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Being less judgmental on yourself
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive August 5, 1999.
Teacher JarEl
T/R ?








JarEl: The first step in judgement issues, in judging others is to stop judging yourself. Once you begin to 
start seeing yourself in a clearer and a more productive image, an undefective image. When you can begin to see this in yourself, you can then begin to see this in others. To use an analogy from my basic theme; when you begin to see and discern God in yourself, it is much easier to see and discern God in others. You cannot see in others what you must first see in yourself. This takes time. You need to begin to see yourself more complete and whole, to begin to move towards that aspect of yourself. Yes, use prayer and meditation to strengthen the spirit, your soul. They begin to reinforce and resonate within your personality. It is the higher aspects of your personality which will begin to draw you towards yourself. But as long as you are feeding your your lower-self, you will not evolve from that; so metaphorically begin to feed your higher self. See yourself whole, undefective; begin to get a picture of 'Who YOU are'. Do not be discouraged or overwhelmed that what you might see may overwhelm you. 

Student: You might say to 'Lighten up on ourselves'. We are designed to make mistakes and to learn by them. The Father is enjoying watching us make mistakes and learning from them, so we should strive for the higher things, yet not take ourselves too seriously. Would that be a partial solution?

JarEl: It is wonderful to receive advise from elders and their experiences.

Student: I would like you to comment on an approach I use to be that less judgmental of myself. I see myself as a father, and I see myself as a son of myself; putting myself in the attitude of a loving and all-kind father with an attitude of seeing me as a little boy, recognizing all of my mistakes, seeing these as from the father perspective, I can love this little boy for all of the good in him and see the mistakes as such only. I am the Father and the little boy; in that way I can love the boy from the perspective of an all loving father. 

JarEl: This is a very good metaphorical analogy. It is also good in this analogy for the little boy to truly see the father.

Student: It works both ways doesn't it. In this way I can develop a more personal love for the father as a little boy; and as the father a more personal identification with the love for the little boy without weighing the mistakes too heavily.

JarEl: One of the things which needs grasping is this element of time. For example, consider the possibility that spiritual growth may take two, three, maybe even four times as long as material growth. In other words, don't be so discouraged with the gradualness of your growth. This in part identifies with the Father in that you can see and sense something way before you actually experience it. You need to allow the time it takes to grasp this, for as you are all well aware, grasping is ninety percent of the reality.

Begin to see grasping and growing as part of this developmental process, because it has to operate on a whole system of being. It has to work with every cell of your being at the same time, not just your fingertips, or your heartbeat, etc. It has to work with every part of who you are all the time. Remove yourself from the framework of time and see how you have changed already, and see over time how you have been led as a little person to be confronted with these truths about yourself that you are dealing with full time. The fact that you are being faced with challenges full time is evidence you have grown that God 
recognizes your preparedness and conviction to now deal with your real life.

Student: When you say give yourself time, somehow I feel that time is not an absolute, it is relative, that if we can visualize something, it can happen NOW. It has to start now, especially if we have the willingness to 
grow to that point of being led by the spirit. We have the Father's trust, then we should dive in right now. We should start giving. This is the choice we are making, we are saving our own lives, you know. Even is we become vulnerable, we can trust that we are partners with the Father, he is protecting us. So we don't have anything to loose.

JarEl: Absolutely! It is beautiful to hear your words and voice gracing our presence. As one who has been challenged as you have, knows quite well to act. To take action for your own responsibility. Realize that time is not subject to your acting NOW. It is well-put thank you.

Student: We are in part of eternity now aren't we? 

JarEl: Yes, you are in full swing of eternity right now.

Student: I have made the observation that spirituality was a special evolving trend simultaneous with the very sad disintegration trend on the planet. Could you possible enlighten us about that.

JarEl: You just did. Yes, what you speak of is a polarization, a high contrast situation. What this is evidence of is a tremendous spiritual effort on part of Michael and his volunteers of Nebadon to come to this, the bestowal planet, and lend a helping spiritual hand to the monumental task of sorting out the confusion which has resulted from decades and decades of millennium of the rebellion on this part of the system, particularly from the spiritual one time administration of this world that went astray in doing away with the Father's plan for personal and social evolution of this world. You are not forgotten. There have been many who have left this world the stronger. There is a particular challenge on you world to access spirit in the face of defeat, in the turmoil of confusion, in the sadness of persecution, in the tapestry of apathy. To access God from the simple call within indicates tremendous integrity and consecration of will to begin to stay the tide which seeks to pull you under; the corruption which seeks to claim your soul. The un-loveliness which seeks to close your heart, locked tight in fear to touch another.

Student: We are double challenged then being raised in this negative atmosphere on this planet.

Student: I would like to comment on that because it bothers me to hear people talk about the 'negativism' that seems to exist from the outside of ourselves. I see the inappropriate use of free-will for thousands and 
thousands of years on this planet, and we are experiencing the consequences of such inappropriate misuse of free-will. We have had the opportunity to use our free will from the very beginning and to this day we continue to use it inappropriately. So every time we do collectively, we experience the consequences of 
ill-appropriated decisions.

Student: As we are mindful on a moment to moment basic of the conscious exercise of free will, so many times the sins of omission are as devastating as the sins of commission.

Student: I think it is a matter of attitude. I have been accused of being too optimistic, and I am personally fed up with ninety percent of the population on the planet, and I am rather apathetic I suppose, but there are a lot of things which are beyond my ability to do any good for, or to recognize that I am doing any good for, and I figure people are going to be the better for it all at some point. 

I feel that getting all wound up about this society breaking down and all that, I guess it is a matter of attitude. I think there is a lot more good in the universe here than in the most horrible things that occur, like in wars, to me I think that there is a lot of good that comes out of them. I have not yet met any one that is downright sinful. I have always been able to see that even if they are not able to manifest their intentions, 
that deep inside their intentions are very good.

Student: I believe that there is tremendous opportunity for optimism and that this is the way we should be. When we solve problems, we need to go through this to create a spiritual existence on this planet, and it will be the better world for our optimism.

JarEl: Let us not loose sight of the fact that it is Michael's responsibility to turn this planet around and turn it around he certainly will. It is your responsibility to turn yourself around. It is very challenging to walk 
upright in a land of deformity.

Judgment is never accomplished by one individual
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive May 04, 2001.
Teacher Cora
T/R Bill







Cora: In the English language the word judgment has several meanings.

Marty: I am fully aware that we should not judge others at all. But I have always thought that I needed to judge myself so I learn right from wrong and the better way to do things, etc. Is that not a judgment or what do you mean by not judging yourself?  

Cora: There is a distinction to be made between the word discernment and the word judgment. Your understanding of right from wrong as you have just stated is a matter of discernment. Your self evaluation of moral value and spiritual worth is a matter of judgment. Yes, if you have made mistakes, and are trying to figure out what causes them so you can avoid them in the future, this is a matter of discernment.

Judgment implies an internal judge who causes you to feel unworthy and guilty. It is a usurpation of the
function of conscience when your mind decides that it has enough information to competently reach a verdict of guilty.

In the universe judgment is always the function of a group. Judgment is never accomplished by one individual. Even the judgment of the galaxy is a triune function of the Ancients of Days acting as a trio. Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to truly judge themselves or others for they are a single individual as well as the fact that they don't have enough information. An individual neither has the ability or the role of judgment.

When judgement enters your thinking it is for naught, all bets are off
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SOURCE: Lightline Teleconference  2024-10-31
Teacher: Amanson
T/R: Mark



Amanson on Judgement

Judgement is the wall between you and your fellows, erected from the wrong assumptions, presumptions, the flawed prescriptions of your limited (very limited) personal assessment of any of your fellows and the situations they find themselves in. You simply don't know. You may gather all the data - the facts of the matter - and set them in a row, ponder, decide and make your pronouncement (who hasn't done this?) but the truth of the matter is data and facts are not the truth of the matter. Again, how would you know? You simply don't. So on what basis do you judge? "I wouldn't have done that"? How do you know? You are not they and it is their situation. You are assessing these things from the ground level - eye level - and there is so much you neither see nor comprehend from this limited viewpoint, that to judge one of your fellows, in whatever circumstance, would be the height of presumption. 

But now let us discuss the difference, the very great difference, between judgement and discernment. A life cannot be successfully lived without the essential ingredient of discernment. There is too much territory to be covered in the expanse of a life to do without the navigating compass of discernment.

"This is the correct direction."
"This would be a mistake, a wrong, even potentially dangerous, decision."
"This can wait. It would not be wise to attempt this now."
"These people seem to have a hidden agenda. I will steer clear of them."

This is the very necessary divining rod of discernment. 

But discernment is not judgement. There is nothing of the 'judgemental' about it. No one will be shamed or looked on as guilty in the simple eyes of discernment. Not so with judgement. 

Judgement is a shadow thrown, a shadow condemning another human being or  circumstance involving other human beings (who are hard-put enough, whether they realize it now or not), but who might be spared - along with yourself, the judge - the superfluous mental fatigue, the needless complication that goes along with judgement, for both the judged and those judging. 

The goal is to free ourselves from the false narratives that hem in a life, that confuse and obscure and hide that Light that is the only solution to the egoic machinations that drive a person into those oh-so-human entanglements, entanglements inspiring shame, anxiety and guilt in one party, and the haughty, false, unjustified illusion of judgement in another.

Love should be extended: a life raft, not judgement. For who can't use the life raft of understanding in this difficult and stormy world?