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The leap of faith requires free-will decision
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Rayson and Friends

How the wisdom coding system works.


Type of wisdom (purple box)

 E  = Evolutionary wisdom 
 R  = Revealed wisdom 
 H  = Hybrid wisdom (evolutionary + revealed mix)

Target audience (green box)

 P  = Personal 
 G  = Group (non-personal)

Type of content (yellow box)

 C  = Curated content (paraphrased, re-written, enhanced, translated, etc.)
 O  = Original unedited content from external source (direct excerpts, complete content, etc.)
 M  = Mix of both curated and original content.

Reliability factor of content (blue box)

 1  = High
 2  = Average
 3  = Low 
 X  = Cannot be determined.


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SOURCE: This row is used for recording useful information about the source of the wisdom entry. In most cases a hyperlink to the source document may suffice, but additional information may also be recorded in this row such as author, document name, ISBN # etc.








The leap of faith requires free-will decision. It is not to be undertaken lightly. Your love helps, but it cannot take the leap of faith for another. Humans want easy answers because they function on a plane where the easy answer is readily rewarded, the simple solution is often times the most feasible. The one way is what is chosen. And yet the universe is not a one-answer situation. The creations of the Thought Adjusters and the Life Carriers – the life carriers and the Physical Controllers design living beings such that there is no one way. There are fail-safes upon fail-safes. Not even a single celled organism could live if its organization were all single step. There are many many layers of complexities in the functioning of life. Passways and passways - this passway and that - they go around and under and through and over so that life can be, so that if the sun does not shine for a night or a week or a month, life can go on because there are other ways. There are other ways of getting energy and using energy.

This is not to say that you could have life in a vacuum. This was not the intent. The intent was to design life so that it could continue with what is at hand. To make it more understandable, you can live without water for a certain period - not an indefinite period, but a certain period - because you have other ways of conserving your bodily fluids: reduce your excretion, reduce your sweating, and cause your bodv to save the water that it has. Well, the same thing applies to health and disease. Health is maintained not by one-at-a-time pass of doing right things as opposed to wrong things. Its a complex, complex organization, and when the health fails, there are many fail-safes, many alternate paths, fallbacks to sustain the life of the organism, albeit at a less than optional functioning strength. In order to overcome deterioration of health, since health does not decline for simple reasons, health is not restored by simple means.

But despair not. Our loving Father has not put us upon a desert island without supplying us with all that is required to solve all problems that may arise, including health problems. We are asked to provide answers and yet we are constrained from providing other knowledge. The love of The Father is so large that it is all here. How easy, how very easy, to make things perfect! Much easier than to make them imperfect, actually.

Yet if there were perfect beings with perfect health and never any problems, how much less of truth would there be available for the experience of The Father? And so we provide clues and encouragement in as much as we are allowed to give, but we cannot, must not, work miracles.

What loving Father would fight his child's battles for them? Every loving father knows that it is only by grappling with the problems of life that his offspring develop their fullest potential and become the best that they can be.

There is so much more here now, so much at hand in the way of help and guidance, than there has been  for many aeons on this world. You are not blindly stumbling through a void. Every step is guided. But you
must move your leg and take the step. If you do not move your leg we cannot guide your forward motion.

Question: I'm very anxious to move my legs but I need a little guidance as to which way they should go.

Answer: That's where the leap of faith comes. That is your choice. If it is the right direction, never fear, you will receive the affirmation which you require.

Question: Is faith the spiritual antidote for doubt?

Answer: Not exactly. Faith is the spiritual antidote to uncertainty and fear, but doubt occurs and may live side by side with faith. For example one can have unshakable faith in God. Say you have already passed through the portals of physical death and are on the mansion worlds, you may have total faith in your potential for divinity, for the existence of God, for the teachings now manifest through your own experience of spirit and soul, but you can still have self-doubt. Doubt is not solely dependent on faith, doubt is different - doubt will not disappear until you are admitted to the corps of finaliters, really.

I was pondering as I was listening to your lesson today, the message is about a leap of faith, but now sounds as though we take this one step at a time. Is that correct? It's not like jumping off a cliff into open space, its more like taking that step into an unknown area, knowing that it will be right or we will be shown the right thing.

Answer: That is exactly correct. But remember, that one man’s step is another man's leap.

Student: Yes. I'm afraid I'm going to have to take it one step at a time at the present but my goal is to take that ultimate leap where I know absolutely that I'm going in the right direction.

Rayson: You are doing very well.

Don't second guess your own faith
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive June 29, 1997
Teacher Elyon
T/R Dan

How the wisdom coding system works.


Type of wisdom (purple box)

 E  = Evolutionary wisdom 
 R  = Revealed wisdom 
 H  = Hybrid wisdom (evolutionary + revealed mix)

Target audience (green box)

 P  = Personal 
 G  = Group (non-personal)

Type of content (yellow box)

 C  = Curated content (paraphrased, re-written, enhanced, translated, etc.)
 O  = Original unedited content from external source (direct excerpts, complete content, etc.)
 M  = Mix of both curated and original content.

Reliability factor of content (blue box)

 1  = High
 2  = Average
 3  = Low 
 X  = Cannot be determined.


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  • For additional information about the properties of these jurisdictions please refer to this chart.

SOURCE: This row is used for recording useful information about the source of the wisdom entry. In most cases a hyperlink to the source document may suffice, but additional information may also be recorded in this row such as author, document name, ISBN # etc.








  In considering that aspect of your faith which has carried you all very far in such a relatively short period of
time. You have a tendency to look at faith as something which is just beyond your grasp, while in truth you have an amazing grasp of faith already. It is your grasp of faith which has brought you here. It is your grasp of faith which has accomplished so much already. You each are in the midst of your own growth, so it is difficult for you to accurately assess that which you are moment by moment accomplishing. As an example, if you were to see a young child and get to know this child then be separated from them for a year or so, when you greet them again you would see vast changes. If you were there with the child through each of these many changes you would not have easily noticed them. In this way do you fail to recognize the incredible changes which you yourselves have been making. You are taking the steps that are creating a network of association. You are touching many lives far beyond your ability to perceive. You believe and you
act. You act because of your strong faith in your beliefs.

Know that what you are a part of is a grand undertaking which will go on with or without your active participation. But it will go on so much better and quicker and in tune with the Master's plan if you choose to participate. At this time many of you are wondering what to do. This makes us chuckle for we see that you are in fact doing it. You second guess yourselves habitually. In truth faith can move mountains. Look a short way behind you and you will begin to notice how much of a mountain you have already moved. It is
indeed miraculous.

I ask you all to work for a time on diminishing your judgement, not so much of others, for you are becoming much better in that area already. Instead I speak of your judgement of yourselves.

In this life progress is made one step at a time, step forward with courage and in faith. Your steps will lead you along the path of unimagined future destinies, but you journey along this path one step at a time.

Open your consciousness to allow intuition to aid you in choosing your steps. Check your motivation through your eye of love as you make your choices.  It is the future which stands before you to be realized one step at a time. Expand your framework to include new possibilities that are continually opening up before you. Step forward with courage and in faith. You will continue to find that life is full of surprises.   One last note: enjoy the adventure.  Worry not, it is exciting and uplifting and fun. Do lighten up your hearts and take that next step.   

You reach for spiritual truth in faith
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive August 24, 1997.
Teacher Elyon
T/R Mark

How the wisdom coding system works.


Type of wisdom (purple box)

 E  = Evolutionary wisdom 
 R  = Revealed wisdom 
 H  = Hybrid wisdom (evolutionary + revealed mix)

Target audience (green box)

 P  = Personal 
 G  = Group (non-personal)

Type of content (yellow box)

 C  = Curated content (paraphrased, re-written, enhanced, translated, etc.)
 O  = Original unedited content from external source (direct excerpts, complete content, etc.)
 M  = Mix of both curated and original content.

Reliability factor of content (blue box)

 1  = High
 2  = Average
 3  = Low 
 X  = Cannot be determined.


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  • For additional information about the scope of these jurisdictions please refer to this chart.
  • For additional information about the properties of these jurisdictions please refer to this chart.

SOURCE: This row is used for recording useful information about the source of the wisdom entry. In most cases a hyperlink to the source document may suffice, but additional information may also be recorded in this row such as author, document name, ISBN # etc.









You reach for spiritual truth in faith. You reach out to unseen celestial helpers in faith. You devote time out of your busy lives to pursue this spiritual path. It is indeed inspiring to all of us to witness this faith in action, this devotion in action.

Be not afraid to accept the many benefits of your efforts to exercise your faith and devotion. Each time you exercise this devotion and faith they grow stronger. It is as a muscle to be toned and developed and strengthened. If you do not use a particular muscle group you witness that it diminishes in effectiveness and strength. Likewise when you intentionally and with purpose concentrate on a particular muscle, it is quite easily strengthened. You are now engaged in the rigorous task of toning and strengthening your faith muscles, your devotion muscles. You also seek to enhance your wisdom muscle. All of these are developed through their use.

It is entirely appropriate to exercise a given muscle for a period of time and then to properly institute rest and recovery. One cannot simply exercise a muscle without pausing from time to time to recover and to regain strength. Your spiritual growth is a series of toning, using, experiencing; then resting, assimilating, internalizing. After one sits and rests for a time, one becomes bored with the rest and desires the activity once again. This is the lure of spiritual progression before you, the steps of exercise, rest, and gaining strength from the entire process.

You all are as beautiful beacons in the darkness. We visualize you, we see you as such. You are to us potential unfolding, the petals of a rose ever giving way, exposing themselves to the light. Once you have exposed your luminosity it does not leave you, it does not retreat, just as the petals of a rose do not reform into a bud. It is a natural progression that unfolds into more unfoldment, more luminosity. Your light once
released illuminates, not only your immediate presence and path, it also provides those around you with luminosity as well. It enables them to see some of you and the path that you are following. Let your lights shine fully and brightly, albeit there will be times when you desire to rest.

Realize that the light which you shine can be, not only of yourself, but can be a channel for the Father's light as well. Your light will never fail on account of weak energy sources or dead batteries, as the more you shine your light, the more energy you receive. It may be a human tendency to desire from time to time to turn your light off, to save your energy. It is for you to discover that your energy is only enhanced, increased, by thus shining your light. It does not infringe upon your personal energy stores to be a beacon of the Father's light. Indeed, the exact opposite is true; you are empowered by the giving away of this love, of this light. Love grows as it is given away; your capacity grows as you give it away. Others' ability to perceive grows as you give it away. Indeed, you end up with far more than you started with, all the while giving it away.

There will be a time in your futures when this will be, this ideal situation in this world, this will be the common course of activity on a progressive sphere, where the main task would be your spiritual progression. Not as now where you have to somehow chisel time out of your normal, mundane life to attempt spiritual growth. We marvel that you do this under these conditions. We are sure you will be quite successful now and in the future as you take these opportunities to grow spiritually.

Faith is much like a tree. It starts out a small sapling and grows into a large, strong tree. At times it appears that all the leaves fall off the tree, that your faith has been lost. However, the tree is still strong, the trunk sturdy, and the roots deep in the ground. The leaves will come back and flourish with a green hue, and it will bear fruit.

As you go to each new level faith will come. The more you grow into new levels sometimes it will be lonely, and all you have is faith to go on into what seems like darkness. Your tree seems to loose its lustre for awhile only to renew itself with the watering of confidence that you gain as you go deeper into your new level of growth, seeing the potential of new levels to go to.

Faith is very important, and you are doing this work. If you lose your faith in yourself you can easily fall back to the old levels. Faith remains strong for those who are not afraid to go forth into the darkness a little bit farther, a little bit deeper, at a consistent pace, unwavering from the path which becomes brightly lit.  Through the loss of faith it can seem quite dark at times. Faith can be the light which takes you on your paths.

It requires as much faith in yourself as it does in the Father to guide you; the Father to guide you and yourself to follow. Feel confident that the faith in each of you has a strong foundation. If you feel you are losing faith, go back into the roots to nurture and fertilize to allow your tree to grow new leaves. Renewal always takes place in nature; it is the same in you, constant renewal. As things start to get stagnant, remember the renewal process. Allow yourself to go down the path a little farther, even though it may seem very dark and scary. It is just the opposite, taking you into realms of light.