No achievement is made without prerequisite effort
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive November 5, 2000. Teacher Elyon T/R Mark |
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As you know, to achieve something is to master it, to attain it by your own efforts. It is not something granted to you as much as it is something you have worked towards and through your efforts you have gained a control over, a mastery of. Your lives are filled with all manner of achievements. You have achieved
adulthood; you have achieved material possessions to surround you. You have gained these through your own efforts, and these, as well as many others, are your tangible results of these efforts. You achieve the mountaintop through your physical efforts, and the vista you view at the top is your achievement. It is your reward for having pursued this goal to its completion. Once having achieved this success, you then possess this as an achievement as part of your composition, your resume, in this life.
We all now can agree that no achievement is made without prerequisite effort. I would go so far as to add that all effort meets with certain success, certain achievement. The end result may not be the original desire of pursuit, but the pursuit provides you with the achievement of its own description. Spiritual effort when expended also meets with certain achievements once you have put in the required effort you then possess the achievement from that effort. Spiritually you build one success upon another. Each one adds to your resume, your foundation, upon which more achievements may be assembled.
It is right and good for you to occasionally take stock of where you were and where you are and even where you may be going, to see this as a progressive movement through effort to success.
You are also aware that larger accomplishments require larger efforts, but the fruits may be sweeter. Your success at long term efforts is all the more satisfying when you reflect on all the effort that was required to arrive at that success point.
I suggest as an exercise for you to count the achievements: tally up the efforts, the successes, the rewards; the ambitions of future undertakings, the expectations. Take stock of this ever-flowing pattern. At once you are resting on the foundations of many previous achievements while at the same instance you are providing the required effort for future accomplishments to be yours. In this cyclical pattern it is helpful to step outside and view it as a pattern, cyclical, and see where you fit in. Note what you have accuired and the effort you still offer. Grow to expect that this effort now in cycle will come to completion as will your achievements.