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Engagement with the world is a quid pro quo
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SOURCE: Lightline Teleconference  2024-08-29
Teacher: Amanson
T/R: Mark Turnbull








Engagement with the world is the one thing you don’t want on its terms, only on your terms. For its terms are inevitably negative, a stripping away of your own power. Your terms will keep it at bay until that day when, once again, you allow it in a little too close to home and it inevitably draws down your superior energy - takes it away, dilutes it, in an effort to secure your engagement on its terms.

Engagement with the world is a quid pro quo – it wants something, you want something. The something that it wants is your complete focus and concentration. The something that you want is relevance. By staying on your own terms, keeping the world at large (and society as you know it) at arm’s length, you can remain in the driver’s seat, in control, which is to say outside the reach of its chaos and confusion, for that is ultimately its reigning energy. That is not something you need. That is really not something anyone needs, although conditioning says otherwise. Stay true to your course. Stay true to the Spirit path upon which you are embarked. It is the only key to serenity. It is the only Reality, really. It is the truth behind all the attendant paranoia, chaos, undoing, the bric-a-brac of emotional response that passes for reality in this world. 

The Spirit content of any proposition can be measured in peace. How peaceful are you when dealing with this or that situation? How calmly can you face the inevitable consequences of engagement with a chaotic unbalanced world? Society will always be on a see-saw – some will see this, some will see that - and all will fight about it, argue about it, bring their side of the equation to the table and insist that it is the proper one. Spirit beholds the entire pageant and understands the ephemerality of it all. “No one gets out of here alive!", and yet all could be made aware of the fact that they’re not yet living! There’s the irony. Were they to start truly living, Spirit living, they would see that “everyone gets out of here alive”. And yet, ironically, they had not been living. They have achieved only the measure of life they believed in. 

Time will rush like the proverbial ‘jet plane’ and obstruct every effort to transcend it but the Spiritual, in which it has no reality. So to live within time on that basis -- Spirit basis -- is to be engaged in an alternative to the world's reality as most know it. And engagement with the world is not fruitful until - and unless - it is engaged from this 'alternative' reality. Then the world can be helped with purpose, engaged with in love for a greater cause than a mere piece of the world, but for the world in toto, the world as a whole, wherein each of its citizens is considered; acknowledged; a determinate; a necessary part of a much greater whole -- not a world torn apart by the pieces for the sake of the pieces, but a living organism, many pieces dependent upon one another. This is Life incarnate. This is living as living should be. And it is from the Spirit realm that our living can be translated into Love – love for one’s neighbor, love for one’s Creator, love for the entire experience that the world is giving you. But engagement with the world on its own terms is a false reality, one that will ultimately disengage you from you. So make such an engagement – an engagement with the world – on your terms. ‘Spirit’ terms. ‘Love-as-the-Creator-loves-through-you’ terms. And all shall be well. The world is born through you. Give it a happy life.