Beautiful experiences out of adversity
SOURCE: Rayson and Friends |
How the wisdom coding system works.
Question: Financially, for me now this is a very frightening period. And instead of the usual panic that I feel - and in the past when faced with a situation like this, I used to get frightened by just the idea of lack of abundance - and now that I am experiencing it more on a daily basis I find that my panic and fear has been replaced by a peacefulness and a stillness. I don't know if that is a function of the spirit of courage, the fact that I really understand that everything is really okay and everything is taken care of, but whatever it is, it’s not what I expected it to be. I really expected this to be my flip-out time. And it turned out to be kind of a beautiful experience, and I'm enjoying it. And I know that the angels at times teach through adversity.
One of the lessons that I have learned has been my friendship with [a woman with AIDS] and watching
how she handles what I considered to be an unnatural human burden. So I'm enjoying this challenge - I
think. But I do understand and feel the terrors that - my usual panic has been replaced with something
that money couldn't buy even if I had it.
Answer: Well stated. Yes, yes, your perception of peacefulness as an aspect of personal spiritual growth is
most accurate. Why attribute it to a Angels when you have done the work yourself?
Question: Well, I've killed so many bugs I want to give credit where credit is due. [Laughter.] You know
come judgment I get a little bit of leeway.
Answer: Even bugs have bad luck. [More laughter.]
Question: I just need to rearrange the financial aspects of my life. They are such a burden and pressure.
Answer: Every adverse event that occurs during your universe existence has a lesson in it for you, and part
of your mission is to find those lessons. At times they are readily apparent, and at other times you must
dig deeply and search hard for meaning. But it will emerge if you are assiduous in your search.
Question: I'd just like it to change. I ask for help from the other side, just in terms of maybe a bit more
strength or something to do what I need to do to clean up my life. Sometimes I just feel like I don't have
it all by myself to balance that cheque-book or to do those things. Could I have some inspiration, please?
Answer: We ascendant mortals are much esteemed throughout the universes for our great capacity to adapt to changing circumstances, a necessary quality to have in order to survive. And most survive. Non-survival is a very, very rare event. Change is an inevitable fact of existence and is multiplied by many orders of magnitude when one is created imperfect. From the moment that you came into being you have been undergoing change with every fragment of time that has passed. As you read to this lesson you are changing. It is an inevitable and irreversible process. And we call ourselves ascendant because as we change we also ascend simultaneously. There is no turning back.
The change that you seek is difficult to measure by your standard physical means, for you cannot put it
on a yardstick, or hold it in your hands, or leave an impression on a film with it. It is measured instead in
terms of peacefulness, confidence, awareness, that ability to be in the world but not of it, joy in the
creations of the Father that abound so wonderfully on your planet. That is how you can discern the
change within. And also by an increasing awareness to the promptings of your Thought Adjuster, which
you, in particular, are very well attuned to.