nature as belonging to him and he expected to share them with others and to take only what he needed.

Everyone likes to give as well as receive. No one wishes only to receive all the time. We have taken something from your culture…I wish you had taken something from our culture…for there were some beautiful and good things in it.

Soon it will be too late to know my culture, for integration is upon us and soon we will have no values but yours. Already many of our young people have forgotten the old ways. And many have been shamed of their Indian ways by scorn and ridicule. My culture is like a wounded deer that has crawled away into the forest to bleed and die alone.

The only thing that can truly help us is genuine love. You must truly love, be patient with us and share with us. And we must love you—with a genuine love that forgives and forgets…a love that gives the terrible sufferings your culture brought ours when it swept over us like a wave crashing along a beach…with a love that forgets and lifts up its head and sees in your eyes an answering love of trust and acceptance.
This is brotherhood…anything less is not worthy of the name.

I have spoken