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You can turn your desires into reality
  • soil
  • Land
  • Sea
  • AIR

SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archives October 6, 1996.

Teacher Machiventa

T/R Mary

How the wisdom coding system works.


Type of wisdom (purple box)

 E  = Evolutionary wisdom 
 R  = Revealed wisdom 
 H  = Hybrid wisdom (evolutionary + revealed mix)

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 G  = Group (non-personal)

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 C  = Curated content (paraphrased, re-written, enhanced, translated, etc.)
 O  = Original unedited content from external source (direct excerpts, complete content, etc.)
 M  = Mix of both curated and original content.

Reliability factor of content (blue box)

 1  = High
 2  = Average
 3  = Low 
 X  = Cannot be determined.


[  ] soil   [  ] Land   [  ] Sea   [  ] AIR

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In one's life experience one encounters a great many urges or desires within your depths. It is through
diligent application of your person to such desires that they then may bear fruit. One must decide for oneself which of the many desires or tendencies you really feel strongly about and would like to see made real. Then with this sincere, diligent application of your energies, these desires may be made into reality. It is within your power, each of you, to create this reality, in a sense to create out of yourselves and give birth to a new phenomenon. This occurs with sincere, honest, and recurring application.

There are many desires within each of you leading in many different directions. You must choose which among these you desire the most to be made real. Then you bring this ideal, this desire, raise it up in your consciousness, accept it fully into your being, and project yourself as being an accomplice in this desire, as being partners with this desire. Direct your energies towards it, and visualize this desire as reality.

You each have this capacity to turn a desire, an ideal, a position into your reality. Very little that you would desire is out of your reach. Most of what you desire is yours for the taking, yours for the effort, yours for the applying of yourself to it. So choose your highest ideals, embrace them, accept them into your being, and promote them with your conscious mind. Ask for assistance from our Father and embrace the fruits of your

It is the Father's desire that you be a creator as well, that you form your own creations of direction, of ideals, of purpose, that you give rise to these fundamental basics spontaneously of yourself. You are empowered to create these realities, and you are encouraged to do so.

It is necessary from time to time to realign yourself with the proper energy guides that you spoke of in your discussion to establish your position in the proper channels for the most efficient transfer of energy. This is accomplished by means of your sincere desire to implement this new ideal and your willingness to align yourself to the proper degree to allow the most efficient transfer of the energy. You all are becoming aware of the many different sources of energy, power, available to mortals of the realm. These channels are a means to tap into, to augment your capabilities, to enhance your abilities to efficiently perform and function. We encourage you to experiment with their use, to apply yourselves in different regions, to be open to help from these outside sources. You alone can do great things; you with the aid of other circuits can do things beyond what you can conceive of.