Time: A New Compilation
Postscript # 112 to the "Lanzarote" paper (08/14/98)
Einstein defined time as "The reading on a clock." But he also claimed, regarding time, that there were missing elements of reality. "Supersymmetry" of new Event-Space Logic (where each of a set of variables can be rotated into one of the same set), suggests that there are exactly ten variables of which Einstein's "Clock Time" (t) would appear the central one. Three other variables, well known to physics, are the orthogonal "spacial dimensions," represented in the following diagram by Cartesian axes. The remaining six would appear to be the newly discovered "Rhythm Based Time" perception windows.
All ten variables are shown on the following diagram as:
- The "equatorial windows" - #1: "On Time," #2: "Late," #3: "Off Time," and #4: "Early,"
- the "polar windows" - #5: "North," and #6: "South," (whereby energy enters into an organism's "Event-Space Sphere"),
- the three orthogonal "spacial dimensions," (axes) as variables - #7, #8 and #9, and finally,
- variable - #10: classical, scalar, "Clock Time" (t), WHICH ALWAYS ROTATES INTO ITSELF AND NOT INTO SPACE
"NOW TIME" is related to the diameter of such an "EVENT-SPACE SPHERE." To convert the spacial diameter into a measure of "Now Time" (for example, seconds or microseconds), divide by the average velocity of the energy which creates the received sensation in any organism or machine, located at the center of the sphere (see also postscript #109, item #2).
‘FUTURE TIME', lying outside of one's "Event-Space Sphere," is comprised of mental, inscribed or machine made labels, which are invented, and which we have called "timetags."
‘PAST TIME' is similarly comprised of mental, inscribed or machine made "timetags," which may be real. BUT THESE LABELS, REAL OR INVENTED, ARE NOT TIME*. Perceived, and thus "real" time lies on or within one's "Event-Space Sphere," and includes only the 7 variables of time as given above. And thus is derived the important concept that: ALL TIME* IS "NOW TIME."