Balance starts at the physical level
SOURCE: Rayson and Friends |
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Balance is a word with which humans feel comfortable. You feel, perhaps, you know this concept well. As children you learned what the word is defined as, and you learned balance. For example, when riding a bicycle without the training wheels. But you have not really learned balance as humans, individually, because your planet is so out of balance. So let us examine what balance really means to each of us and to the world.
On a universal level, the first rule of balance is physical. There are dark islands, which exert balancing influences on physical matter in space. Without these islands entire universes would implode, explode, or simply leave. On Earth, in our local universe, the Master Physical Controllers are in charge of the energy balance, which keeps your planet afloat - rotating, spinning, revolving. Of course, the Isle of Paradise exerts a physical balance as the universes breathe inward and outward.
Your scientists have recently discovered evidence of creation. They are on the right track but fail to grasp the concept of physical over-control of balance. Physically, Earth is balancing even as you who live here perceive an imbalance, upheavals, tidal floods, earthquakes, or volcanoes - are all physical signs of the rebalancing of the planet. As Earth approaches Light and Life status these physical manifestations will calm.
So balance is first and foremost a physical phenomenon. How does this translate to the individual material being? You must pay attention to your physical being. If the physical is unbalanced it repercusses on every level. Like a universe, the physical may cause you to implode, explode, or simply float away. Physical balance on this stage or arena of beingness definitely affects spiritual growth. It can enhance or retard Adjuster control. It can whip up false emotions causing despair, anger, depression, paralysis, false enthusiasm, euphoria, hysteria, fear, phobic reaction. All are manifestations of a physical imbalance. Some you can correct. Others you must learn to live with and overcome mindally-spiritually. Simple things - proper rest, nutrition, lack of abuse to your bodies - constitute the goal of physical balance. When your body is balanced you have the advantage in other areas.
In our universe, mindal, intellectual, rational, thinking balance is achieved through a system - although
different in degree, upon every level - is basically the same. Of course perfected beings have no need for
these considerations as they are created in perfect balance for that is what perfection is. We are more fortunate than they. We earn and learn perfection.
In our universe we have a system of teaching. The slightly more advanced teach those behind them. They teach those behind them. We are all teachers and students. Our guardian seraphim help us maintain rationality and perspective, which fosters sanity. If one were to study a minute portion of a painting one may think it insane and meaningless. When one pulls back you may see the whole working in harmony and sanity and balance.
Your guardian seraphim see more than you at every level and have given you - and will give you - the gift of intellectual, mindal, sanity. Here, for you, - keep your seraphim close, fear is distancing to your angels. Consciously request your angels' help and they will be overjoyed to give it to you. They are your constant, faithful companions. If you invite them they will help, but you must allow them the opportunity to serve in their appointed roles. Do not deny these loving beings their service.
The human is blessed-cursed with ego. Ego, in and of itself, is not good or bad. Unfortunately, it is mostly in control in individuals at this time on this world. Ego can imbalance mind. Mind is a bestowal of Divine Mother and is spiritual, progressive, growth oriented, God advancing in nature. Adjutant Mind Spirits are at work as well as the Mother Spirit, but human ego can interfere, and should not be confused with mind properties - the sanity, spiritually sane properties - that each one of you has.
Ego can be identified as self aggrandizement, self-involvement, over self-analysis, when your self becomes more important than the spiritual goals, concepts, you know to be true or when yourself becomes the center of the universe instead of God. Or when yourself becomes more important than your fellows, resulting in hurtful behavior to others. This is ego.
We cannot be perfect here, brothers and sisters, so do not make another ego error of self punishment for
past and present mistakes. We are all learning together. We are becoming together. We are going through a process together. This is what ascension, evolution, experiential beings do. Just be aware of the difference so one may achieve balance.
On a planetary level, some geographic locations suffer from lack of mind as groups, others suffer from
over-much ego. We are not in balance mindally on this planet. There are few rational group voices on the planet now, but that will be corrected, and there is no need for despair.
Third, and most important element of balanced personality integration, is of course the spiritual. This is both simple and complex. You are all indwelt by a fragment of The FATHER. You have access to the Spirit of Truth, and the ministering Angels, and the Divine Mother. You are co-creating your morontial souls with the Adjuster.
But how does one use these tools? Review Thought Adjuster - Spirit of Truth lessons for more technical in-depth explanations, teachings. But for day to day practical usages, I continue to stress a spiritual habit of daily prayer, worship and thanksgiving, a spiritual time to center in God inward and outward, the integration of spiritual principles into thought, word, deed, whether doing trivial, mundane chores, professional chores, or in one's personal social interactions. When spiritual considerations become as
important as political gain, other considerations, you will be in balance as an ascender.
One must not devote all one's conscious time-thought to the spiritual. Unconsciously or super-consciously that is the reality. But for balance you must pray and then put those prayers, answered prayers - into action in your lives. This is balance. You cannot exist in a vacuum. We are interrelated, and it is a disservice to your own progressive path to bury your talents.
Brothers and sisters, you are all spiritual ambassadors in your own lives. That is why balance is so important for you. Rest, relaxation, fun, loving partnering relationships, friendships, prayer, worship, thanksgiving, proper nutrition, doing a good job to retain your material existence, all are necessary for you to be the very best spiritual ambassador that you can be.
Your planet is unbalanced most spiritually. There is a lack of understanding of your cosmic place, of your future, of many very basic concepts other planets have. You are off center, but not abandoned, not at all abandoned. Earth is most cherished by our Creator-Father-Brother MICHAEL (also known as Jesus of Nazareth when He was incarnated here), and most looked after on high. Some day Earth will be the crowning planet of Nebadon (that part of the galaxy where Earth is located), and shine brightest, and the
tale of your struggles will inspire others for aeons of time, even into eternity.
If you achieve balance, mind-body-spirit, your cosmic awareness must increase. Part of Spiritual intellectual growth is cosmic citizenship awareness - our place in the grand scheme as individuals, ascenders, and perfecters, as well as our planet's place in the cosmos. As you become more integrated you will be aware of more spiritual beings surrounding you, your angels and Midwayers, teaching corps and assistants, Life Carriers, Thought Adjuster internally, Spirit of Truth externally, and you cannot help, then, but realize what the cosmos will be like. You can actually experience cosmic citizenship here, today, in material form.
Question: What happens to us physically, mindally, and spiritually when the physical body is asleep - in
terms of balance?
Answer: Physically, of course, sleep is a restorative in terms of a shut down of the senses, or a slow down of the senses. So physically, sleep is a necessary recharging mechanism. Mindally, dreaming is a mindal release dealing with emotions: stress, fear, processing, feelings, etc., takes place during dream state and physically the brain is altered to release toxins.
Spiritually, sleep is quite important for that is when your Adjuster or Controller broadcasts the ideal plan for you to you. Sometimes Adjuster communication is partially distorted with dream states. But whether Adjuster communication reaches the unconscious sleeping mind is not as important as the fact that higher mind is receiving undiluted Adjuster communication. Also you are receiving Adjuster broadcasts, which are beamed to your Adjusters throughout this universe.
Question: Many of us are having difficulty, earning a living currently due - in part - to the state of our economy, but largely due to our newly-acquired perspective of the material versus the spiritual. In other words, making money is no longer important to us. Spiritual growth and service are. Can you help with a balance here?
Answer: You must maintain your material existence. This is a priority for you on this planet. I do not know how to say this any clearer than that. While you recognize your dual nature as animal and spirit, you must maintain an existence in both realms. How is it that you can grow in spiritual awareness if your body suffers? If your family suffers? You must find this balance on your own. I can tell you that, as our Master did in His life, take care of your priority needs first, then engage in those activities which will add to your over-all well being, both physically, mentally and spiritually. I am aware of the situation. I understand human nature. When you get a taste of the divine - of that which is greater than the material - you wish to give up on the material, to go into the greater part. Do not leave behind the recognition and consciousness of the fact that you are material beings.
Know when to retreat to the hills and when you must hit the streets
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive March 12, 2000. Teacher Elyon T/R Jonathan |
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The left and the right side of a scale require the other to function properly. To those who enjoy the solitude of worship and contemplation and to those who enjoy the activity of service and ministry, hold in view that when one is doing the other, one is actually accomplishing its opposite. They do go hand-in-hand. If your days are full of activities, your list of things to do is long, a few moments spent in solitude will bring balance. If you find yourself looking for a means to be helpful to your fellows and they are not there, and that you have spent time, and time is ample to study and to contemplate, that this study and contemplation will contribute to the time that you will be busy. If you seek to find in your day one minuscule service instant, you will find that the ample time given to the comprehension of the Father will rush forward to infuse that moment with all the truth and the goodness and the beauty that you have come to know.
Jesus knew his apostles well. He knew that when they wearied from his pressing public ministry that it was time to take them off into the hills for refreshment. He knew that when their anxiety rose from too much revelation, he sent them back among the multitudes that they may relieve themselves of these new realizations by passing them on, by road-testing them, thereby balancing the intensity with practicality. You can rest assured that the Father within you is equally doing this for you. Be patient when you long for an occurrence. The Father is fully aware of your desire and is equally aware of circumstances and will stimulate you to act when the two coincide. But I also ask you to develop this skill yourself, to know when to retreat to the hills and to know when you must hit the streets.
We tend to take our work too seriously
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive May 27, 2001. Teacher Minearisa |
How the wisdom coding system worksWISDOM CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Target audience (green box) Type of content (yellow box) Reliability factor of content (blue box) APPLICABLE JURISDICTION(S)
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Minearisa: Part of your dilemma is the tendency to truly take your work very seriously. In taking the work seriously, you have a tendency to also take yourselves seriously. It would be hard not to. If a surgeon is not paying attention to what he is doing, taking his work seriously, he could mis-step and lose a life. And this work he performs is truly creative. It's possible for a surgeon to listen to rock and roll music or grand opera while performing surgery, as a reflection of the creative aspects of the work.
Thus, the performance of performing surgery in a life and death situation, can also be portrayed as an extension of the grander senses because the surgeon's mastery over his toolbox has afforded him the luxury of the dimension of the creative artistry of what he does, even while what he does is important. What God does is very important, but it is also full of beauty, full of light.
The creative nature is worth embracing as a counter-part to the expression of loyalty and devotion to duty. The light-heartedness of youth is to be enhanced and solidified by substance but the seriousness of study and discipline also does well to be amenable to a light-hearted approach. More balance, you see. Tip the weight of the scale toward beauty and joy and play.