How the wisdom coding system works
Type of wisdom (purple box)
E = Evolutionary wisdom
R = Revealed wisdom
H = Hybrid wisdom (evolutionary + revealed mix)
Target audience (green box)
P = Personal
G = Group (non-personal)
Type of content (yellow box)
C = Curated content (paraphrased, re-written, enhanced, translated, etc.)
O = Original unedited content from external source (direct excerpts, complete content, etc.)
M = Mix of both curated and original content.
Reliability factor of content (blue box)
1 = High
2 = Average
3 = Low
X = Cannot be determined.
[ ] soil [ ] Land [ ] Sea [ ] AIR
- Check boxes indicate to which planetary jurisdiction the contents of the page is applicable.
- Can apply to one or more jurisdictions simultaneously.
- All the applicable jurisdictions will have a check mark.
- For additional information about the scope of these jurisdictions please refer to this chart.
- For additional information about the properties of these jurisdictions please refer to this chart.
SOURCE: This row is used for recording useful information about the source of the wisdom entry.
Honesty moves in stages
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive December 11, 1998 Teacher Christ Michael T/R Nancy |
Honesty can seem to be so painful until completed. I use the word completed because honesty moves in stages. There is the first appearance in one's mind and emotions concerning the issue. There is the further understanding that occurs. Honesty is like a layered onion, the whole of your personal truth. It requires removal of successive layers to reach the central truth where the most basic level of honesty lies.
Many wish to take the knife, slice open the onion and go directly to that central piece. Yet this is not how personal understanding occurs. It is discovered layer by layer. But discovery does not occur without
communication. In order to peel the layers of this onion it is absolutely essential that communication take place.
This communication is triune in nature. Communication needs to occur between the personality and the Indwelling Spirit. Communication must also occur with one's ego self. And communication must occur in interaction with one another. All three are critical to discovery of personal truth which is required to be honest.
We are talking about the entire onion as honesty. In speaking one's truth honestly as you know it to be at the time, it frees the space that the deeper truth, the deeper fears may surface, be known, and be that much more open.