Spirit awareness
SOURCE: Rayson and Friends |
How the wisdom coding system works.WISDOM CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Type of wisdom (purple box) E = Evolutionary wisdom Target audience (green box) P = Personal Type of content (yellow box) C = Curated content (paraphrased, re-written, enhanced, translated, etc.) Reliability factor of content (blue box) 1 = High APPLICABLE JURISDICTION(S) [ ] soil [ ] Land [ ] Sea [ ] AIR
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Question: As I walk the spiritual walk of my life I notice that sometimes I feel really moved, filled, and
close to God and Jesus, and sometimes it feels like everything withdraws and there is sort of a still quietness out there. Is that my imagination? I know God doesn't go anywhere. What happens then? Is that something real that happens to people? That there is an ebb and flow of their spiritual receptivity and constancy of the ministry to them.
Answer: It appears to us that this is quite normal for you humans. Of course, God is constant. Your consciousness is not. And for many reasons. Some growth takes place beyond consciousness in higher mind realms. Much reality takes place on a spiritual level, which you would never, never see tangibly or be even aware of. So, sometimes when you feel you are not spiritually centered or tuned, you are indeed experiencing growth. There are also rest periods, plateaus, spiritually as well as intellectually, physically. A being can only work so hard for so long then must rest. So this seems to be normal and, of course, the constancy of the human will varies. Although we have all made the ultimate commitment to do the will of The Father, the acting upon this decision involves constancy of spirit in actions and varies, which is not extraordinary, but is the condition of imperfect beings.
Remain calm and observant
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive October 22, 2001. Teacher Abraham |
How the wisdom coding system worksWISDOM CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Target audience (green box) Type of content (yellow box) Reliability factor of content (blue box) APPLICABLE JURISDICTION(S)
SOURCE: This row is used for recording useful information about the source of the wisdom entry. |
Abraham: It would seem at times people are so quick to define the world around them that they give little effort towards being observant. In these fast paced times the attitude seems to be 'the more--the better.' It is as if everyone operates at top speed. There seems to be no slowing down to be watchful.
Sometimes we need a reminder to be calm and observant — wait on your definitions; wait before you make judgments. The rash definition is quite likely to miss details and choose a poor perspective. We all need a time to release and be open for receiving the new.
You can view your surroundings and see that it seems everyone cannot receive enough information, enough news. It is as if people know there are new things occurring, and they look towards their material technology to receive any and all information.
They say knowledge is power and yes, it is, but so many think not to turn inward towards a spiritual source of information. There is this awareness, a new awareness that is somewhat unsettling to many, but also comforting to some. You can feel as though you know more but do not know how or why. Being so aware you are in a searching mode and with a questioning mind. This openness leads to receiving revelation, that is information coming from a divine source.
There are many forms of revelation, many ways to receive. We are endowed with awareness and an easier, more understandable technique to receiving revelation or divine communication. Sometimes what
you have criticized others for, you have been caught doing yourself. This is a form of revelation, a form of divine communication that aids you in your own self-correction. Yes, this is on a personal level, but does this not also add to the wellness of the whole?
The churches in today's world may speak of revelation as if they receive information because they are looked upon with favor by God. Many of the so-called prophets were deemed prophets because they seemed to have received divine revelation. It is as if these seemingly chosen individuals were the only ones that can receive. This practice is quite outdated and everyone, even the smallest child, has equal opportunities to receive divine revelation. Divine revelation is not the thunderous voice of God that tells
great things to come or new commandments to obey, no.
Most revelation is personal and aiding you in your journey Paradiseward. Many individuals can receive the same revelation simultaneously or varying bits of information that choreograph spiritual experiences to bring about certain results to incorporate a common universal knowledge. We have to be observant. We have to refrain from defining. We have to believe that some circumstances are being woven into a greater
universe fabric.
Back to personal revelation and correction, I would admonish you to not become discouraged by these seemingly ugly facts about your behavior, for it is the very whisper of God into your ear. He is your loving, devoted Parent, not a stern judge who looks for your every mistake so He can chastise you. This week practice being observant. Note the new levels of awareness in yourselves as well as your fellows. How can you better deal with the correction from personal revelation?
Simon: Abraham, I have a question about choreographing spiritual experiences that bring about results. Sometimes I feel like we are left on our own to see what will happen and wonder if that is the case? I know in my heart that applying faith and then escaping fear or escaping with fear sometimes and not applying myself to full faith. As Father does the timing of assistance in our lives, are we at times left alone waiting?
Abraham: Yes, it would appear sometimes as if you are left alone to make decisions, and that is true to a point because your free will cannot be infringed upon. Father can only do so much before it is up to you make a decision and take action. The problem is time. While Father sees time as only an eternal forward momentum, you see time as the enemy. It does create great impatience. During these impatient and frustrating moments you especially need to be aware and observant, and take action from a calm state of mind. I understand the world does not agree with this theory, but you must realize while you are never left alone by our divine overseers, they are greatly devoted to your progression and too much involvement could take away from your opportunity to progress Paradiseward. Choreographing, yes, we each know well that synchronistic circumstances that lead to growth.
These circumstances are not always peace promoting, but rather agitating to create reactivity. Therein lies the importance of being aware and observant and not taking rash actions. You can see from past experience that time really does take care of many matters. Just the waiting is a bit frustrating to the mind. In this society hard work leads to productivity, but many times we find that rash actions lead to mistakes. There are always many factors to consider like perhaps from what foundation would you make your decisions? Is it a worthy place? Is it pure? Is it ego induced? Is it out of fear? What is the basic mind-set in which you would be acting from is a good question to ask yourself during these times.