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Look with excitement upon your disappointments
  • soil
  • Land
  • Sea
  • AIR
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive March 29, 1998.
Teacher Evanson, Malvantra
T/R Jonathan, Mark

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[  ] soil   [  ] Land   [  ] Sea   [  ] AIR

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We do not believe your shortcomings are defaults, defects, as we have the longer range view. You know that a shortcoming acknowledges a less-than-desired attainment, but this word would be better dropped and instead substituted with the word acknowledge where you can see ahead to what is attainable. In a sense I will break down knowledge into two words: acknowledge and ledge. A ledge, like a cliff over a chasm, appears ominous and difficult to cross. When you perceive these shortcomings, you are gaining your knowledge; you now know what to work on. At these times shift to discerning the means whereby you may cross the chasm of inexperience, of lack of understanding. Seek ways in which you may provide revelation landfill that may help you bridge over to the solid ground you seek at a higher level of behavior. My purpose in expressing this to you today is to attempt to draw your attention away from failure at execution and place it upon your success in perceiving what is attainable. When you break something, the first impulse is to seek to fix it. This applies not only to objects but to your own personality ascent. Cultivate the reflexive action toward reparation and acquirement of higher skills. Make your recognition of shortcoming but a fleeting moment that catapults you into your new project for growth. There is far too much work and time to be spent  attaining this new level to be wasted brooding over your failures.

Malvantra: I would add some more to the words of Evanson. I would suggest that you adopt the strategy of turning your disappointments into what you would perhaps consider to be the exact opposite. Look with excitement upon your disappointments, for they have shown you your next growth level; they have pointed out to you that aspect of your being that should be focused on to become a more perfect, more complete soul. Indeed, we look upon your realization of your shortcomings, as you see them, as a breakthrough in which the doors are open to growth, to the challenge presented before you of your apparent failure.

No individual is a perfect, complete unit, and in order to become more perfect you must, in your course of activities, discern where you are not perfect and where the work lies to change that situation. It is indeed a blessing for you to have the realization that a particular area of your being requires some service on your part. If you would look at this service to your own soul growth as you would look at the service you so eagerly seek to be about for other individuals, perhaps you would put into better perspective that the very sense of desiring to serve others can be turned inward toward your own soul growth. When an area of your soul growth is illuminated that needs and, indeed, requires your service, you should rejoice with this awareness, with this perception, for you now have some starting point to work to actually be of service to your own self. Therefore, when you perceive that you have failed, delight that you have shown yourself the area in which you need to focus and be of service to yourself so that your overall being can become more perfect. Every being is challenged with many such imperfections in their being, and it is the resolution of these imperfections which constitutes soul growth.