Thought Adjuster Fusion
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive March 29, 1998. Teacher Malvantra, Machiventa T/R Mark, Daniel |
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Malvantra: It is important for you, in your ascension, to actively strive to lift off the limitations which everyone has applied to their own situation. Many of these limitations may be repercussions of previously learned material throughout your life. You, in your process of ingesting truths, may have, in error, told yourself that such conditions would never be available to you; that only superhuman beings may avail themselves of this particular technique. I desire that you lift this limitation off your being, that you embrace the potential that all individuals have access to this avenue of ascension through your stillness practice, through your discipline, and through your efforts it is entirely possible for you to be so synchronized with your Adjuster that you would be advanced to the next level without the normal evolutionary progression having to take effect. This is a potential which has been underestimated for quite some time; indeed, it has been unknown on your world for most of its existence. Some of you have become aware of this potential through your studies, and therefore you are head and shoulders above most of your brothers and sisters who do not even possess awareness of this Fragment within them, let alone the ability to become one with this Inner Fragment.
It therefore behooves you to present yourself with certainty as to the presence of this indweller, as to the eventual fusion with this indweller, and to the harmonious coexistence with this indweller until that time. From our perspective, we see that time is all that is required for this sequence of events to take place, and that, in our eyes, you have already achieved this goal; it is simply time and experience that lie between you and this destiny.
If you were to make this comfortable with your brothers and sisters around you, that this is an eventuality, it could offer great peace of mind to many of those who are quite uncertain of their destiny as well as many of those who suspect this to be their destiny. So, be joyful when discoursing with those around you that you are safe and secure in the eventuality of this realization. As you gaze upon them, instruct them that you are also certain of this eventual reality for them, as it is in store for all.
To address your question - which I am aware of - there have been definite examples of mortals of your realm in your time who have reached a level of devotion so as to transcend the material steps of dissolution and morontia status. I decline to give individual names as this might foster unusual amounts of attention to any individual.
I would leave you with the knowledge that this is more than a potential; this is an actual waiting to happen. All that is required is the dedication on your parts individually to desire and to pursue it. Many times this intensity does not occur until an individual is in an extremely stressful or life threatening situation, but it does occur. You would be well ahead of the game to aspire toward this eventuality in full awareness and with full preparation. As I stated, it is not if, it is only when, and it is only the difference between sooner or later. I leave you with that certainty.
Jonathan: Springing from this, we read in the Urantia Book about attaining the first psychic circle which prepares us to fuse. The book says that to fuse we must then unify our experience. A musical analogy might be that the seven psychic circles might be like recording seven tracks of a song to tape. When we work on ourselves to the point of laying down that seventh track, there still is the mixing to produce a balanced song. Can you comment on what remains between attaining that final circle and the event of fusion?
Malvantra: Picture this, if you will: You may individually, carefully and slowly work on each individual track and step until you have defined them to your satisfaction. Then imagine having developed through this process the capability at one time to do a live take where everything simultaneously and with correctness transpires.
Tom: Why would one aspire to fusion when so many service opportunities are on this planet right now? I understand that as finaliters we return to planets much like our origin, anyway. Wouldn't we enjoy a greater opportunity for service to postpone that fusion until later? Is it possible to fuse and stay around?
Malvantra: You should aspire toward the eventual goal of fusion for the sake of the aspiration. This desire is a propellant and is a focal point for your energies. Many times you will discover that having sought after a goal, upon arrival it was the journey to the goal that was the important factor. The aspiration toward becoming one with the Adjuster would be sufficient propellant to align you more so with that Adjuster. It is true that of your own free will you would choose to alter this course, to postpone this course, to redirect this course so as to gain more of the journey.
It is the journey that is the building up of life experiences into your personal library which is significant. Fusion is the cherry on top; it is the carrot at the end of the rope, what you are reaching and striving for, all the while taking many steps to get there, all of which are valuable to you in your soul-growth career. So true, live life to the fullest as you are here. Do not make the mistake of not gaining the experience that is offered to you while in this state with the idea that you must hurry and somehow get to fusion. It is not important, as I said before, It is a pre-acknowledged fact, your fusion. You should rest securely in that. The only question now is how and when and how much in between can be stored by your personal library. True, do not reach for fusion as some final goal you must hurry and attain, because the journey to the inevitable is what it takes to reach the inevitability.
Machiventa: I would add one small comment to what my brother has shared and that is you will only attain fusion if you wholeheartedly pursue and at the same time understand that the actual fusion itself will not occur one moment before you are personally ready for it to happen. You need not worry that you will miss something if you fuse prematurely. There is no such thing as a premature fusion. You will certainly be absolutely ready for the moment if you wholeheartedly walk towards it. That is all I would add.
Jonathan: I understand you are saying the potential, the almost ready to happen, fusion is like the hour has not yet come when we are soulfully satisfied with all the experiences prior to fusion. Then we can say, "It is finished", and the event will occur. Is that what you mean?
Machiventa: Yes, that is it, when you can personally know and say, "It is finished" as the master did.