Free will
The law of personal liberty
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive March 12, 2001. Teacher Abraham |
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The following article makes frequent use of the work liberty in a personal and spiritual context applicable only to animate living and breathing men and women, which fall only within the soil and land jurisdictions. It must be pointed out that the word liberty is also widely used in the legal context within the sea and air jurisdictions. In the context of the sea and air jurisdictions liberty only applies to corporate and incorporated entities which are inanimate group organisations devoid of actual life, and in this context, the word liberty is frequently used to mean license to do whatever the organisation wishes to do within the particular legal framework to which it is beholden. As an example, an army may be granted a license to legally murder people under a declaration of war. Liberty of this nature is diametrically opposed to the type of liberty being discussed in this article, which is limited to liberty to do good to yourself and to others, within the parameters of free will as framed by divinity.
I will discuss a universal law with you — that is the law of personal liberty. Liberty is viewed as a gift from the heavens, but I like to look at liberty as if it were a map to our Paradise Father.
Many people in today's society are seeing religious or spiritual values as binding, or imprisoning the true nature of a mortal. They view spiritual values as a contract to keep that promises eternal salvation. Should you choose to break the contract, then of course there is no salvation to be had many believe. The true nature of the ascending soul is rooted in liberty and free will. The freedom to experience, learn to the best of their ability and in their own time, use their wisdom gained to assist others and uphold universal laws.
Some religions teach their own version of universal laws, which are not congruent with the ascending soul. Of course their laws and universal laws seem to work against the animal-self certainly, but universal laws are a natural outworking of evolutionary experience and are in alignment with the ascending soul. The universal laws are looked at as equality enforcers, safety measures, and assistants to the growth of the Supreme Being.
The law of personal liberty teaches us that Father is calling His children. He wants to be known and made personal to each individual child. The law of personal liberty tells us 'all choices are ours to make.' The Father loves you enough to let you go and find your own way to Him, in your own time, according to your own ability. There is not need to hurry or be pressured to follow a correct path or risk losing eternal salvation. All things work best when there is no pressure — only peace. Peace allows the best in everyone to
rise above turmoil, negativity and darkness.
There are many aspects to the universal law of liberty. I will mention the very important aspect of 'integrity.' As we mature in our spiritual growth we learn to sharpen our view of integrity. Integrity is the intention to
uphold universal laws and choose to trust in those On High. No doubt does the Father have an overall picture and superior outlook on all that was, is, and will be.
Spiritual liberty with integrity chooses Father — not the ways of self. Of course, we will all have hopes and desires, goals and dreams, and Father knows this. He does not ask you to sacrifice any of these things. He only asks that you stand-by, allow Him to help, because while He is teaching you, He incorporates others in to also teach them to create a higher good. Remember we are working for the growth of the Supreme. To be with spiritual integrity is a commitment to upholding universal laws. In your commitment are you more empowered with spiritual gifts to assist in creating greater good.
As we all know, Lucifer and his cohorts promoted greater self-good. They had not spiritual integrity and worked not for the growth of the Supreme Being. They disregarded universal laws in favor of self-indulgence. Their ultimate craving was to be superior, set above others, to gather attention and be praised. Self-fulfillment was their goal and while liberty allowed them to put their goal into action, integrity stopped them in their accomplishing it.
Everyone has personal liberty, but not everyone is with integrity. Do you understand how integrity carries you far beyond being a part of the universe to becoming an integral inner working of it? It is worthwhile to ponder spiritual liberty with and without integrity. Where does self lead you and where does self-forgetfulness lead you? Where does your map of personal liberty lead?
Free will is an aspect of your self-worth
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive April 27, 2001. Teacher Daniel T/R Bill |
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Daniel: The great gift of free will choice is yours because you are persons, and you are in the personality circuit of the First Great Source and Center, the Universal Father. This free will gift is also an aspect of your self-worth. It is incontrovertible evidence of your status before the universe as persons, not merely things.
Personality is a gift of the Father. All personality comes from the Father. It is the way in which man is made in the image of God. The image of God is personality, and essential to personality is the ability, within limits (your free will ends where another's free will begins), to make free choices. The Father respects the grandeur of personality in each personal creature. He respects his own reflection so much that he allows each person to choose his or her own destiny. It is up to each one of us to decide whether we will choose to go in the direction that the God of the Universes desires for us, or choose to go in a different direction, in our own direction, whatever that may be. God loves us enough that he allows us the choice to reject him, if that is what we wish to do. God loves us enough that he allows us the freedom to make mistakes, but more than that, to continue to make mistakes even though we know they are the wrong way to go. If he did not do that we would be robots. We would have no choices, and this would indeed demean our status from person to thing.
I tell you this so that you will pause and be amazed at the great respect that the Father of Personalities grants to each of his personal sons and daughters. Michael, known as Jesus of Nazareth, in his humanity always chose, to the best of his knowledge, to do that which he understood God desired. He did that because he knew God as a perfectly loving, completely good personality, as the most fatherly of fathers, the most motherly of mothers, the most perfect parent. He knew from childhood that even as his own parents loved and cared for him, so his Heavenly Father loved him and all His children even more profoundly. His trust in God was replete. It never wavered. He never doubted that his Father would always care for him and do what was best. Even in the worst of his times, the hour of his trial and crucifixion, he never doubted that the over-care of God was absolute. Because of his perfect trust in God there never entered into his heart or
mind the desire to do other than that which would please his father.
Having lived through bad times with your Planetary Prince rebelling and Adam and Eve defaulting prematurely, you have not had, until this time, an adequate understanding of God. Jesus gave it, but it fell on deaf ears among many of his hearers. Now the world is going to hear again the Good News that he once proclaimed. The world is now receiving this new understanding of God as a loving Father, not a critical and angry judge or king. The world is also going to hear that all people are God's children, not the children of the devil, not in need of ransom or atonement, but only in need of rebirth, spiritually, of forgiveness from
themselves and others, and the reception of unconditional love.
When you share you feel better. You feel a sense of the divinity of the Supreme, the God of Time and Space. When you tell the truth, that we are all God's children, and there is one family of God, everyone feels better.
Therefor, my friends, I say to you continue to walk, step by step, with the light of faith taking the dark crevices and shadows away from the obstacles which could cause you to stumble, and instead moving forward on your journey to Paradise.
Virginia: I was contemplating the fact that at one time I believed that a person died and went perfectly, as a spirit, to heaven. And when I was contemplating this, I thought there's no room for free will if God makes me perfect overnight, because my choices on this earth have not made me a perfect being. And I have been working at it for a long time. I realized the very thing you are talking about, what a gift it is to have free will, and therefor I cannot die and go as a perfect being to heaven because that would be taking away my free will choices.
Daniel: Well said, and also it would eliminate all the benefits of experience, for it is in fact the result of choice that one develops learning from experience. If you were perfected, or if anyone was perfected instantly upon death, then all the learning of eons and eons that occurs between mortal life and residence on Paradise would not happen. The whole plan of mortal ascension to Paradise would be totally short circuited. There would be no administrators trained for use in the future. There would be no experiences of meeting different beings. There would be incredibly numerous experiences completely eliminated.