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tmtranscripts Be the Change

Teacher: Aaron
May 5, 2024, 11:55 AM

How the wisdom coding system works.


Type of wisdom (purple box)

 E  = Evolutionary wisdom 
 R  = Revealed wisdom 
 H  = Hybrid wisdom (evolutionary + revealed mix)

Target audience (green box)

 P  = Personal 
 G  = Group (non-personal)

Type of content (yellow box)

 C  = Curated content (paraphrased, re-written, enhanced, translated, etc.)
 O  = Original unedited content from external source (direct excerpts, complete content, etc.)
 M  = Mix of both curated and original content.

Reliability factor of content (blue box)

 1  = High
 2  = Average
 3  = Low 
 X  = Cannot be determined.


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SOURCE: This row is used for recording useful information about the source of the wisdom entry. In most cases a hyperlink to the source document may suffice, but additional information may also be recorded in this row such as author, document name, ISBN # etc.

Be The Change

The antidote to hate is love; the antidote to chaos is calm.  The world you live on is beautiful, rugged, with peaks and valleys, wonders of nature and architectural developments. Astounding vistas abound.  And yet, within and among all of this, there is doubt, there is fear, uncertainty, troublesome occurrences, unintentional and deliberate evil.  There is also love and kindness, cooperation, resolve, and the intention to do what is right and good.

The antidote to negativity is positivity;  the antidote to darkness is the light.  If the battle between dark and light was going to be easy then the need to develop personalities that can withstand such trials and tribulations would not be necessary. Our suggestion when you begin to falter, become exasperated, to doubt or fear, is to break it down into smaller segments than what you are currently perceiving and find what you can do in those moments to be different from what you fear, to be responsive from a positive viewpoint. Can you be a faith filled child of God in this moment and then make it last a moment longer, and then a moment longer?

There are times when looking at the big picture is necessary and there are times when getting focused on the smaller perspective is necessary. Usually these correspond to your level of doubt and despair. As you feel these emotions come to you, recognize that you may need to narrow your viewpoint and find a focus.  Sometimes one thing at a time leads to larger occurrences that are more fruitful.  Therefore, we encourage you to start each day with the centering stillness and invite the cooperation of your Indwelling Spirit to help you see those little things you can do to help turn the drops into the trickle into the stream into the river which becomes the oceans.

While you may believe, sometimes, that the black patches of evil have become larger than the white background of goodness, the white background is still larger and goodness happens more often than evil, although it can seem so difficult to see when contrasted with what you hear about, read about, and see in the media of various forms. But look around outside of the news and see what your family, your friends and neighbors are doing for each other and their communities.  Trust that other neighborhoods and communities are doing the same, often going unwitnessed by the media which operates in the sensational.  Perhaps reminding each other and others about this core of goodness more often will help to broaden perspectives and bring hope and build resolve toward producing more acts of kindness instead of dwelling on the evil.

Trust me, we do see what you see. We just have the fortune of more experience and a larger network of resources built into our awareness at the current time so that the happenings on your world do not seem quite as distressing as it may seem to you.  Sometimes out of chaos new possibilities emerge quite rapidly and what you think may be leading to fall and ruin can ultimately be a temporary recognition of what it is that you do not want before realizing what you do want, what can be and what will be, if you work for it.

So have faith. Lean on spirit as needed. Reach toward the spirit within you, who will certainly be reaching back, and from that connection, your perspectives will find some clarity and perhaps open the possibilities for you to become more representative of what you would like to see in the world.