You must keep a body and mind of clean habits
SOURCE: Rayson and Friends |
The things that you do daily, that you do regularly, are important. Negative habits can be overcome by prayer, but let us not dwell on negative habits, you must gain positive habits. Prayer, worship, on a daily basis is a good habit.
To love others, even if they do not show love to you. That can become a very good habit. Don't be afraid to show love and to work on your own development by positive acts. Little acts can become great acts if you practice in making them become habits.
Many of you, because of this environment you live in - this mortal realm - have habits you wish to get rid of. You cannot destroy anything, not even habits. You must replace them with good habits. Pray for this. The strength you need to accomplish this is yours. Ask the spirit within you and you shall be granted this energy. It is not easy, but you must make the effort. That is what is meant by progression into the positive states and on to the expansion of your soul.
Don't be afraid and hold this off, you must do it. The sooner you do it the better. But do not be ashamed, do not blame yourself if you cannot immediately obtain these goals. The important thing is you must strive, you must desire to better yourself. Make this a habit: always strive to better yourself. From the smallest detail in your life to the largest. It is a goal you can attain.
Question: Could you speak a bit more about habits? Define habits, maybe?
Answer: Do you have a particular habit you wish to bring up?
Student: Probably many of them.
Rayson: So do we all.
Question: Lets see. Well, when you're raising kids you have so many habits that you want to try and improve upon so that you don't pass them on. Impatience is a habit.
Answer: It is crucial to control your habits when raising children. Impatience is not necessarily a habit. It is something that is carried over from your animal background. It can be a habit if you persist in it. When you are impatient think of eternity. Think of the ages upon ages that you will be here, and realize that a moment spent well is worth many hours spent haphazardly and impatiently.
Certain habits can promote spiritual growth
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive January 06, 2002. Teacher Malvantra T/R Mark |
I will play with the analogy of habits and consider for a moment that your efforts at self help may be likened loosely to a rehab clinic. As you have well noted, those aspects of your reality that you choose to allocate your limited resources of time to work together to form an overall picture, with various influences acting upon and effecting your overall view. By choosing to change your priorities and to reallocate your resources in a direction you see to be beneficial for your being shifts the influences at play and allows you to operate
in a new paradigm. This is done quite simply and effectively in your material plane by the development of proper spiritual habits, habits that promote your growth and understanding, which create circumstances conducive to your overall awareness. It is your conscious choice to be here at this time, as you have formed a habit of these rendezvous. This habit impacts your paradigm and promotes certain spiritual growth characteristics. Likewise does the habit of stillness and meditation promote certain growth aspects only accessible through these techniques; likewise does your attitude adjustment or swing to consciously change your orientation to one of positive approach as opposed to its complement.
These are steps that, if taken, are immediately effective on your spiritual growth and your spiritual pursuits. Yet the act of our allocation of your time resource is the key fundamental to the whole process of the development of good spiritual habits.
It all starts, ironically enough, with your material plane and the fact that you have many influences drawing on you and acting upon you. It is required of you, therefore, that you must make choices regularly, daily, even hourly, as to which of these influences will be given the greater play, the greater part, in your lives.
This is where the rubber meets the road in terms of developing a spiritual framework from which you may springboard as you grow. You are all aware of the consequences of your choices on your daily routines, your spiritual growth, I would just comment that the admirable traits of self discipline and self mastery accompany these wise spiritual decisions to make habits of those aspects you discern to be spiritually beneficial to you.
It is often said that actions speak louder than words. Nowhere is this more true than in the witness of others to your disciplines and priorities. One may make a great verbal argument for spiritual growth while another may use self discipline to undertake spiritual growth. I daresay that the example of the one pursuing rather than the one discussing would be the one that will draw attention and also will command the rewards of the effort.
So, my suggestion to you today is to be conscious, aware of the choices you make each day, each hour. Be prepared to be bold enough to choose that which your highest self perceives to be in your best interest. Then through your personal discipline make those aspects your habits where your priorities reside, and all other aspects of how, where, when, and why fall into place as if by magic.