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Be The Change
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tmtranscripts Be the Change

Teacher: Aaron
May 5, 2024, 11:55 AM








Be The Change

The antidote to hate is love; the antidote to chaos is calm.  The world you live on is beautiful, rugged, with peaks and valleys, wonders of nature and architectural developments. Astounding vistas abound.  And yet, within and among all of this, there is doubt, there is fear, uncertainty, troublesome occurrences, unintentional and deliberate evil.  There is also love and kindness, cooperation, resolve, and the intention to do what is right and good.

The antidote to negativity is positivity;  the antidote to darkness is the light.  If the battle between dark and light was going to be easy then the need to develop personalities that can withstand such trials and tribulations would not be necessary. Our suggestion when you begin to falter, become exasperated, to doubt or fear, is to break it down into smaller segments than what you are currently perceiving and find what you can do in those moments to be different from what you fear, to be responsive from a positive viewpoint. Can you be a faith filled child of God in this moment and then make it last a moment longer, and then a moment longer?

There are times when looking at the big picture is necessary and there are times when getting focused on the smaller perspective is necessary. Usually these correspond to your level of doubt and despair. As you feel these emotions come to you, recognize that you may need to narrow your viewpoint and find a focus.  Sometimes one thing at a time leads to larger occurrences that are more fruitful.  Therefore, we encourage you to start each day with the centering stillness and invite the cooperation of your Indwelling Spirit to help you see those little things you can do to help turn the drops into the trickle into the stream into the river which becomes the oceans.

While you may believe, sometimes, that the black patches of evil have become larger than the white background of goodness, the white background is still larger and goodness happens more often than evil, although it can seem so difficult to see when contrasted with what you hear about, read about, and see in the media of various forms. But look around outside of the news and see what your family, your friends and neighbors are doing for each other and their communities.  Trust that other neighborhoods and communities are doing the same, often going unwitnessed by the media which operates in the sensational.  Perhaps reminding each other and others about this core of goodness more often will help to broaden perspectives and bring hope and build resolve toward producing more acts of kindness instead of dwelling on the evil.

Trust me, we do see what you see. We just have the fortune of more experience and a larger network of resources built into our awareness at the current time so that the happenings on your world do not seem quite as distressing as it may seem to you.  Sometimes out of chaos new possibilities emerge quite rapidly and what you think may be leading to fall and ruin can ultimately be a temporary recognition of what it is that you do not want before realizing what you do want, what can be and what will be, if you work for it.

So have faith. Lean on spirit as needed. Reach toward the spirit within you, who will certainly be reaching back, and from that connection, your perspectives will find some clarity and perhaps open the possibilities for you to become more representative of what you would like to see in the world.

Change is part of who you are
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Rayson & Friends






Being alive, aliveness, means encompassing changes. Change is not in itself a negative occurrence, rather, look upon it as a sign of growth. Does the seed not change into the flower? Does the child not change into the man? There is a sameness to the core of the being. There is also a change, reflecting God's good and holy plan. Many do not understand as they cling to the familiar that the rungs of the ladder on which they roost are only illusionary. They will be threatened by a change, and not even know why in their own hearts. We must be patient with these children and try not to let their fear, which will be masked often as anger, upset our own equilibrium.

I would like you to be aware right now with your entire beings, of your bodily reaction to that word - change. How many have tensed, winced, clenched? How many have turned heads? How many wished not to hear this word? I think that each of you have reacted psychologically, emotionally. You have probably had a reaction of pushing away, for the sad state of humans is - physically, emotionally, psychologically, mindally - to resist change. No matter how sorry your life may be at the moment or what areas one wishes to improve, one does not really wish to change. You wish life's circumstances might change, or relationships - friendships might change, or finances might change, etc., but you, yourself, resist change. It is only through the spiritual that you can truly understand change. Spiritually, for you - children of time - change is not something you have a choice over. It is the very fact of evolution for you. It is built into, and the basic building block foundation of The Father's plan for the evolutionary worlds and children of time and space. You cannot NOT change. Lack of change equals non-survival. Nor can you say this is a good change and this is a negative change. Change simply IS.

It IS. It is not good or bad. It is the very basic idea and will of the Universal Father for his creatures of time and space - is change. So, so much energy goes into resisting change - as if you can somehow control this - you cannot.

Change is part of who you are. Change will get you Godward. And change should be welcomed by each of you. Immobility - consider it - what a horrible fate! Even the angels - created perfect - learn through experience and change. Immobility is probably the worst thing that could become of you at any stage - not because you are first graders now. So, do not spend your energy thinking you can resist, control, or mail-order what types of change you wish. Because all of this is fantasy and generally to do with your outer environment and not your inner landscape, because when it comes to the inner, you are all resistant. Now, spiritually, if you can truly understand that change is always a step Godward, that not only should change NOT be resisted but should rather be embraced, sought after, prayed for, blessed. When you can recognize this event, you will have the adventuresome attitude of the spiritual soldier, evolving being, towards change instead of a material coward hiding-from-something, the unknown. For there is no unknown to you, your destiny is to "be you perfect even as I am perfect" as our Father has promised you.

What is so unknown and frightening? Yes, the path of evolution has prickly patches full of thorns, rocks, sunburned places that burn our beings. Yes, true. These are the events, which shape our characters and force change, and while going through them it is sometimes painful and difficult and disappointing, etc. However, do not make the arrogant mistake of putting down or hiding from The Father's plan for you - for there is a plan for each of you, a divine destiny - because it is hard at the moment, difficult, and because your vision is not wide enough to see the ultimate perfection and goodness of The Father's plan for you. One life, is not nearly enough time to glimpse destiny. You must on faith believe that whatever befalls you is to the ultimate goodness of your own being - and that of God's. God will not leave you naked. God will not let you, like the serpent; shed your skin before you are ready for a new one to grow.

Would a benevolent loving parent do this to his most helpless child? No. Therefore must you trust and with a faith-filled heart embrace the adventure of uncertainty. It is only uncertain in linear time. It is not uncertain in eternity. Whosoever will, may run the race Godward. Whosoever will join the adventure is welcome, and legions of helpers will be sent to you. And you have already begun to run this glorious race of time and eternity. Change is God's gift to you, the gift of experience is change. But you cover yourself up and root yourself in and dig holes and, like stubborn little frightened babies, refuse to leave your cocoon. The world, the universes, the ascension plan is glorious. The calluses you burn on your soul will some day turn into a being who can be god-like, god-like in terms of experience, in terms of every stage of creation, in terms of service, in terms of perfection, in terms of goodness and love. This is the stuff - these calluses that you are experiencing now - that will create the god-like in you.

All glory is to God. God has created all glory and all glory should go to God. Have not in your hearts fear or sadness or anxiety or resistance to change. Whether it comes in your own personal hearts and souls, or whether it is fear of losing. These are all illusions, for the teachings come from God, we come from God. Nothing can ever be lost in God's plan, his magnificence.

The making of decisions is allowing change
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive January 05, 2002.
Teacher Dolores
T/R Ginny


making of decisions is allowing change, encouraging growth, and therein you
find that the life which you knew has become a new energy pattern.

Even as one of you may enjoy a new relationship with another, the molecular
characteristics of your arena alter to accommodate the new relationship, and
yet again as you become a group and emerge into teamwork through three and
four and more, each time your environment alters to provide for the energy 
patterns of each other. When you disallow another's energy patterns, you
invite chaos. 

I speak to you as if you were all enlightened. When you are invited to know
yourself, it is the emerging soul self which we refer to. In this way we
become a part of the organism of life, the spiritual organism. We've become
connected. There is appropriate self-forgetfulness as you embark upon the
pattern of working together in unity of purpose. The advantage of an ability
to work together in this way is that you begin to follow the guidance of the
greater reality, and as a number of you together are enjoined in this
synergy, you gain strength exponentially.  

And so, even though there may be few of you of like mind, even so, the power
that you potentially have may, through creative order, bring about that
impetus to alter the course of destiny. Love is more contageous than hate.
Light is more powerful than the darkness. When you begin to work creatively 
within the divine order of the universe, your chaos makes sense.  It's a part
of the reconstruction or the reassimilation of those energies which combine
together to exalt the purpose of the infinite, and thus inherently the
universe is working with you.

If you think about it, you can interpret that the Pope has already endorsed a
galactic neighborhood, in that he has acknowledged the existence of angels.
And the thing that holds you back, as a race of people, from embracing the
cosmic neighborhood as your own back yard, with all its particulars, is the
residue fear and ignorance that the universe may not be a friendly place
after all, and that is based upon your mortal experience as having shown you
that your immediate environment is not necessarily always a friendly 
environment, but putting these perspectives into your overall comprehension
of where we are in terms of planetary evolution, epochal development, it will
give you additional impetus to encourage the concept and to even assume the
faith of others as being not too far removed form your own. It's when you
look upon each other as enemies or as on opposing teams that your
obstructions become tangible and problematic. Lead the way. Pave the way,
then, into the new dispensation by revealing your relationship with the

The marriage of science and religion will come to pass when we are able to
feel comfortable that what intelligent life in the universe is, is an
extension of Paradise, and not an extension of the baser nature of unevolved