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Light is revelation — Life is evolution
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive July 4, 1998 Teacher Elyon T/R Jonathan |
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Light is revelation. Life is evolution.
You are the meeting of the two. You have correctly discerned that this light is the presence of the Father. This inner spiritual luminosity transmutes into mindal enlightenment. It then becomes that light which so
shines it blesses all others. All throughout the universe we are witnessing the creation of matter as it has condensed out of energy.
This energy, many of us are still dumbfounded as to how it comes into being. Yet we witness on this stage of matter the development of such a broad spectrum of living beings that it becomes even more baffling how life can manifest itself in such variety. Then there are those higher than both of us who are amazed that we can rise up out of the organismal level of life, out of the biological elements of matter, and perceive the Father and receive the Father and become one with the Father. This is, indeed, a miracle. Then we witness within ourselves the emergence of the Creator of life.
It is often said that, if you simply open your heart and receive him, he will commune with you. This is very true of your Creator Son. However, with the Father, when you open the door to your heart, you are letting Him out. He is already within you; He has already come to dwell. So, there is the divine downreach, but in
reality it is an upreach from within you. And for you it is an inreach, more correctly so, than an upreach.
It has been said that heaven is in your mind; I correct this: Heaven is in your spirit. This pilot light illuminates the realities of Paradise as best as it can be transmuted into the mind and soul of an evolutionary creature. The Father has projected life from Paradise, through Havona, out into the stretches of the universe, and we are all reaching back in our lives toward Him. We are creation, in a sense, in reverse. The Father has cast abroad; we are all gathering in return.
Light is and has been and will be always. Life is creation. Life will become the reflection of light. The pure, unadulterated luminosity of the Father becomes animated, orientated, directionalized, refracted through you. This is the Father's will. He desires to experience the spectrum in display of His luminosity, all of which is pure brilliance at His residential abode.
Julie: It's been easy to see light in other people, but at home there have been times when I tried to find their Thought Adjuster, to see if they have one, and I can't. So, I think I don't really need to; if they have one, they have one. But in searching for that connection in these people, is there a tool?
Elyon: You are one who is in a position where you witness a spectrum of humanity which often rebels against light. We have spoken of the inner spirit as the pilot light. The human being is the navigator light. This is a means whereby you may determine the presence of the Thought Adjuster: is that personality navigating? Is that personality charting its course based on the map of the Father's will? If not, then you enter into the uncertain zone of: does this individual know of the reality of the map of the Father's will? Does this individual realize the responsibility of navigating this life vehicle toward the Father? If this individual has rejected this notion, then you must, because of your mortal condition, leave the rest to the Father, for it is His choice to remain or to withdraw. Here also is your opportunity to
minister, to in some way either through demonstration or comment attempt to bring into awareness the privilege and opportunity every personality has to navigate their way back to the Father.
Jael: Elyon, do you have any words for me about working at the school? I'm excited to be going back.
Elyon: We have been working with this idea of pilot and navigator. These young souls who you have the opportunity to minister to can benefit from the vision that life is navigable, that there are radar resources through which they can determine what is out there in life and how they may carry themselves toward their
goals. That skill will take them into any field of endeavor and help them to experience success.
Of course, not only is your direction in life important, but your manifestation in this moment is also very important. It will be rather simple for you to reveal this present sense of belonging, of acceptance toward life, joyous anticipation of excited love. You have already done your homework in this arena, so I really have no advice for you.
Mary: Emotions can really run away with you. You don't want to rein them in too much nor turn fanatical or hysterical. I feel it emotionally and physically.
Elyon: May I make a picture for you?
Mary: Oh, yes.
Elyon: The mind is like the equalizer in your sound system. It functions to heighten or restrict various frequencies. Your emotions are like your volume control. When the mind is equalized, emotions adjusted to the right decibel, then you reflect your soul. As you said, if the volume is too high, or too low, you restrict
this, or you become out of control. But the mind and the emotions work together.