Universe Announcements Timeline
Sometime after 1978 — Caligastia trial and demise
Reported in: The FLURRY #15, Vol II, No 4, The Testimony of Caligastia 23, Oct, 2013.pdf
March 16, 1985 — Lucifer trial and demise
The end of this lucifer rebellion occurred on march 16, 1985
At his trial Lucifer offered no defense and stole the show by saying three small sentences.
His only words were: "I am Lucifer. I am not contemptible. I am right."
February 5, 2012 — Metatron passes third functionality test
05 Feb 2012 11:11 PM
My friends,
I am pleased to announce that Metatron has fully manifested after passing the third and final functionality test clearing the way for the public launch of the Magisterial Mission. The final test achieved 133% of mission requirements.
"Metatron" means "outside the Tron."
The Tron is an inter-association or brotherhood of subordinate divine sons on Paradise. Subsequent revelations will help us to fully understand the structure of the increasingly complex levels of the Tron, but at the level we are working now it is a 10x10x10 cube known as the "Supreme Being." Each one of these 1,000 points of light represent a set of spiritual values which impinge upon or influence the surrounding values all held in place by one of these divine sons on high. Each one of us down low must capture these spiritual values through actual living experience during our local universe ascension career in order to achieve eternal life.
Simply stated, the divine template above must be individually captured down here below as we each attempt to become evermore god-like. That is our immediate goal, but defining the Supreme Being has never been accomplished before on an evolutionary sphere like Urantia.
Until now.
The Urantia Book, which is the cornerstone of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, contains these 1,000 spiritual values which define the Supreme Being. That definition was accomplished crossing the Winter Solstice on December 21st allowing the new spiritual gravity circuit that was put in place in August to become the conduit for this "outside the Tron" energy emanating from the periphery of Paradise. It is unified by the 7 Master Spirits and then sent down through the Ancient of Days to Christ Michael to its mirror-image cube platform created down here on the ground.
Christ Michael is commander-in-chief of the Metatron forces in Nebadon and all properly encircuited sons may now serve as a conduit for these energies. This gives the Father many, many more unique and individual extensions of his will and for the first time it extends all the way down to the finite-mortals of the realm. This is contrary to 3 Enoch's erroneous view of Metatron as the Messiah of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. The revelator was clearly unable to convert the concepts to the proper context which are described herein.
In order to maintain universal balance it was necessary for the Paradise Father to grant these new Metatronic energies simultaneously to the other 6 Superuniverses. So, out of our rebellion-plagued sphere a great new flower has sprung forth resulting in a major benefit to the entirety of creation.
If God's absolute energy from Paradise were to pervade the evolutionary universes it would instantly turn all imperfect potentials into perfect actuals causing the entire time-space experiment to collapse. Look at it this way, Metatron is a way for the 7-fingered hand of the Father to reach into each one of the 7 Superuniverse incubators of Life through this Metatronic safety glove allowing him to bathe his baby of creation with 7-fold Love energy. Since all 7 Master Spirits are directly participating, as they are the 7 fingers of God's hand, this Metatronic energy impinges upon, and potentially even reaches into the Paradise sub-absolutes. In other words, Metatron now offers the highest waveform of Light-Love energy achievable in the time-space universes that doesn't turn everything back into its original pure Light, first-source form.
Prior to this time the Metatronic energies were limited to the Order of Michael as the lowest focalization platform. This new development allows the direct introduction of this highest form of sub-Paradise energy onto the surface of the planet in a way that was previously unavailable. This Love energy will first be used in a heartfelt attempt to get the entire planet to turn away from sin and return to the God of Abraham. You will recognize this concept as consistent with previously written communique's.
I am fully committed to doing our Father's will.
Finally, Christ Michael has stated that we will put this all behind us in 2012. So, expect things to move quickly once the Magisterial Mission goes public as we approach economic collapse and global war.
Your friend and brother,
David "Spank" Chuhran
Reserve Corp of Destiny
2013 — The Supreme attains First Level of Coherence
Recently, the "First Level of Coherence" was achieved between the Supreme Mind and the Cosmic Mind allowing God the Supreme in Havona to become functionally active in ways that were previously unavailable.
As you well know:
The Infinite Spirit is Infinite Mind.
The Master Spirits are Cosmic Mind.
The Supreme Being is Supreme Mind.
Majeston sits as the coordinator between Cosmic Mind and Supreme Mind.
Urantia Book 0.3.14 2. The mind forces are convergent in the Infinite Spirit; the differential and divergent cosmic mind in the Seven Master Spirits; the factualizing mind of the Supreme as a time-space experience in Majeston.
Cosmic Mind is existential PATTERN.
Supreme Mind is experiential PROCESS.
The "First Level of Coherence" between Cosmic Mind and Supreme Mind consists of a logical connection or consistency between the actualized living experience on an evolutionary sphere in the time-space creation and the existential pattern within the cosmic mind where an integration of diverse elements, relationships and values is factualized into coherent operation.
That has now occurred on Urantia and I surmise there are 6 more Levels of Coherence remaining.
October 2013 — New Paradise Pattern Delivery
This incident happened in October 2013. The exact day was not recorded. I was a relatively new member of Ronald Besser’s online Serara forum at the time. Not long after I posted this to the forum Ron removed it claiming that he had to purge some of the postings from the database because of technical difficulties. And so I reposted it after the purge, only to have it purged again. I reposted a third time, and along came another purge. That’s when I realized that I had become a threat to Ron Besser.
Greetings to all members and guests of the Serara Forum.
As you may know, I am a relatively late comer to this forum, having only been a member for several months. However, it is no coincidence that I have joined you at this time. The Magisterial Mission is a far reaching, multi-faceted, multi-national/celestial initiative. There are many Urantians who are involved in ways that are not yet revealed to this forum.
Now the time has come for me to share with all of you a recent event of tremendous importance to each and every human on our suffering planet. This is also an event of great importance to Christ Michael and all of Nebadon, as it will affect the way our local universe will proceed forward, and will help ensure a wonderful future of Light and Life for all of Christ Michael's beautiful creation. So without further delay I will now recount to you an incident that happened to me, over the period of several days in October 2013.
I ask those who read this account to keep in mind that all of what you are about to read happened for the glory of our one and only Universal Father, and to Him belongs all the glory and praise. I am but a humble servant who rejoices in the fact that the Father's will always has been and always will be done. I also want to thank forum members Anita Christina, and Donna Lynn for their contribution to the human genome segment of this account.
In October of last year I was contacted by my Guardian Seraphim, and was told that a very rare situation had developed (but I wasn't given any more details) which allowed them to contact me in this very direct manner. They told me that this was a tremendous opportunity for us to get to know each other in ways that very few Urantians ever get to do. So after a pleasant period of meet and greet they suggested that we continue with the encounter and use the opportunity to provide me with valuable lessons in cosmic efficiency. I agreed and we started.
By the end of the day I was feeling ready for bed and some rest, but my Guardians recommended that I forego rest in favor of continuing with the lessons as they were very important. They told me that because of their close presence and contact, and other factors, I would derive much vitality from the encounter and could safely skip one or more nights of sleep. The same applied to food, so I skipped several meals. I can confirm that they were correct in this.
Well into the second day of this encounter, something very strange started to happen. I found myself developing a very strange feeling in my chest and abdomen. I thought perhaps I would vomit, but that didn't happen. This strange sensation gradually intensified to the point where I started having strong (but painless) chest convulsions. It was as if strong energy pulses were originating from within my chest and causing my entire chest and abdomen to expand and contract energetically and very rhythmically.
Immediately my Guardians became worried for my health and safety and tried to assess what was happening to me, but they could not determine the cause of the convulsions, so they sent for help. I then decided that it was best for me to get to my bed and lay down in case I should faint or collapse. As I lay in bed, my trusty Guardians remained beside me and did the best they could to support me. Very quickly several other celestials arrived on the scene and were given a report of my situation by my Guardians. I was immediately given what I can best describe as a celestial full body scan as I laid there. While I am not sure who performed this procedure I suspect it may have been one or Life Carriers stationed on Urantia. Regardless of who it was I am very grateful for the expert assistance they offered me during that crisis.
As an aside, let me say that it was a great experience to get to meet my Guardians in such a personal way. I find them both delightful, knowledgeable, and full of zest for their mission. I also found them to be quite the characters! There's never a dull moment with them, and I say this very affectionately.
After a thorough examination, the following determination was made and I was informed of it. First, I was not undergoing a heart attack. Second, I was not having a stroke or seizure. Third, they could not find anything physically wrong with me that could cause these convulsions. Then they continued assessing me for other possibilities, and that brought about results. They were able to determine that the source of the convulsions was located right next to the top of my liver, yet they could not identify what this source was, but they were certain it was not material in nature.
It was at that point that reinforcements were called in, and in a very short time other celestials arrived on location, and Father Melchizedek soon made contact from His headquarters. He immediately requested a report of the situation, which he promptly received. Immediately he declared this a potentially hazardous situation and had all non-essential celestials retreat to a safe distance until the threat could be fully assessed.
Only a few celestials remained by my side as they did their best to determine the danger at hand. During that time Father Melchizedek got busy at his end. After what seemed to me to be a few minutes, Father Melchizedek returned through his communication circuit and advised everyone that instructions had been received from Paradise that the object causing the convulsions was harmless and could be safely removed from my chest cavity.
At that point the convulsions started to subside and a few minutes later I was calm again. Then the celestials working on me asked me to lay still while they attempted to remove the object, which they were able to do rather quickly. Then a closer inspection of the object was carried out, but no one had any clue as to what it was.
Again, Father Melchizedek went off in search of answers at his end, and in a short while he returned with the answer everyone was looking for. He told everyone present, and there were quite a few by then, that the object was a package from the Isle of Paradise. More specifically, it was a gift for Christ Michael from the Universal Father.
Everyone was dumbfounded by this announcement. Then someone asked what was in the package, and Father Melchizedek answered that we would have to open it to find out, so someone opened it, and still there was bewilderment. After a moment Christ Michael opened a connection and informed us that it was in fact a new Paradise pattern.
At that point the mystery only deepened in a sense. What was the purpose of this pattern? This is the question that was on everyone's minds. From there the pattern was quickly delivered to Father Melchizedek, and his colleagues went to work trying to come to grips with this situation.
During that time some of the celestials told me that the long term storage of the package in my body had caused some damage to the energy circuits in my chest and abdomen, so they asked me to lay still again while they carried out the necessary repairs.
This particular form of surgery is quite interesting, and I'll relate to you what I was able to observe and feel. First of all none of it appeared to be physical in nature, so I assume it was either morontial or spiritual in nature. As far as describing the procedure, it closely resembled the work that a pair of electricians would do when wiring up a complex electrical panel. Many energy circuits had been either disconnected or redirected to accommodate the package, and these needed to be fixed. This they did by using some sort of instrument to re-establish the functionality of each circuit at both ends. I should mention at this point that I had no physical sensation of any of this surgery, and I was not under the influence of any anaesthetic (at least not to my knowledge).
There was however one thing that my human senses could pick up. Each time one end of a circuit was reconnected it made a slight noise at that particular location in my body. I can only describe the noise as being somewhat similar to the noise your empty stomach makes when it grumbles. Sometimes the noise was heard near my shoulder, sometimes near my hip, or above my bladder, or next to my liver just to name a few locations. These grumbling noises lasted about a second each. I heard dozens of these noises before the procedure was over.
While this cosmic surgery was going on it became apparent that all involved had by now become stressed to various degrees, myself being the worse, so a Reversion Director was brought in to help everyone return to a more comfortable pace. This particular Reversion Director was very skilful at sizing up the situation and getting everyone, especially me, to calm down and on level ground again.
The Reversion Director started asking me some well crafted questions designed to gradually and comfortably lead my attention into a different perspective so that I would stop seeing myself as the focus of all this attention and instead look at it from a distance. At that point the Reversion Director was able to start helping me find some sort of wholesome fun in the situation.
This went on for a while as I became less and less stressed, then at one point I was asked how my body was feeling, to which I replied that I felt fine except for all the sweating (I live in a humid tropical country). By then I had perspired so much that I had soaked the bed and it was getting a bit uncomfortable. Then I commented that it would be nice if we humans had the means to do something useful with all our sweat. Then the Reversion Director asked me if I had any suggestions. I thought about it for a moment and suggested that it would be nice if we had something like little seeds embedded in our skin that would get moistened when we perspire and quickly sprout into tasty little snacks that we could munch on, maybe something like healthy alfalfa sprouts. I felt a bit foolish for suggesting something so crazy, but to my surprise, many of the celestials present found this idea of mine quite funny, and they discussed it among themselves for a while. Then the Reversion Director informed me that those present all agreed that my spur of the moment joke was good enough to be considered for inclusion on some sort of large artistic/humorous public display on one of the Mansion worlds, and the Reversion Director left us to confer with his/her superiors.
It seemed about an half hour passed before the Reversion Director returned to inform us that my weird joke had been accepted by those in charge of such things on the Mansion world. I have to say that I was quite stunned! I was then asked if there were any more details I wanted to add to it, and I suggested they could call it Bryan's Sweaty Snacks, which was followed by a good amount of laughter by some of the celestials. I can hardly wait to reach the Mansion world and see how my crude humour has been depicted.
I've mentioned several celestials so far in this narrative, and there are several more I want to acknowledge. Moses was connected for a while, and I also seemed to sense the Council of 24 in the background. Enoch connected for a good while and I was able to chat with him a good bit. He's a fascinating character with a very interesting human experience. Christ Michael connected several times throughout the incident, and there was one other individual in particular whom I found very interesting. He was a visiting student/observer with Father Melchizedek's group.
I was told that he was a human from another world a bit less advanced than ours and that he had died tragically in his adolescent years. He was very inexperienced but very curious and energetic in his new morontia life. We had a lengthy and pleasant exchange which has left me with fond memories. I look forward to meeting him face to face some day, but I digress and return now to the Paradise pattern.
Father Melchizedek and His highly competent staff immediately went to work with this new pattern. There was much learning and experimenting to be done before this new pattern could be put into service, and the effectiveness and dedication with which this was done was truly remarkable.
Father Melchizedek kept his connection open most of the time so I could observe and if necessary participate in this initiative of implementing the new pattern. I was even able to make a contribution of my own to the effort, since I unknowingly had developed the ability to use the pattern (in a limited way) while I was carrying it within me. The work I had already done with it turned out to be of value in getting the ball rolling.
It seemed to me like it took about a couple of hours of Urantia time to get the new pattern encoded into the Melchizedek system and in operation, and as soon as it was up and running the results were swift and astonishing. It was as if a giant switch board in a control room suddenly started to light up all over the place. Father Melchizedek never missed a beat, and He kept me in the loop the whole time, while others were still busy repairing my damaged thoracic circuitry.
He explained to me that the pattern was being used as part of a powerful search algorithm to find the hidden remnants of the Lucifer Rebellion, and it worked with tremendous efficiency. Within less than a day of Urantia time tremendous progress had been made at locating much of the remaining hidden rebellion problems (both living beings and devices). Although I couldn't tell for sure how far this new tool was reaching, I did get a sense that outstanding rebellion problems were being detected and uncovered across a broad area of space, perhaps all of Satania, and maybe even beyond. It is interesting to note that Lucifer's hidden tools were booby trapped. Each time one was discovered it would self destruct as soon as anyone attempted to come near it or interfere with it in any way. So while it was possible to eliminate these things, there was no apparent way to capture one for study. Let that serve as further testimony to the great lengths that these rebels were willing to go.
In case anyone is wondering why this package was being kept next to my liver, there's actually a simple answer to that. The human liver is the organ most capable of healing itself. It was inevitable that some biological damage would occur as the human body was never designed for such use, and those who implanted the package, in their wisdom chose this location. I can confirm that I do indeed suffer from some long term liver damage, but the celestials who performed the surgery on me informed me that once the package was removed and my energy circuits reconnected, my liver should start to naturally heal itself over time. After only a few months I already feel a lot better.
From my perspective and with my limited physical senses I was able to sense that the package was dark in color and about the size and shape of a small pack of cigarettes. For many years I had felt like there was something pushing down against my liver, a constant pressure, and at times it was quite painful. I no longer feel that pressure.
In regards to the contribution I was able to make in helping Father Melchizedek and his staff to figure out how to use the pattern to help eradicate the remnants of the rebellion, I will refer you to the PDF file that I have attached to this narrative. This file contains a chart that I have developed over the course of 30 years as part of my personal studies. This chart is unrelated to anything mentioned in this narrative, but the pattern can be applied to it. If you examine the chart carefully you will notice that it has a certain type of logical structure with different categories organized in vertical columns, and several properties aligned horizontally. This is not the Paradise pattern. The Paradise pattern is more difficult to discern. The pattern is applied horizontally, across unrelated columns of data. In essence it takes a broad range of unrelated data and efficiently reduces it to a very narrow range of data that conforms to a complex and accurate set of parameters.
Unfortunately this is the best explanation I can offer at this time. As I said earlier, my ability to use
this pattern is very limited. There's also another aspect to this story which members Anita Christina, and Donna Lynn have recently brought to my attention.
This new Paradise pattern is also being used to produce corrections to our human DNA. Corrections designed to help us overcome the genetic contamination resulting from the rebellion, or as some have called it, the Lucifer Virus. Much more about this has already been published on this web site and forum so I won't repeat the details here.
So it is my wish that by publishing this event, we can all come to a better appreciation of the tremendous work our celestial friends are actively and lovingly performing on our behalf, and by celestial friends I mean everyone all the way up to the Universal Father. As humans we can barely begin to comprehend the immensity of the impact a new Paradise pattern can have on our suffering planet and all of Nebadon, and perhaps beyond. Patterns are the fundamental building blocks of creation. There is much for us to ponder in regards to this.
So my friends all this is to say that we have recently been blessed with with a gracious and most powerful gift from Paradise and the Universal Father Himself. A powerful recovery tool and antidote for some of what ails us and our planet, delivered right here to our little evolutionary sphere through an every day ordinary mortal of flesh and blood, no better and no different than the rest of you. It is a wonderful testament to our Father's unlimited power and love for all of us, and I take this opportunity to thank Him for His loving care and generosity.
January 6, 2017 — The Absonite Adjudication of Superuniverse #7 Orvonton
The Absonite Adjudication of Superuniverse #7 Orvonton
On January 6, 2017, the Architect of the Master Universe responsible for Superuniverse #7 made a momentous announcement, and handed in a verdict, the essence of which I (Bryan) am now sharing with you for your own personal edification. This announcement will not be made public on Urantia by me. Its public release is a matter for Michael of Nebadon, the Ancient of Days and those in charge of the Universe broadcasts. They will decide where, when and how to formally make this announcement, therefore it may vary somewhat from the informal format I am offering you below, just between friends, but the essence of it will be the same once the announcement is released.
The special absonite adjudication of Superuniverse #7 known as Orvonton is now complete, and this pertains to the unsanctioned incursion into the realm of the Absolute by beings of time/space origin existing within the evolutionary realm of the Supreme in the Grand Universe, in Superuniverse #7, Orvonton.
This incursion was not in accordance with any plans or designs formulated by the Architects of the Master Universe, and was wholly unsanctioned by the Paradise Trinity, and as such has been found to be an abomination which will never again be allowed to happen in Superuniverse #7.
The Architect of Superuniverse #7 has been sanctioned to bring a full and complete adjudication of this incursion into the realm of the Absolute, as well as to restore the continuity between the Supreme and Ultimate realms through the correction (remotion) of the errant and distorted aspects of the Local Universe of Nebadon Son Caligastia, formerly the Planetary Prince of Urantia, which developed as a result of this abomination. This purpose has now been fulfilled and the work of remotion is complete, and it is hereby determined that no further evolutionary and experiential value can be derived from the consequences and distortions created by this incursion which led to the destruction of Caligastia.
Further to this verdict, Divine Mercy for the remaining rebels and malfeasants who willingly and knowingly participated in this incursion and remain unrepentant has been exhausted. Their fate now rests solely in the hands of the Universal Father.
The Architects of the Master Universe, and in particular Architect of Superuniverse #7 now dismiss, with thanks, all who have contributed to the success of this unprecedented adjudication.
Apr 2018 — Entwined Relationship of Destinies
Apr 2018
Entwined Relationship of Destinies
Teacher: Xsamuel
Greetings my dear brother, I AM Xsamuel, and I have been near you for some time now. The name I have given to you has a meaning in your culture. The name “Samuel” in this context means “asked of God.” The “X” is a prefix to add the distinction of my order: X = Absonite. There is little information in your text about the Absonite beings other than the fact that we are “eventuated” — that we have no beginning — a concept that is quite paradoxical to your finite minds. There are Absonite worlds throughout the seven super universes and in the central universe — paradise. My home world is in the system you call “Sirius” and we have been invited by your Christ Michael (Asked of God) to participate in the rehabilitation of your world.
Absonite beings are very diverse in nature throughout the universes and we can provide services that no other order may claim and it is just such a special service that we are here to provide. It is true, that we transcend time and space, and by that we may move about as we desire without the need to negotiate gravity. We work with energies and in the mind circuits. You, as children of the Supreme, you participate in the emergence of Supreme destiny, whereas Absonites contribute to the emergence of God the Ultimate — ultimate destiny.
You may wonder then, why are we here on this world where finites are participating in the emergence of God the Supreme? The Architects of the Master Universe are of similar nature to Absonites, and yet they organize and initiate the massive energies needed for universe construction — they also are transcendent of time and space, and through their services they provide the energies for the material spheres where the children of the Supreme work out the experiential fulfillment of the Creator’s subjectivity. Ultimacy and Supremacy are linked — succeeding ages (time) and what happens in the age of Supremacy affects the outcomes of Ultimacy. By this entwined relationship of destinies, I come here to participate in the transformation of certain energies that will allow for a greater attunement for human minds to work with their Indwelling Monitors and other services I may not reveal at this time.
The rebellion that happened in this remote universe on the edge of organized space has sent notable ripples through the ages and your world has become a very peculiar place demanding of such attention by transcendent beings and the onlookers from Paradise. Urantia has redefined the meaning of “decimal planet” and the permitted experimentation of life here. You are all participating in a crucial period of development that deserves the attention of my order to ensure Supreme destinies unfold in a way that supports the desires of the Creator’s idea for Ultimate destinies to consummate. Anywhere in the universes where the “extraordinary” happens, it is of great interest to all those working in and for the Great Plan.
My associates and I are grateful to have this opportunity to communicate with you and we look forward to more of these chats as we shall be “camping” here for some time on your world and the other worlds needing attention in your system. Call on me anytime you feel our energies near you.
There’s “no time” like the present...
July 15, 2018 — The Consciousness Engineers
15 Jul 2018
We are Consciousness Engineers!
Teacher: Xsamuel
Greetings my brother! It is Xsamuel and I am so very grateful to have your ear! I would like to speak to you about the present age and the coming age of enlightenment — how we move from here to there. Many of you feel that it is nigh impossible, given the current state of human consciousness, that your world could ever evolve beyond its barbarism and embrace a more expanded view of the universe — a more connected and unified love for all humanity? I tell you that it is not only possible, but it shall be so as foreseen by those who transcend time and space (the Absonites).
Because we participate in the age of the Ultimate, and not Supremacy (as you are), our efforts are concerned with what lay ahead. Just as your scientist can look at a distant star and observe the fluctuation in light and determine that a planet must be in orbit around it, we in like manner observe the development of ultimate destinies and from that we are certain that your world shall participate in that destiny. It is the timing however, that is critical as certain opportunities present themselves, that we move and work with the Supreme administrators to "untangle" the dimensional web of twisted circuits that mind operates from in this part of the universe. We are consciousness engineers!
There are many Absonite beings here working at both the macro level (collective human consciousness) and at the micro level (individual human consciousness) to prepare the mind circuits for higher function. We are "correcting" and repairing these circuits as they should have been had your world not experienced the tampering and malevolent conditioning that occurred during the Lucifer Rebellion. We are and have been working at this on a "curve," so to speak, bringing those circuits back to their original intention with as little "side effects" as possible — yet there are always effects from any cause or action — even those with benevolent intent. This you would see as "fliers" that shock the consciousness of humanity, yet they must be allowed to be released.
From our side of reality (absonite), we only provide the functionality that precludes any willful action by humanity — you must decide, given the changing climate of consciousness, how you shall navigate the waters of uncertainty and steer your world into a more compassionate sphere of brotherhood. The circuits shall be there when needed, I can assure you that — the rest is up to you. The possibilities for greater ability in mind are unfolding and waiting for you to discover.
By observing ultimate destinies, we know you shall be successful, but the real value to the Supreme is in the adventure-the experience as it unfolds in time and space!
Value the adventure, friends.
I AM Xsamuel
Chris: Xsamuel, you mentioned that you are preparing the mind circuits for higher function? Does this also allow those who would use mind for malevolent purposes to cause greater harm?
Xsamuel: Higher function means just that — any expanded capability may be accessed by higher thought, benevolent intention — not malicious intent. The opportunities for progress are exponential. Regressive and repressive thought shall no longer be acceptable by the higher functioning minds on Urantia and shall find no path in the future.
Chris: Thank you, Xsamuel.
August 12, 2018 — To Create a better World
12 Aug 2018
To Create a better World
Teacher: Xsamuel
Greetings to the people of Urantia,
There is quite a lot of activity on your world untangling the mess of circuits that were twisted by the rebellion so many years ago, yet we are making good inroads to correct, upgrade, and replace these many faulty circuits. There is a Great Plan for Urantia, and we, consciousness engineers, shall stay the course until our job is complete. The Cosmic Corp is also making progress clearing the old circuits of malevolent energies that are soon to be decommissioned permanently, and we do understand that this can be uncomfortable work, yet it is necessary that these more toxic thought forms be drawn out and "retired" bringing their numbers to zero. Once these compromised circuits are shut down, their influence on human consciousness shall cease to exist — along with that, those humans that practice the "dark arts" shall no longer have access to these circuits for intimidation and harm.
I do want to make clear the distinction between these malevolent circuits and the circuits that must be present to contain all variants of human thought. On a world such as Urantia that is only now beginning to free itself from the bondage of rebellion, there still exists the control structures that have developed over many centuries that are presently "steering" much of the mass consciousness of its citizens. Until humanity can begin thinking for themselves and rely less on these control structures, the greater will be the ability of the Thought Adjusters to connect with their human partners and "move" them to the higher circuits where the recognition of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness can inspire them to create a better world. Rest assured, the foundations of these control structures are eroding, even now as we speak.
Regardless of the countermeasures and the continued healing of Urantia, it is necessary to provide circuits for all minds and thoughts, even those with evil intention, for free will — the ability to choose is paramount to the Great Plan evolution, and the attainment of perfection at every level of creation. What Christ Michael is asking from us (the celestial/human alliance) is to "level the playing field" and remove the undue (energetic) influences that stifle what would be a more normal curve of human development.
In this concerted effort to "normalize" human mind and facilitate greater attunement with the Thought Adjusters, Christ Michael has authorized the development of a system of energetic Distribution Centers and Cascading Networks where human minds at all levels of intelligence can connect and receive vibrational attunements that may assist in the uplifting of all consciousness on the planet. As more and more human minds begin scaling their Psychic Circles — human consciousness, like the ocean tide rising, shall be elevated. This is a subtle but gradual and steady curve that will assist the individual and humanity in its "relationship" with the organism of itself — eventually leading to the healing of its social dysfunctions and the recognition of the systems and structures that no longer serve the greater good.
The recovery of your world resides with its citizenry — to change the way they want to live. The opportunities to engage in the healing of your world shall be abundant — step into those possibilities and the resources you need shall be provided.
In service to you,
I AM Xsamuel
September 3, 2018 — The corrupted consciousness circuits of the apostate prince have been completely and permanently shut down on Urantia
Source: http://correctingtime.org/transcript/announcement-of-monumental-significance
3 Sep 2018
Announcement of Monumental Significance!
Teacher: Xsamuel
Greetings people of Urantia! I AM Xsamuel, of the Absonite order of consciousness engineers. I AM here to announce some exciting news. Many of you know that there is a great contingent of personalities (both celestial and human) at work in the system of Satainia working to free all 37 former apostate worlds from the deliberate corruption of the consciousness circuits by the Luciferian rebels. It has been a most difficult and laborious effort to cleanse the circuits, and in some cases, replace them completely while moving the various levels of consciousness to the new circuitry.
The most difficult and important of all these circuits to dismantle were the circuits used by the rebel planetary princes — to dampen and control — to directly interfere with the consciousness circuits between human mind and the Indwelling Spirit of the Universal Father — the Thought Adjusters. It was Lucifer's intention to sever the divine connection between man and Creator and prevent the natural and divine plan of ascension for His experiential children to aspire to perfection and god-likeness.
I AM here to announce that officially, the corrupted consciousness circuits of the apostate prince have been completely and permanently shut down on Urantia, Friday, August 31, in the year 2018!
What does this mean to the people of Urantia? It is the beginning of a new era of correction — one free from the direct interference of darkness to influence, infect, and control the path of evolution and the ascension path of its people. With any virus, there is an auto-immune response and a recovery period. So too will human mind need to adjust and recover from the infection of a rebellious disease. Like addiction, human mind has become dependent on the systems that have been born out of this corrupt control circuit. As a way to heal your world and bring it back to its natural path of evolution, Christ Michael has requested that new circuits of higher consciousness be introduced and available to those human minds that aspire to reach for greater attunement with their Indwelling Father Fragments.
Soon, the Distribution Centers will begin functioning and the greatest way for you to take advantage of this higher stream of consciousness coming in through the Trinity Teacher Nexus, is to first, heal and repair your physical and energetic systems for greater reception. How do you do this? You are to restore and cleanse your biological and energetic systems through healthy living. Healthy living is decision based and all of you can make decisions to optimize your physical, mental, and energetic health. When you "decide" to change the way you think and live, you are exercising your free-will to move into this higher stream of Adjuster attunement. We (the celestial administration) can only provide the mechanisms and structures for the attainment of Light and Life. It is you that must use your will and co-creative expression to go there. Now, there is no direct interference in your ascension path — you are free to move into it if you so choose!
As you choose and move into "system optimization" you will naturally want to tap into these higher circuits of consciousness, and to do that you must begin healing your relationships both on the human side and on the Spirit side. It is required that you use your minds to "listen" with the heart and think deeply about the values of life and your relationship with all of creation. With each decision you make — a step forward on your path, you shall be guided to the next step. In faith, you step out and take hold of the reality you want to see in your personal life, then expand it into what you want to see for your communities and the world at large.
Evolution, my dear ones, does not always crawl at snails pace — it can have sudden leaps and change can happen very quickly — and it can happen with you. Ask for what you need, we are listening.
I AM Xsamuel — please take a moment and consider the monumental significance of what has happened on your world — and do celebrate with us!
Receiver's note: An important thing to note here is that taking control of your personal health is the one thing that you can actively do to rid yourself of the last intrinsic control devices of the rebellion. Choosing to responsibly act in what comes into the mouth, the ears, and the eyes can ultimately change the landscape of the entire planet.
March 7, 2021 — The Remotion of Nebadon - uncovering the AMS circuit glitch
The Remotion of Nebadon
Early yesterday morning (Sunday March 7, 2021) I (Bryan) woke up to another dose of ultimate energy coming my way. I don't know how to explain what this energy is like. It is very exhausting mentally. All I can say is that it feels somewhat different from the energy you get from supreme contact sources. So there were several things that transpired as the lead up to what I will share with you. These were like scaffolding that provided some usefulness to the interaction that followed.
Since these things have little to do with the outcome I will not spend time reciting them here. Once again, whenever the ultimate makes an appearance remotion work tends to follow. To save myself from having to do a lot of mental gymnastics in an attempt to explain the remotion process, I'll just move on to the end result.
Present for this remotion exercise.
Master Architect #11
Master Michael
Nebadonia (mostly as an observer)
I sensed the remainder of the Trinity Ultimate there in the background.
Some Absolute presence which I could sense but not clearly identify.
Purpose of this remotion exercise.
To dig deeper into the past, beyond the Lucifer rebellion in an attempt to uncover a systematic glitch in the Local Universe of Nebadon.
Target of this remotion exercise.
Mostly Caligastia's behaviour as Urantia's Planetary Prince and the Adjutant Mind Spirit circuit. How his particular personality and proclivities made him aware of an unusual problem, but ultimately led to his failure as our planetary prince.
Note: The fact that Caligastia always maintained that he was not a rebel has been largely brushed aside by the Urantia Book. However, this peculiar stance of his is now understood and was an important factor in this exercise.
Some pertinent questions raised in this remotion exercise are:
- Why was Caligastia adamant that he was not a rebel?
- Why was Caligastia frequently harassing his superiors over his difficulties with Urantia?
- Why did Micheal routinely refuse to grant Caligastia a personal audience?
- Why did Caligastia join the Lucifer rebellion, yet continue to claim he wasn't a rebel?
Were there any other motivating factors that led Caligastia down this path besides his own proclivities? If there were other factors, then what were they? All these questions were answered during this remotion exercise.
Before I get into the details I want to mention something that impressed me during this interaction. A tremendous amount of ultimate remotion, and supreme correction and cleanup has already been accomplished. In other words, the old rotten building of the rebellion has already been demolished, and most of the rubble already cleared away. Now with so much taken out of the way, we are very close to finally exposing the foundation and the building's underlying ground work. This original ground work is as expected, with one exception. This exception traces all the way back to Salvington, in ancient times.
Let's begin. Long long ago (Michael knows the exact dates but is not sharing just yet), Michael of Nebadon assisted the Universe Mother, Nebadonia, with an issue. The exact details of this assistance were not revealed to me. Here's what I know about what transpired, as it was revealed through the remotion exercise.
When Michael assisted Nebadonia, unbeknownst to Him and Her, His assistance caused a minor disturbance in Her Adjutant Mind Spirit circuit. Immediately afterwards Michael travelled to Paradise on official business. It wasn't long before this AMS circuit disturbance was noticed and flagged by Nebadonia and Her staff. With Michael away, Nebadonia proceeded to assess the situation and make the necessary correction with Her staff, and it was well within Her purview to do so.
Once the correction was made, the system was fully tested to make sure everything had been restored properly. All the test results returned positive signals, and the issue was documented and filed away as having been successfully resolved, and everyone and everything went back to normal. When Michael returned from Paradise it was determined that the issue need not be reopened and presented to Him since it had been successfully resolved, and Nebadon continued on with its creative goals.
Note: As far I have been informed and as best as I can understand, the correction to the AMS circuit (which happened eons ago) was fully tested to ensure that all was restored properly. The best way I can describe the testing technique is like this. After the correction was made Nebadonia sent out a special "ping" through the entire system to all the connected planets. Then all these "pings" bounced back to Nebadonia. The response time and response quality of all the returned pings were then fully analyzed and compared with the approved standard. This ping test returned 100% successful at the time. However Urantia was not yet seeded with its particular experimental life plasm when this ping test was performed, and therefore the anomaly, which only responds to Urantia's life pattern, could not be detected, and it remained dormant as a potential only, until Urantia became seeded with life and the AMS circuits were connected to it much later on.
Had the ping test also gone out to a Urantia seeded with experimental life way back then, then the ping test would have immediately revealed the anomaly, and a correction could have taken place. No one, under Supreme values and laws could have predicted this problem would arise. No one failed in their universe building responsibilities, and no one did anything wrong to cause this problem. It was simply a series of acceptable actions that led to a completely unpredictable eventuation far down the timeline. An undertaking as massive as a Local Universe is never lacking in problems of every kind, and in that regard this particular issue was no different than any other.
For a long long time everything was fine with Nebadonia and her AMS circuits, and no one paid any attention to the issue anymore, and Michael remained unaware of it. Then Urantia entered the picture as a decimal planet with its experimental life plasm. Everything seemed well at first, and any anomalies were deemed to be well within the variances of a decimal planet. Then the first humans appeared on Urantia, and a new level of functionality began as the AMS circuits went into service here. It wasn't long before the Life Carriers stationed on Urantia began noticing some unusual occurrences. These were properly reported and the Life Carriers were instructed to continue monitoring Urantia while keeping in mind that it was a decimal planet, and that anomalies were nothing out of the ordinary for Urantia.
Note: Had such anomalies occurred on a normal planet they would have immediately been flagged as problems needing to be fixed, but with Urantia being experimental, the anomalies were attributed to the experiment and routinely monitored, but otherwise allowed to continue.
On their own these anomalies were very minor and posed no significant problem that couldn't be remedied with the approved universe correction methods and procedures.
Then one day the 6 coloured races were born and the Planetary Prince Caligastia and his staff of 100 were dispatched. All went well at first, and Caligastia was made aware that certain aspects of the human race was slower than normal to develop. Caligastia attempted to make some compensations in accordance with his mandate, but they failed, and Urantia's humans continued to get more chaotic as it limped along at a slower than normal evolutionary pace due to the unrecognized glitch in the AMS circuits.
Over time Caligastia came to the conclusion that something was wrong beyond the mere anomalies of a decimal planet. He became increasingly impatient and increasingly forceful in his attempts to bring this issue to the attention of the higher authorities on Salvington, where he believed the problem might originate from. Eventually he became belligerent and Salvington became increasingly annoyed and suspicious of Caligastia's behaviour.
At this point it is necessary to look at roles and responsibilities for a moment. Up to now both sides, Caligastia and Salvington, had behaved as they should and no fault could be attributed to either side. But unfortunately, this is where Caligastia's proclivities became a problem, and things started to get off track for him. From this point forward Caligastia's behaviour is well documented and doesn't need to be reviewed here, except to say that he had found himself in a difficult situation with the AMS circuits glitch which he had inherited.
He wanted the problem to be fixed and he exhausted all the normal remedies, but to no avail. Everything was OK up to that point. What Caligastia should have done is "cover his ass in a righteous way" at that point. He should have continued doing what his superiors were instructing him to do, while making sure he totally and completely documented everything, so that when the day arrived that this situation naturally came to a head, he would have all the necessary evidence to protect himself and his staff from accusations of wrong doing. Caligastia unfortunately chose a different course of action which eventually led to his demise. Let's now switch the focus from personality issues to technical issues.
Long long ago when the glitch occurred in the Adjutant Mind Spirit circuit, all the efforts made to correct it were sound and according to universe approved standards. However, what no one could predict perfectly was the long term future. The approved remedies were sufficient for all normal planets, past, present, and future, but experimental planets are a different matter since unexpected changes could be made in some of the experimental plans long after the AMS circuits glitch was corrected.
This caused a small but potentially very disruptive inversion to occur in Nebadon. That inversion is the heart of the problem. Before I continue I want to state that, in all of this, from way back then up until the present no universe rules were broken (except by Caligastia and the Lucifer rebels). Michael of Nebadon remains faultless, and His cohort Nebadonia and Her angelic staff also remain without fault in this matter. There was no one and nothing in Nebadon that could have predicted this far distant issue to occur.
This glitch lay dormant for eons, completely undetectable by any and all universe systems. It was only with the seeding of life on Urantia, with its particular set of life plasm parameters that the glitch manifested itself. Numerous Nebadon personalities detected the symptoms of this glitch on Urantia (without knowing the source cause), but due to the minor nature of the glitch, the fact that it had happened so very long ago and was now out of consciousness, and Urantia's status as a decimal planet, the glitch was considered within the acceptable parameters for a decimal planet and attributed as one of the new characteristics of the experimental life plasm of Urantia, and was dealt with accordingly, and in conformance with all established universe laws within the realm of the Supreme. Therefore, under Supreme values of unification no guilt can be assigned to Nebadon for this mishap, and the matter is considered an Ultimate issue of co-ordination that led to the eventuation of Urantia's problems that have remained unresolvable by Supreme action.
A final word about Caligastia.
Caligastia was brilliant, and had a passion for experimenting and pushing the boundaries. These qualities allowed him to realize that Urantia's problem of excessively slow evolution lie beyond its status as a decimal planet. With the AMS circuit being a closed system from the Urantia standpoint he had no means of identifying it as the source of the problem. Had he been more patient and allowed Urantia's problem of slow evolution to fully manifest itself, this would have signalled to the higher universe authorities that they needed to pay special attention to Caligastia and Urantia.
Unfortunately Caligastia allowed his impatience to get the best of him and in so doing attempted to leverage the Lucifer rebellion as an expedited means of getting the attention he desired and quite frankly needed and deserved. Alas, he failed to comprehend that getting himself labelled as a rebel (even with good intentions) would automatically cut him off from the very thing he was seeking to connect to, and cast him into a downward spiral of ever increasing failure and frustration.
Today we are well aware of the attacks on the Nebadon AMS circuit by the rebels and Caligastia. It is now thought that Caligastia led these attacks on the AMS circuits as a means of attempting to track the glitch to its source (without consideration for the extreme damage these hacks would cause), and also in hopes that he would finally get the attention of the Salvington authorities and Michael in regards to this glitch.
March 11, 2021 — Ultimate transcendental remotion processes under MA11 terminated.
Today March 11, 2021 Master Architect #11, the architect of Superuniverse #7 Orvonton, declared all Ultimate transcendental remotion processes under His purview to be terminated, effective immediately. Full control of the Local Universe of Nebadon is now returned to Master Michael and His cohort the Creative Mother Spirit which we affectionately call Nebadonia.
The remotion work of Master Architect #11 on Urantia is now complete. The tools of Ultimacy have been deployed and their capabilities exhausted. Every available pattern, every available preparation, every available process, every concerned jurisdiction, every available course of correction has been employed and exhausted. The jurisdictions of Absonity have been traversed up to the circle of Infinity, and as such the work of remotion can go no further. The abomination that led to the incursion into the Premolition Circuit and the personal circuit of the Infinite Spirit remains a matter beyond the purview of the Trinity Ultimate and the tools of Ultimacy.
Therefore a command has been issued to Metatron for a change of jurisdiction, and to proceed at will, effective immediately. The Supreme Being has been notified to prepare for whatever comes next.
All personalities requiring Ultimate remotion and correction have been processed to the extent possible. The Local Universe authorities and the Ancient of Days of Orvonton are now summoned to open the Book of Life and carry out the appropriate judgments on all remotioned personalities. Full Supreme rule and processes are now restored.
All the issues Nebadon faced regarding the betrayal of the Planetary Prince Caligastia, and the rebellion of the System Sovereign Lucifer, have been exposed and are now comprehensible to the Supreme. The Local Universe of Nebadon and its faithful leaders have been vindicated.
Master Architect #11 sends personal greetings of friendship and thanks to the leadership of Nebadon, Uversa and the Supreme Being for their tremendous support and loyalty through these exceptional circumstances.
March 18, 2021 — AMS Circuitry Repairs Test Results
- Despite Caligastia's incursion (originating from Urantia) into the premolition circuit via the AMS circuit, the unidirectional AMS circuitry from Salvington to Urantia was not damaged and continues to function as originally designed. However, Cali's incursion did demonstrate in an absolutely convincing manner that the fundamental AMS system used throughout Orvonton has a security vulnerability which can be exploited by such extreme abominations as the Caligastia incursion and the Lucifer virus. How this will be dealt with is to be determined.
- The location of the vulnerability has also been definitively identified through these special pings and the human/spirit feedback loop between Urantia and Salvington. Up to now it could not be identified from Urantia, despite Nebadonia's and the Melchizedeks best efforts because the damage to the old morontia grid was too severe.
- It is also now clear that Lucifer later took advantage of Caligastia's abominable discovery and devised his off hex signalling system, in collaboration with Caligastia's unsanctioned human DNA modifications, to create the Lucifer virus, and also to build a secretive and illicit communications system that rides piggy back through the AMS circuit, much the same way a radio carrier wave can also carry other information. A practical example for us today is how the physical electrical copper wiring of your house can also carry internet signals without interfering with the electrical current. But be careful when you are doing this since you could get electrocuted if you make a wrong move. This is what happened to Caligastia when he inadvertently came into contact with the premolition circuit!
This type of approach was used on the AMS circuit by the rebels, by injecting encoded off hex signals into the AMS circuit. Why where these off hex signals encoded? Because all signals in the AMS circuits route back to Salvington. To make these secret comms undetectable on Salvington they had to be encoded in a way that accomplished one of two things. 1) make them completely undetectable, or 2) make them appear as something normal (hiding in plain sight). We know from the present manifestations of the Sons of Darkness on Urantia that they employ both techniques. The Q phenomenon has taught us much about these encoding techniques. - The old Urantia morontia grid has been extensively damaged for many reasons. The incursion into the AMS circuit is but one of many things that has gone wrong, but it is not the single cause of the morontia grid damage.
- The location of the incursion into the AMS system has been pinpointed through the use of the special pings and the human/spirit feedback loop. There is a junction, a special connector/diffuser/deflector located where the unidirectional AMS circuit meets the Urantia morontia grid and is converted into an omnidirectional grid signal that then floods the planet through the grid. It is at this junction point that Caligastia's incursion took place and also where the rebels have been injecting their pirate off hex signals. I just received the following as I was writing this. Near this junction point may turn out to be a likely location where any remaining hybrid rebels may be hiding in the grid. Hiding there would greatly limit their need to move around which could lead to their easier detection.
- Here things get a bit more complicated but I'll do my best to explain it conceptually. The transmission of encoded off hex comms going out to other rebel locations is fairly straight forward after they have been encoded. They are simply fed directly into the unidirectional AMS circuit (at the junction) and are automatically forwarded to Salvington and from there, if they remain undetected, are then automatically dispersed throughout Nebadon through the AMS where other rebels who know the encoding/decoding system can receive them regardless of their location.
- In regards to the off hex signals that are diffused through the morontia grid and broadcast all over Urantia. This is where it gets more complicated. A special loopback, or as someone recently called it, a "circle back" system was installed on the grid by the rebels, at or near the unidirectional junction. This circle back system does a few things. 1) It is the injection system that the rebels use to feed new parameters (keywords) into the morontia human brain stem Lucifer virus component (see diagram below). I have no other info on this function for now. 2) It is an accelerator to control the intensity of the fear response going to the brain stem component. Here's my crude drawing of the brain stem device. Given this new info I will probably update this drawing at some point.
The accelerator control works like this. We know from things like music concerts that when a signal gets fed back into the circuit from which it came it creates a very loud screeching. In other words the signal becomes both amplified and distorted. It is similar to this with this circle back morontia system, except that it doesn't feed the same signal back into the circuit. Instead it feeds the off hex signal into the circuit, and that is part of the reason why (along with the encoding) this stuff has been so impossible to detect for so long. This type of feedback loop doesn't cause any screeching distortion, but it does cause an increase in signal strength or loudness coming out of the speakers. This is how the system increases the fear response in the brain stem device.
So let's say you come across a situation that the Lucifer virus has flagged with a keyword, and wants you to stay away from. The brain stem device then sends an initial fear signal to the person, and also an off hex ping out to the morontia grid which captures it and directs it to the rebel circle back system. The circle back system then pings the brain stem device to see if the person has correctly responded to the initial fear signal. If the ping returns "yes" then nothing else happens, but if the ping returns "no" then the circle back device resends/reinjects the same fear signal into the morontia grid at the omni junction point and it goes back to the brain stem device, but because this is the second iteration of the same signal, it's strength has also doubled, thereby doubling the intensity of the fear signal received by the unwitting human with the brain stem device. If the next off hex ping still returns "no" then the circle back device repeats the same process and the intensity of the fear again increases in the human and so on until the fear signal becomes so strong that it can literally cause a person to freeze in fear. I know, I had it happen to me in (it's very scary, very bizarre and very unnatural). A side effect is that this can also temporarily completely override the brain's natural fight or flight instinct which can lead to all sorts of consequences. - During the testing, the intensity of the Lucifer virus signal going to my (Bryan's) brain stem was greatly increased (but not Donna's) at the same time that the special pings with the new off hex neutralizing pattern were being sent through the AMS via Nebadonia on Salvington. Bryan's resulting behavior was observed along with Donna's and a great differential was noticed. This differential was then factored into the test parameters. This approach revealed the following. 1) The special off hex neutralizing ping was traveling fine through space along the unidirectional AMS circuit but it was not reaching Bryan. 2) The intensifying circle back signal to Bryan's brain stem device (the Lucifer virus in the diagram above) was working as expected, thereby confirming that this system was simultaneously working from the planet's surface up to the morontia grid and the rebel's circle back amplification device. 3) When Bryan's brain stem device was allowed to return to a "zero" fear signal, the off hex neutralizing AMS ping was then clearly received by Bryan as confirmed by his TA. What can be concluded from this is: when highly activated (many repeating loops) the Lucifer virus brain stem device in conjunction with the circle back amplification device overwhelms (clogs) the morontia grid's omni/uni junction point with an excess of signals which effectively (temporarily) blocks the unidirectional AMS signals from being converted to the omnidirectional signals needed to broadcast through the morontia grid.
- One of the consequences of this which could never before be properly understood is what I and some others have personally witnessed as the "black tar substance" that has completely contaminated the old morontia grid. It is now better understood that this black substance is the unconverted cosmic unidirectional AMS residual signal energy which is blocked from entering the uni/omni converter of the Urantia grid when it is overwhelmed by the Lucifer virus. This unconverted signal energy has no other place to go and since it has a built in affinity for the morontia grid it naturally collect there instead is simply getting spilled out into open space and dissipating. Unfortunately this unfiltered signal energy is incompatible with the morontia grid and is causing the current black gooey mess. There may be a connection between this black tar residual energy from the uni AMS circuit and the dark egregores that some are familiar with. I may have more to say about this later. Info is coming in now but I'm unsure what to make of it yet.
- A remedy is being worked on. The new Paradise Pattern is being explored for use in two potential solutions. 1) To create a temporary off hex neutralizing signal from Salvington, similar to the way active noise cancelling headphones can neutralize annoying sounds. Here's a simple explanation from the Bose web site.
2) To create a permanent off hex destruction signal. This would be fed into the AMS circuit from Salvington and when it reaches Urantia it would permanently eradicate the off hex system. Discussions are currently ongoing regarding the pros and cons of both these potential solutions.
November 26, 2021 — The Ultimate/Absolute Remotion of Mother Spirit Nebadonia
The Ultimate/Absolute Remotion of Mother Spirit Nebadonia
Fri, Nov 26, 2021
As I lay in bed I (Bryan) was getting my mind deeply focused through some weird mental exercise for something that was to follow. I’ll call it a celestial convention for lack of a better term, and it soon started.
Those involved in the process were:
Universal Absolute
Metatron Chain of Command
Infinite Spirit (through Nebadonia)
Michael of Nebadon
Mother Spirit Nebadonia
Master Architect # 11 (MA11)
In recognition of the success of the process and achievement, Gabriel and Father Melchizedek briefly made an appearance to show appreciation on behalf of all lower creatures.
Here's what transpired. Now that Nebadonia's AMS circuits have been restored / upgraded and have resumed proper operation, the next issue affecting Nebadonia was ready to be worked on.
This was not a technical issue but rather a personal one. The issue that occurred that caused the nearly undetectable glitch in Nebadonia's circuits so long ago, and that led to Caligastia’s demise, also had an unbalancing effect on Her personally, as a sense of culpability.
So with guidance from the Universal Absolute and with Master Architect 11 acting as the bridge to the Absolute, Nebadonia was brought into what I can only describe as a personal therapy session of the highest order.
It began with MA11 addressing Her unsubstantiated culpability feelings, and after much one on one discussion with her, the issue could not be resolved, and at that point the Universal Absolute entered the process.
Note: it became clear to me through this transaction that MA11 is still on Salvington and in very close proximity to Nebadonia, and thereby allowing for personal and direct contact between the two, as if they were close enough to hold hands.
Now with the assistance of the Universal Absolute the focus of the exercise was greatly expanded to include the circle of eternity and the absolute requirements contained within it. At this point the presence of Master Michael was felt to varying degrees for the remainder of the process.
It took me a few minutes to wrap my mind around what I was witnessing from the Absolute, but once I came to the proper realization, it all became surprisingly clear. Not clarity of "details" at the absolute level but rather clarity of the overall "process" of universality unification and coordination of the Absolute. It's all about maintaining an acceptable overall balance. There are many potential ways of successfully achieving the desired goal as long as it can all be balanced out acceptably.
Surprisingly my contact with the Absolute was very clear and visual, one of my best celestial contacts ever (clarity wise). I was quite surprised by this. It was a combination of speech and visual presentation. The closest thing I can compare it to is getting a bird's eye view of a strategic war room session with a large central table on which lay a model of the great plan with Nebadonia's role in it being highlighted.
Through MA11's direct connection with Nebadonia She was able to also receive this input from the Absolute. In a nutshell what the Absolute showed us is the fact that what happened long ago to Her circuits was a necessity at the Absolute level in order to lead the local universe of Nebadon on the path it needed to follow in order to ultimately become the Grand Universe focalization for the future portal to the Outer Space Zones (OSZ).
It was not the cause of the rebellion. It was merely an adjustment by the Absolute as part of the overall plan. The rebellion was a matter of free will run amok by creatures of time/space evolution.
Matters of the Direct Ascension School and the Rebellion School are of no import to the Absolute in this regard and remain the jurisdiction of the Master Architect and his Creator Son associate. The Absolute is merely concerned with the trajectory through space and time of the Grand Universe needed to bring about the eventual creation/eventuation of the OSZ portal on Urantia.
When I was getting this bird's eye view from the Absolute it was evident that time and space were not part of the picture for the Absolute. There was no sense of either one being a consideration in that presentation. The plan seemed fixed and not up for negotiation, however the process for getting there has some room for adaptation by the Supreme Creators.
Therein was the sticky side of the issue for Nebadonia, as one who must operate in a universe conditioned by time and space. It took several attempts by the Absolute to restore Nebadonia's focus so that it first filtered through the perfect plans of the Absolute and then down into the time/space arena. Once Nebadonia had been properly re-focused in this way Her local universe presence was quickly restored to its proper balance.
Within minutes reports started coming in from all corners of Nebadon from Seraphim who were detecting the subtle correction, and through the Archangel network came similar reports from the higher angelic orders. My own Guardian Seraphim also confirmed that they detected the change.
These reports continued to come in for a while and when enough of them had been received, Gabriel and Father Melchizedek joined the proceedings to confirm the success of this intervention and correction and to offer congratulations and good cheer to all involved.
I have never (as a mortal) been aware of any interaction with the Metatron Chain of Command, so last night was my first such encounter. It was brief. It merely came across as a large bolt of bright light starting on Urantia and shooting upward at about a 60 degree angle as it passed through the entire Chain of Command all the way to the I AM. It occurred quickly and without any hesitation or interruptions.
Michael of Nebadon was then personally notified by Paradise that the operation was deemed a certified success by Metatron. Everyone was relieved and rejoiced. It was also agreed that Urantia’s Magisterial Son would be informed of the above actions. So there you have it. You can consider this the material transcript of this latest celestial exercise.
Bryan on behalf of Master Architect #11
March 16, 2022 — Magisterial Mission Adjudication of Sons of Darkness begins
The link below is to a very large, 2100 page, 100 mb PDF file, and requires a fast internet connection.
EXTREME WARNING: This lengthy document contains extremely disturbing accounts of some of the worst atrocities committed by the remnants of the Lucifer rebellion, torture and ritual murder of innocent children, cannibalism, and unspeakable abominations. While it must be made available as a part of Urantia's planetary history, it is published with the strongest of warnings. Reading certain parts of this document could adversely affect the reader. You have been warned.
GCR Daily Briefing Twitter_X_Facebook Platforms (March 16, 2022-July 22, 2024)
July 22, 2024 — Magisterial Mission Adjudication of Sons of Darkness ends
There have been a few minor extensions to this adjudication extending to the end of 2024.
September 18, 2024 — Lucifer Virus annihilated by FIAT of the Universal Father via Urantia Thought Adjuster circuit
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 3:36 PM
From: "Donna D'Ingillo" <donna@institutechristconsciousness.org>
Subject: Session Notes
Hi Bryan and Theresa: Thanks again for another quite wonderful soul collaboration! What a fascinating session and I hope we all integrate into the new energies and receive more information from our Spirits.
Here are my notes, so please add anything to it that you want to share.
With love and gratitude,
Collaboration with Bryan and Theresa; September 18, 2024
Session began with focus on ADJUSTER CIRCUITRY and JESUS’ PERSONALIZED ADJUSTER calibrating and weaving into the planet as it was held in PLANETARY CHANGE energy. Michael as MASTER SON imprinted upon the planet to assist the ADJUSTER CIRCUITRY on the planet to function better.
Focus moved over to Bryan as ULTIMACY OF PURPOSE was held which appeared related to his ascension
schools. Machiventa’ presence was very strong here. As the energies continued to imprint upon the planet, an image appeared of a crown of thorns sittng on a head with the thorns pricking the head/brain to cause pain. The ADJUSTER CIRCUIT superimposed and moved in a counterclockwise rotation upon the thorn energy to heal the negative energy. Focus moved into the bloodstream were fear energies were very present as the crown of thorns was there to induce fear in humanity which is an existential threat. Then energies of captivation were outworked.
Focus returned to Bryan and his ascension schools as there was more spiritual gravity drawing people to it. Then these words were perceived: WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS IN THE CIRCUITS OF URANTIAN MIND. Then ULTIMACY OF PURPOSE began to imprint and pulsed upon the planet, forming a new structure. Mother Nebadonia’s HEARTBEAT calibrated upon the planet to bring it back to LIFE. The ULTIMACY OF PURPOSE continued to imprint deeper into the planet, moving down into deeper levels of mind/memory. Then REMEMBRANCE OF FATHER (Paradise Father/Christ Michael) was infused into the mind/memory circuits. Then the Personality Circuit and Adjuster Circuit appeared with interference between the two circuits being corrected, allowing for more COHERENCE + COHESION to operate as a PARADISE ENERGY imprinted between the two. At this point, Machiventa was pleased with what occurred, and circuitry ACTIVATION was
conducted. We ended the session here.
On Sep 18, 2024, at 4:50 PM, Bryan <bryan.tbgcommission@gmx.com> wrote:
Hi Ladies,
Thank you for the notes Donna!
Once again I want to thank you both most sincerely for your work today. It brings to a close the horrors of the Lucifer virus. Some years ago I participated in "Plan A" for the destruction of the Lucifer virus, but that plan failed, as the full effect of the virus was unknown and proved to be beyond what a normal mortal could endure. Today "Plan B" was enacted successfully. From Paradise downward to Urantia, by FIAT of the Universal Father via the Urantia TA circuit, with the entire Metatron CoC in attendance.
Theresa was the Metatron contact. Donna was the Trinity Ultimate/Universal Father contact. I was told, in no uncertain terms, that I was only an observer in this session and to keep my big mouth shut, which I did most of the time.
The exercise was successful. Theresa reported (via Metatron symbolized as that arrow from Paradise) the complete destruction of the Lucifer Virus planet wide (the burning building), and Donna reported the restoration of the Personality + Thought Adjuster connection after the virus was removed, thereby restoring to mankind the opportunity for personality unification in collaboration with their Thought Adjusters.
Today you both participated in the application of a perfect solution via Reactive Infinity (and that's no small feat). You now have first hand experience of how the Universal Father resolves a difficult problem by FIAT,
through the application of timeless perfection. To come in direct contact with such perfection is a very rare thing indeed in the universes of Time and Space. Congratulations to both of you on a job well done. You have penetrated a depth of reality rarely experienced outside of the Isle of Paradise.
Not documented in these session notes is the additional correction made to the Urantian human genome. The nefarious DNA string that was inserted into the genome by the rebels to cause the production of the so called Lucifer Virus has been anihilated.
Supplemental notes
On September 18, 2024 (between 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm EST), during a session involving Donna D'Ingillo, Theresa Marks, Bryan Guignard, the entire Metatron Chain of Command, Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Eve, and many other celestial personalities; the so called Lucifer Virus, which is an unsanctioned, unlawful and dangerous piece of disruptive technology, designed and implemented by the rebellious Lucifer and his minions, and unlawfully grafted into the Urantian human genome was eradicated from Urantia by FIAT of the Universal Father via His Thought Adjuster circuit, thereby liberating mankind from the insidious effects of this fear generating abomination, which has held much of mankind in its unrelenting grip for generations.
As of September 18, 2024 the Lucifer Virus and its related segment of nefariously engineered DNA are no more, and Urantia is free of this abomination. All Urantian mortals of Ascender potential now have their pathway between their Thought Adjuster and their Personality restored to its original and intended function. Thereby allowing the personality unification process to resume as originally intended.
November 28, 2024 — Successful Restoration of Urantia's Planetary Jurisdictions + Master Architect #11 Absonite Accreditation
How it was being implemented pre-rebellion
1) Soil 2) Land 3) Sea 4) Air (correct reality)
1) Soil 2) Land 3) Sea 4) Air (distorted reality)
1) Soil 2) Land 4) Air 3) Sea (inversion of reality, 3 and 4 switched places)
Truth Beauty and Goodness Commission
December 22, 2024 — The new Jesus Healing Circuit
On December 22 - 2024, the Institute of Christ Consciousness published one of their regular Planetary Transformation Conference Calls entitled: Focusing on the Materialization of the Jesus Healing Circuit for Personal and Planetary Rehabilitation.
This important and highly significant transcript describes the official launch of what is being termed the Jesus Healing Circuit (JHC). While the transcript deals with the full actuation of the JHC, it offers little in the area of technical functionality of this circuit.
The Truth Beauty and Goodness Commission, having been involved in early testing and implementation of this JHC has been privy to certain functional aspects of this circuit, which we will now present.
We will begin our exposé with a brief general description of this JHC, followed by a short list of technical remarks, and finally a description of our comprehension of the system functionality.
When I (Jesus) was here in human form, I deposited many spiritual energies into what you might consider to be the memory circuits of the planet. One of these dynamics is the quality of healing I conducted aligned in divine WILL of the Paradise Father for the healing of my children. This is a living memory circuit, and I encourage you to think about the quality of healing that I was able to perform here in alignment with Father’s WILL. You have access to what I left here, as well as by coming to your own Indwelling Spirit and ask for the Father's LOVE to flow through you.
As you know, your brothers and sisters need a quality of love that they may not be able to access through their own abilities due to so many factors. It is my desire that all of my children be able to perceive deeper meaning and value of their human lives, to step into the divine dignity that is accorded to each individual because he and she are children of the Paradise Father and my children of the universe.
I invite you now to simply hold the focus for the MATERIALIZATION OF THE JESUS HEALING CIRCUIT to expand upon the planet through the system of human consciousness.
- This Jesus Healing Circuit employs a particular technology that is also used by the Archangel Circuit, but it is still unclear whether the two circuits function in unison or separately. It is also unclear how it relates to Mother Spirit and the Holy Spirit.
- It required special Paradise permission to deploy.
- It also required other circuits to first be implemented, such as the enhanced Adjutant Circuits, the enhanced Spirit of Truth and more.
- One aspect of its functionality is akin to a scanner that can search for and detect certain problems that are otherwise extremely hard to detect, even by our Thought Adjusters. We might loosely compare it to a spiritual CAT scan.
- It is a powerful tool for working with human memories and enhances the TAs abilities in this area. It can effectively bypass human evolutionary limitations (primarily fear) and act as an enhanced bridge between man's biological DNA organism and the TA.
- It has the ability to assist Thought Adjusters with difficult emotionally restrictive situations. I have sometimes referred to these situations as emotional memories, but I may have to make some adjustments since my understanding of this topic is quickly being enhanced.
- It will be very beneficial for people who have suffered deep early childhood, infancy, and possibly pre-birth traumas.
- It will not make people smarter, but it will be able to remove some of the more tenacious obstacles (rebellion after effects) standing in the way of our normal full potential. And as such it will offer a measure of compensation for some of the setbacks caused by the loss of our Adam and Eve, but I don't have clear details of this yet.
- It will unleash many spiritual potentials in man that were repressed by the rebellion.
- The Lucifer virus was standing in the way of a full scale launch of this Healing Circuit, and now that it has been removed by direct intervention of the Universal Father, the door is open for a full scale launch.
- Like the Spirit of Truth, this Healing Circuit is external to us, so we must be willing to work with it.
In a sense we must invite it, in the same way as we must do with the Spirit of Truth.
January 23, 2025 — Additional Finaliters deployed to Urantia to neutralize rebellion artifacts
Urantia Book 31:0.11. One or more companies of the mortal finaliters are constantly in service on Urantia.
With the lifting of the spiritual quarantine that was long ago imposed on Urantia (Earth) because of the Lucifer rebellion, our severed cosmic circuits can and are being restored, and due to the new potentials made possible by the 7th bestowal of our Creator Son Michael, a number of completely new circuits are also being installed and activated. All of this is creating a tremendous influx of Spiritual Light coming to this planet, and very quickly.
The Current Problem
While this is wonderful news and a tremendous blessing, there remain a number of unresolved evolutionary issues, due to the neglect of our treacherous Planetary Prince. In addition, we are also now facing the burden of the long term intervention in our civilisational processes through subterfuge, confusion and outright mind control strategies. When coupled with those long overlooked and unresolved evolutionary issues, such as (but not limited to) the natural urge to worship rocks that our distant ancestors exhibited, we now find ourselves facing a modern day resurgence of the ancient evolutionary motivation towards rock worship, which many of our modern day intellectuals, philosophers, and religionists are now attempting to integrate with the powerful Spiritual Light now coming through our new and rebuilt circuitry. This example will be covered later in this article.
This is merely one problem out of many that have been flagged by our Creator Son Michael as serious matters needing immediate attention, and as a result an undisclosed number of Paradise Finaliters with exceptional transcendental training and experience have been dispatched to assist us with these unusual problems.
The Evolution of the Problem
How this problem evolved over long periods of time has been well documented in Part 3 of the Urantia Book, a summary of which is provided on page 2 of the document by the Conciliating Commission Sojourning on Urantia dated August 21, 2016.
Urantia is a decimal planet complicated and confused by certain failures of nearly all the revelations that were given to its inhabitants: The first epochal revelation is a revelation to bring primitive man to the apex of evolutionary racial, intellectual, and cultural development. However, with the rebellion of its planetary prince, this revelation ended, and consequences of this rebellion continue to plague humankind with multitudinous problems all over the world.
The second epochal revelation came with the arrival of Urantia‘s material son and daughter — Adam and Eve — to uplift to all the races biologically. This epoch suffered an early default for which you still biologically suffer, and will for some time to come.
With the rebellion and default, very soon men and women nearly lost all knowledge of the spiritual nature of man and the previous revelations of God. Planetary knowledge fell so low that a third epochal revelation was required to bolster declining human memory of the previous revelations. The work of this emergency son of the Melchizedek order proved only to be partially successful given the planetary conditions caused by failures of the two previous revelations.
Then the fourth epochal revelation came with the bestowal of the Creator Son of our universe — whom errant mortals then unceremoniously hung on a cross. After Christ Michael‘s magnificent revelation of God the Father, his followers, though well intended, distorted his teachings and passed them on to present-day inhabitants such that today many follow a religion about Jesus that is hardly recognizable as originating from him. Finally, and more recently, the fifth epochal revelation has come — the revelation of The Urantia Book.
This is truly the first revelation that was put into the hands of Urantia‘s inhabitants to manage and disseminate, who were organized as Urantia Foundation (its translator and publisher), and Urantia Brotherhood (its social disseminator and fund raiser). These two organizations, in an exceedingly short time — only a quarter of a century — both defaulted in the trust placed in them.
These two organizations have gone on their own paths away from the celestials‘ plan by their disregarding, not taking seriously, and not following the revelation mandates set forth by the Revelatory Commission.
The Rebellion Factors
A major weapon in the arsenal of the Rebels has been powerful and effective systems of mind control and distortion, along with the subduing of soul-spiritual growth through attacks and repression of the Ascension process. Over the course of centuries this has progressively caused a situation in many mortal Urantians, especially those of higher intellect, where their intellectual development has overshadowed their soul-spiritual growth, resulting in a certain type of intellectual dominance. This imbalance is fraught with numerous mind control artifacts, distorted concepts, and faulty intellectual frameworks left behind by the rebellion, simply referred to in the remainder of this document as rebellion artifacts.
The New Circuit Testing Phase
In recent years, since the final adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion, Urantia is gradually being reconnected to universe circuits, including the establishment of completely new circuits that never existed here before. Many Urantian mortal Light Workers have been actively participating in the testing and calibrating of these circuits, and the results have been overwhelmingly positive. Many of these circuits are now in full service planet wide and becoming accessible to all mortals.
Although the testing and calibrating phase was properly accomplished from the mortal side, it required well trained and competent mortal testers, men and women with the necessary conceptual framework (provided by the Urantia Book), highly experienced in the practise of stillness, prayer, and Transmitting and Receiving (being able to hear the voice of Spirit and interpret it adequately).
While such individuals were required for the testing phase, it also means that mortals with strong intellectual development contaminated with rebellion artifacts could not be used as test subjects during this phase. Therefore these rebellion artifacts could not be factored in the testing phase, which left them unresolved.
The New Circuit Deployment Phase
As we progressively enter the next phase — full circuit activation, these strong and highly receptive intellectuals under the influence of these rebellion artifacts, are now coming under the influence of the Spiritual pressure of these new circuits, and unexpected problems are occurring. Just a few are listed below as examples.
- Manifestations of very strong desires and positive activity to promote Love, Life, Light, and Goodness, but in a way that lacks focus and detail. It’s very cloudy, blurry, and generalized.
- Powerful impulses to promote and pursue a Paradise level of perfection directly and immediately, right here, right now, with a sense that there are no more limits, no more guidelines, no more procedures to follow.
- A severe lack of differentiation between existing levels of functionality having to do with many things and processes, leading to issues such as not being able to make the simple distinction between what is animate and what is inanimate, what is perfect and what is not, what is temporal and what is eternal. Reality becomes ethereal, airy, insubstantial.
- Rebellion artifacts are also crossing boundaries and manifesting themselves in other ways relating to the Ascension process, and causing errors of comprehension such as animals being part of the ascension process, souls having unrealistic abilities, and ascension leading to immediate perfection.
The 5th Epochal Revelation and default of the original mortal trustees
Around the middle of the 20th century a new planetary dispensation was inaugurated and is known as the 5th Epochal Revelation. It began with the Divine gift to mortal man of The Urantia Book, as the next step in planetary evolution after the previous on (the mortal bestowal of our Creator Son as the man Joshua ben Joseph (a.k.a. Jesus of Nazareth)).
This 5th Epochal Revelation began several decades before the anticipated final adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion by our galactic leaders The Ancients of Days. A team of mortal trustees was chosen, from among the best mortal candidates, by the Revelatory Commission and they were issued clear instructions — called mandates — on how to proceed with this new revelation, to be managed and published in the form of a 2000+ page book with all the necessary resources being made available for a successful launch. Yet in barely a quarter century this team of trustees had largely failed their mandates.
A brief review of these mandates will help illustrate another aspect of the current problem. There were 6 things to be done according to these mandates. This list includes the current status of each mandate.
- Train and prepare teachers and leaders, and prepare the mechanisms that will be ready in the future to attract the best of humankind.
Status: To this day there are very few trained teachers (ICC is actively training teachers), and very few of these mechanisms exist. - Translation in other languages.
Status: There are only 18 or so viable translations so far, when many hundreds are currently needed. - Foster thousands upon thousands of study groups: From which millions of consecrated believers with established and growing religious, philosophical, and cosmological organizations would be made ready for the full spread of the Urantia revelation.
Status: There is an alarming absence of effective study programs for children, their parents, and families, and a near complete failure to study and apply Jesus‘ methods to the dissemination of the Urantia revelation by the Trustees and the greater Urantia Book community. - Foster a religion.
Status: This mandate has never happened at all, nor has it ever been discussed or taken
seriously. (tbgcommission has been mandated to do this) - Foster a Philosophy.
Status: Again, this mandate has never happened at all. - Foster a Cosmology.
Status: Again, this mandate has never happened at all. (tbgcommission's school of cosmology is a first step in this direction)
All these varying degrees of failures are not keeping up with the uprising line on the curve of mankind‘s spiritual and cultural development.
There are currently: no ordained teachers, no certified leaders, no trained fosterers of thousands upon thousands of study groups of The Urantia Book, no Urantian-led religious institutions, no Urantian-led philosophic organizations, and no Urantian-led cosmological establishments.
Urantia has lost almost 70 years of progressive time in regards to the launch of this 5th epoch! Yet the forward momentum of evolution carries on. Michael's plan of recovery and correction for Urantia has been set in motion and is steadily advancing and gaining momentum. The final Lucifer rebellion adjudication is already 40 years in the past. Circuit after circuit is being connected, tested, calibrated and put into service, and the Spiritual Light this planet needs is now arriving, but we still lack the adequate teachers and leaders, translations, support organisations, religion, philosophy and cosmology that is essential for mankind to be ready for this new rising tide of powerful Spiritual Light that is now coming through our restored, enhanced and new cosmic circuits.
These three major problems: the incessant advancement of evolution handicapped by its unresolved ancient issues; the rebellion distortions and artifacts; and the paucity of adequate preparations by the mortal trustees of the fifth revelation are now forming a powerful and dangerous nexus of — rebellion distortion + evolutionary backwardness + organisational deficiency — which is now interacting with the powerful and unstoppable wave of Spiritual Light pouring onto the planet.
There is now a pressing need for a solution to neutralise this dangerous nexus. In response to a request by our Creator Son Michael 611,121 of Nebadon, the Corps of Master Architects have been authorized to deploy additional Paradise Finaliters to Urantia to assist in the resolution and neutralisation of this dangerous three pronged nexus.
These newly assigned Finaliters, being of mortal origin and completely familiar with the soul growth and Ascension processes will be able to temporarily take over the role that Lucifer took when he injected himself between man and Father in the Ascension process. These Finaliters, being totally faithful to, and mandated by the Universal Father, will be able to insert themselves where Lucifer once did, in the Ascension path, and correct Lucifer's distortions, as well as direct critical evolutionary corrections, and offer a temporary substitute for some of the missing resources, which will then allow the affected individuals to receive the new Spiritual Light signals in their proper context and without undue distortions.
At the beginning of this article a reference was made to rock worship. This particular and very ancient practice will now be used as one example of the sort of problems that this three pronged nexus is causing.
Example: Everything we know about the so called Annunaki largely comes from ancient stone relics. Stone statues (exhibit A), scenes carved in flat stones (exhibit B), and even some ancient writings etched in stone. The common factor is always stone, a.k.a. rocks.
We are now in our modern age of computers and digital imagery, and have at our disposal powerful image editing tools, like Photoshop, that can easily be used to add a new dimension to these ancient relics, like starry backgrounds of the cosmos and other artificial enhancements (exhibit C), and entirely new contexts begin to emerge as a result. But they are contexts without any real scientific or revelatory support, based solely on whatever ancient traditions and superstitions may persist to this day. As a result these newly created contexts soon devolve into the practice of metaphysics.
Once the adventure into metaphysics has begun, all caution is quickly thrown to the wind and the door to endless fantastical possibililties swings wide open. That allows large amounts of metaphysical fuel to mix with our rapidly advancing technological toolsets, and the ancient (and never fully purged) evolutionary tendency towards rock worship — see Urantia Book 85:1.4 and 85:5.1 — blooms into a vibrant and highly captivating universe of entertainment that convincingly blurs the line between reality and fantasy. Rocks become alive, they begin to form personalities, and even reach perfection and eternal life. The fantasies soon becomes all encompasing, as the following series of popular and captivating images illustrate.
Yet the simple fact remains that rocks are merely highly congealed and inanimate forms of atomic energy organized in various molecular configurations that can manifest as crystals, metals, or plain lumps of stone, containing neither life nor personality, being no more perfect than their inherent molecular patterns, and existing only as long as outside forces do not destroy them.
Such confusion and error is easily fixed, and better yet, prevented, by reading Part 3 of the 5th Epochal Revelation, the Urantia Book, which exposes the history of Urantia. Aspects of our own history that have either become distorted over time, or that are incomplete, and often times are missing completely.
This is hardly the only example, as similar patterns of confusion and error can be easily observed in a growing number of areas. Another quick example is the confusion with many overlapping and contradictory explanations of the common term dimension. The Urantia Book makes it abundantly clear that there are only three dimensions according to the correct usage of that English word.
Yet today we find an ever growing number of explanations, espousing a seemingly endless number of dimensions. To focus on but one of these, the 3D, 4D, 5D concept that is a current fad. This fad states that we are currently living in 3 Dimensions simultaneously (3D, 4D, 5D), with 3D being the old and passing dimension, 4D being the most current and active, and 5D ushering in the beginning a new era.
Such vague concepts and misnomers do nothing to bring mankind into the greater truth of the 5th Epochal Revelation, and in fact do much to complicate and retard its progress. A basic understanding of the Urantia Book can easily cut through this mataphysical fog and properly illuminate the concept in question, which is the 3rd, 4th and 5th epochal revelations. Unfortunately because of the Lucifer rebellion we find ourselves today, as a somewhat modern civilisation, still immersed in three different epochal revelations simultaneously, which further strengthens the case for needing a new epochal revelation in a clear and concise written form.
- The epoch of the Old Testament, the Torah still being held firmly by the Jewish faith - the 3rd epoch, metaphysically referred to as 3D.
- The epoch of the New Testament, still being held firmly by Christianity and Mohammedanism (Islam) - the 4th epoch, metaphysically referred to as 4D.
- The epoch of the Urantia Book Revelation, still in its nascent period - the 5th epoch, metaphysically referred to as 5D.
A deeper look into the ongoing problems of these three overlapping epochs can be found on this page: The Transition Bridge
These epochs are in lockstep with the confusing dimension misnomers being used by the current enthusiasts of 3D, 4D and 5D ideology. The Urantia Book not only provides us with much needed insights and revelations about our history, progress, and reality, but it also provides all mankind with a unified and well defined vocabulary that we can use to express our religion, philosophy, and cosmology in a consistent and clear manner that eliminates the fog of metaphysics, and misguided ideologies.

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