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Human emotion is inevitable
  • soil
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  • AIR
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive June 15, 1998.
Teacher Abraham
T/R Nina


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Type of wisdom (purple box)
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 R  = Revealed wisdom 
 H  = Hybrid wisdom (evolutionary + revealed mix)

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 M  = Mix of both curated and original content.

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 3  = Low 
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[  ] soil   [  ] Land   [  ] Sea   [  ] AIR

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Human emotion is inevitable and entirely natural, and yet, so connected with ego. Human emotion has many layers to uncover to find the level of logic, and beyond your own logic there are several more layers to uncover to come to the spirit. Our Master lived without regret because He had always acted upon His highest light. What would father do? Beyond anger, despair, disappointment and beyond the ego's influence, beyond human emotions, to a spirit logical response is where we find the will of God.

The life of the Master was an excellent example of spirit logic, "spirilogistics." He acted from the standpoint of His Father's will, and it at times did not run congruent with His own logical mind, but the Master in His
wisdom and magnitude of faith took to the hills for solitude and prayer. His connecting with Father aligned His logic with Father's will. It dissipated somewhat His human emotions and created a spirilogical response in all His daily tasks.

At times emotions are all you have. Even the Master had succumbed to human emotions. I mean not to convey emotions are bad or negative, no. This is simply not the place to discern Father's will and attempt to act it out. Your connection with one another strengthens your ability to act using spirilogistics. Your moments of meditation or communing with nature also aid in this method. This combination of the spiritual with logical aid in transforming your unhealthy attachments into healthful connection. Your temptation to act from a place of emotions is dissipated, not stifled or repressed, but dissipated, perhaps energy transformed. With practice, the ego is not maintaining control, but the highest light within you is shining. 

Go ahead and exercise the spirilogical response. Attempt to avoid irrational actions or outburst, instead turn inward and connect with your highest light and maintain the mind-set of asking "What would Father do?"

CALVIN: I have gone through a lot these last few months. It feels like I am taking a break lately now, from the intense spiritual education. It is like a break to go fishing like the apostles did. I see a big difference in my spiritual awareness in the world, but not OF the world like before, versus now jumping back into the world and swimming, so to speak.