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Character is that which leads the way
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SOURCE: Lightline Teleconference  2024-10-10

Teacher: Amanson
T/R: Mark 



Amanson on 'Character' 

"Character" is the space between the divine and the human. It leads all the other faculties in their pursuits of excellence, be they financial, corporate, artistic, sport, education (teaching or learning). Even a  simple handshake with a neighbor or new acquaintance, when offered with honesty and a genuine interest in the other personality, is the function of character. 

Personalities differ radically. Some, as you know, are out-going, ebullient; some are withdrawn, reticent; others surly, combative, arrogant; but this will have no bearing on their character. Character is the truss rod, the steel spine down the center of the aggregate of personal traits and propensities. A  person's immediate characteristics often belie a person's character, not circumventing it but over-riding it, confusing the impression given to the outside world. Character is the gift a person gives to the Creator, the Creator who gifted the person with a personality.

Character is the sum of the wisdom gleaned from experience. Little experience results in a shallow harvest of life's riches. With no one-on-one contact with the different facets of life there is little to draw on in the building of character. But when a person is plunged into the heat of life, the push-pull of the currents of social fraternization and has to negotiate developments caused by the clash of personalities, or navigate the rapids of unexpected developments requiring a functional outcome, character is built by and in the decisions  made.

And in the end it is character that brings us through, as each decision made, each kindness offered, each noble cause honestly espoused, each moment in a life lived earnestly and thoughtfully, compassionately, gathers momentum and racks up its life-altering toll, building an ever-expanding edifice honestly acquired in the face of an often dishonest world, a world in hiding, one frightened of the very qualities that build character.

When one has effectively faced this test and emerged steadily with an ever-unfolding character, life has lived its purpose through you and shall continue doing so until the Father of Personality can welcome the passionate son or daughter of Character and the circle, the Holy circle, is complete.

  • Character is that which leads the way — follows wholeheartedly in faithful  anticipation — as one graduates toward the Light.
  • Character is that which realizes the pitfalls inherent in a freewill system and their beneficial character-building attributes as mayhem is consciously left behind for beauty, truth and goodness. 
  • Character is the rock upon which one's personal civilization is founded. It acknowledges progress and builds from there, step by step, considered choice by considered choice. 
Compassion rules the roost in a good character's make-up. It is the door through which all other qualities and considerations must first enter.

Selfishness is not a quality of character, it is the residue of fear in a thin and noncomprehending relationship to life. Character sees through that.

Character is your connection — and your response — to that which is calling you onward.