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Aggression is self-doubt projected outward
  • soil
  • Land
  • Sea
  • AIR
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive Nov. 20, 1998
Teacher Andirondek
T/R Cathy

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 R  = Revealed wisdom 
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 2  = Average
 3  = Low 
 X  = Cannot be determined.


[  ] soil   [  ] Land   [  ] Sea   [  ] AIR

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Aggression or aggressive tendencies are, in some respects, the antithesis of fear, for fear is nothing more than self-doubt projected inward. Aggression is self-doubt projected outward. The cure, if you will, for self-doubt is an enhanced realization of how much you are loved. For if you can crack open your heart even slightly to accept the love which is flooding this planet, then the self-doubt which lives in the dark recesses of your heart has fewer places to hide.  

An exercise for this week, which is completely voluntary on your parts, of course, is whenever you are in a tense situation where that clutching feeling occurs in your chest and you think of nothing but the potentially disastrous outcomes of the situation, I ask you to stop, take a deep breath, and with that breath imagine your heart stretching and opening, just a crack, to allow the light and the love to flood in, the knowledge that you ARE a child of God, and that as a child of God you are loved regardless of the outcome of that situation. An adverse reaction in another person in no way diminishes the beauty you hold in the eyes of God.