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Human emotion is inevitable
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive June 15, 1998.
Teacher Abraham
T/R Nina








Human emotion is inevitable and entirely natural, and yet, so connected with ego. Human emotion has many layers to uncover to find the level of logic, and beyond your own logic there are several more layers to uncover to come to the spirit. Our Master lived without regret because He had always acted upon His highest light. What would father do? Beyond anger, despair, disappointment and beyond the ego's influence, beyond human emotions, to a spirit logical response is where we find the will of God.

The life of the Master was an excellent example of spirit logic, "spirilogistics." He acted from the standpoint of His Father's will, and it at times did not run congruent with His own logical mind, but the Master in His
wisdom and magnitude of faith took to the hills for solitude and prayer. His connecting with Father aligned His logic with Father's will. It dissipated somewhat His human emotions and created a spirilogical response in all His daily tasks.

At times emotions are all you have. Even the Master had succumbed to human emotions. I mean not to convey emotions are bad or negative, no. This is simply not the place to discern Father's will and attempt to act it out. Your connection with one another strengthens your ability to act using spirilogistics. Your moments of meditation or communing with nature also aid in this method. This combination of the spiritual with logical aid in transforming your unhealthy attachments into healthful connection. Your temptation to act from a place of emotions is dissipated, not stifled or repressed, but dissipated, perhaps energy transformed. With practice, the ego is not maintaining control, but the highest light within you is shining. 

Go ahead and exercise the spirilogical response. Attempt to avoid irrational actions or outburst, instead turn inward and connect with your highest light and maintain the mind-set of asking "What would Father do?"

CALVIN: I have gone through a lot these last few months. It feels like I am taking a break lately now, from the intense spiritual education. It is like a break to go fishing like the apostles did. I see a big difference in my spiritual awareness in the world, but not OF the world like before, versus now jumping back into the world and swimming, so to speak.

Emotions are like words to thought
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive March 25, 2001.
Teacher Elyon








Jada: We think of ourselves as composed of body, mind, and spirit. How do emotions fit in to that?

Elyon: Emotions are like words to thought, for thought can be clarified through the construction of a string of phrases that bring meaning to light, organize thought to bring understanding. Emotions are the expression of a subtle form of thought, not thought that reveals itself in word but reveals itself through feeling. These emotions describe the source, the source/cause, of your experience. They are the effect.  Emotions, like phraseology, can become confusing. The simplest are often the most telling where the overly crafted can lose the original point. This is the expressive use of emotion. But emotions are likewise indicators, as are your senses, that bring information to you that you may then work over in order to accommodate yourself better to a response that is approaching you, an experience that is approaching you in your environment. But just as words require musculature, a neural network, and hearing apparatus to
be effective, so emotions are linked to your physical organism.

You know the expression that says such a person "runs on at the mouth". Emotions can likewise run on. Here is where one benefits from understanding the cause and, more importantly, recognizing the importance, the value, of particular thought or sensory triggered emotions that are now in a chemical outplay.

An emotion is as great an assistance to the upward climb of the soul as is an inspired thought when appropriately accommodated.

Do emotional highs and lows help or hinder spiritual growth?
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive March 31, 2002.
Teacher Tomas
T/R Gerdean








Question: As someone who goes through enormous ranges of highs and lows in life, from inspiring creativity to crushing feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness, I often wonder how these emotional highs and lows help or hinder my spiritual growth. That is, are these diverse experiences of feeling and emotion of experiential value, or are they merely animal characteristics that ride like excess baggage on my "higher learning"? Looked at from another perspective, do the current crop of antidepressants help or hinder our spiritual growth and experience?  

Tomas: I welcome your question and appreciate your thorough coverage of the condition you in quire about. This field of emotion is, in the main, a part of your animal heritage. It is part of the marvelous palette of your creature existence, but there are many who live entirely within the realm of emotions and exclude the influence of the intellect or the realm of the spirit, even ignoring the physical plain. There are those who live intellectually and avoid emotions entirely, as if they were too messy to deal with. There are those who thrive in the spirit who appreciate how the emotional fields conspire to add a human dimension to the gift of sonship. There are those who live a purely physical life who regard emotions as their birthright and make no attempt to understand how they feel.

You have obviously entered into an area of growth that is giving you an opportunity to perceive your emotional base states, thus you are able to see how it is that you are happy at one moment and unhappy the next. Many moody people assume this as a way of life. Many people who are sensitive have anxiety they may be manic depressive because they have such a dramatic range of feelings. There are many who have discovered that their diet has tremendous bearing on their emotions. There are many who have discovered 
that their emotions are where they escape to when they don't want to think, and some who have recognized that they only want to think and don't want to feel.  

These emotional colors that are a part of your personality palette are able to be understood and therefore enjoyed and even mastered. Emotions can be effective tools in ministry. There are those also who would diminish the effects of their emotional life by regulating their synapsis through pharmaceuticals. I cannot state, as might a medical doctor, what an individual's physical condition is, nor is that my purview, but I can state that the propensity to witness life through the eyes of an artificial stabilizer, deprives themselves of the experience of getting to know themselves, and discovering for themselves their own well of natural 
resources that are a part of your packaging.  

To stifle who you are, in order to make yourself presentable to a society in psychic disarray, is certainly compatible with the circumstances you find, but how honest is that? How have you served yourself and your Higher Self by submerging yourself? What a wonderful range of reality you are — all of you! — and what a superhuman individual you can become if and when you know yourself, inside out, as an animal, as a social creature, as a specimen of humanity, and as a worker in the field. The more you know yourself, the less inclined you are to judge others. The more communion you can experience with your fellow human beings, the more you experientially bond with humanity.

Does this bring us back into that Lamp Light, that social coming together that you may experience and share all knowledge? How can you share all of who you are, in all of your greatness, as a fragment of the divine, with personality expression, if you cannot face yourself — your fears, your desires, your needs, your talents, etc.?  

The tendency to allow drugs to be the common answer to life's questions is escalating. You will soon be a nation of zombies, an aggregation of artificial emotional insemination as you are told how to feel and, in comfort of that reality, you will sacrifice your own skills in thinking to accommodate the numbing of existence.  

Barring a need for deep-seated counseling under controlled circumstances, dispense with the narcotics. Life can be painful, yes. Emotions can be wrenching. But they can also reveal your bliss and your passion for life, which is your birthright, so don't deny yourself your birthright in the highest sense because your animal heritage is a handful to manage. 

How much messier can it be, after all, to discover how you feel about things than what's going on in the Holy Land? That's some very messy emotion in that mix. Very deep-seeded indeed. Emotions are lovely when they know their place. They are part of the tools that you are given. They are part of the joy of living. They need to take their rightful place, with a clean heart, and clear and clean thinking, in order to augment the spirit and the fruits of the spirit.  

This is a nudge to urge you to fertilize your roots, your emotional roots, so that they can provide you the nourishment that will give you the well-being to be genuinely productive in your life experience — not just to feel good, but to do good — so as not to just not feel bad, but not to do bad. The emotions are indissolubly connected with how you think, and how you think is reflected in your every utterance, so to be a better teacher and preacher, to have more effective and spiritually fragrant personality expression, it 
behooves you to have an understanding of how you feel and why you feel that way, for that effects how you think and how your thinking impacts on your world.

Take these matters into consultation with the Spirit in Stillness and develop your relationship with yourself such that you know yourself, you know when you are being angry and why, so that you  know when you are sad and can endure it, when you are excited and how to express it. But this is the one field wherein you have total authority, so make yourself comfortable in your own playground, in your own sandbox, in your own home — for this is where you live — with your feelings and your thoughts.