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3 = Low
X = Cannot be determined.
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Anger is a false alarm but how often do we see it that way
Lightline Teleconference September 12 2024
Teacher: Amanson
T/R: Mark
Anger is a mirror. It is a gift from the person or situation one is angry with. How else to groom ourselves, to be better equipped to realize the constraints of the daily face-to-face we encounter in the world today? Without anger our growth would be deficient for we could not see — would not be faced with — the very fault in ourselves we accuse another of.
Anger is a false alarm but how often do we see it that way? It always appears so justified in our inner sanctum, our interior court of appeals. We are the one with right on our side, or so we insist. But really, how would we know? If we know so little as to be angry, what else might we be wrong about? Particularly when we are faced with global situations, political intrigues, plots and devices which go way beyond the understanding of even those whose brain-children they are.
Anger is the perfect sign we are not living up to our potential, that we have abandoned the equilibrium we are here to discover — perhaps rediscover is the better word, but that can wait for another time.
Anger will leave its perpetrator breathless, and it is breath that is our all-important component. In fact, the entire world needs to sit back and take a very deep breath. Anger only perpetuates the folly presently making the world seem a vast unmoored vessel adrift on an angry sea. But it is not the sea that is angry, it is the sailors. The sea is merely reflecting their attitudes, their misguided passions, their untold visions of a wrongheaded splendor and the last gasp of fading aristocracy, the aristocracy of factionalism. No one, it is becoming increasingly apparent, is more deserving than the next brother or sister along the line. And it is this realization that is presently making a great deal of the population very, very angry. But why should they be? Aren't each a brother or sister? So isn't each one, including the angry, deserving?
Anger is, it is true, an educator, but it must be seen as such to do its job, to instill its realization, and then to calm down. The angry, once glimpsed in the mirror of his or her anger, can be brought to heel, can be made aware of the self-defeating spiral that is anger.
Can anger be a motivator? When transformed into positive action, yes. But that, you'll find, is when the anger is left behind. It is transformed, which was anger's purpose all along.
Anger is a very low vibration. Raise your being to a much higher standard. Allow your anger to work its magic and destroy itself. Enter a whole new world. A world perhaps not trouble-free, but a world at least no longer troubled by anger.