The Arrival of Additional Finaliters to Help Restore Balance
Urantia Book 31:0.11. One or more companies of the mortal finaliters are constantly in service on Urantia.
With the lifting of the spiritual quarantine that was long ago imposed on Urantia (Earth) because of the Lucifer rebellion, our severed cosmic circuits can and are being restored, and due to the new potentials made possible by the 7th bestowal of our Creator Son Michael, a number of completely new circuits are also being installed and activated. All of this is creating a tremendous influx of Spiritual Light coming to this planet, and very quickly.
The Current Problem
While this is wonderful news and a tremendous blessing, there remain a number of unresolved evolutionary issues, due to the neglect of our treacherous Planetary Prince. In addition, we are also now facing the burden of the long term intervention in our civilisational processes through subterfuge, confusion and outright mind control strategies. When coupled with those long overlooked and unresolved evolutionary issues, such as (but not limited to) the natural urge to worship rocks that our distant ancestors exhibited, we now find ourselves facing a modern day resurgence of the ancient evolutionary motivation towards rock worship, which many of our modern day intellectuals, philosophers, and religionists are now attempting to integrate with the powerful Spiritual Light now coming through our new and rebuilt circuitry. This example will be covered later in this article.
This is merely one problem out of many that have been flagged by our Creator Son Michael as serious matters needing immediate attention, and as a result an undisclosed number of Paradise Finaliters with exceptional transcendental training and experience have been dispatched to assist us with these unusual problems.
The Evolution of the Problem
How this problem evolved over long periods of time has been well documented in Part 3 of the Urantia Book, a summary of which is provided on page 2 of the document by the Conciliating Commission Sojourning on Urantia dated August 21, 2016.
Urantia is a decimal planet complicated and confused by certain failures of nearly all the revelations that were given to its inhabitants: The first epochal revelation is a revelation to bring primitive man to the apex of evolutionary racial, intellectual, and cultural development. However, with the rebellion of its planetary prince, this revelation ended, and consequences of this rebellion continue to plague humankind with multitudinous problems all over the world.
The second epochal revelation came with the arrival of Urantia‘s material son and daughter — Adam and Eve — to uplift to all the races biologically. This epoch suffered an early default for which you still biologically suffer, and will for some time to come.
With the rebellion and default, very soon men and women nearly lost all knowledge of the spiritual nature of man and the previous revelations of God. Planetary knowledge fell so low that a third epochal revelation was required to bolster declining human memory of the previous revelations. The work of this emergency son of the Melchizedek order proved only to be partially successful given the planetary conditions caused by failures of the two previous revelations.
Then the fourth epochal revelation came with the bestowal of the Creator Son of our universe — whom errant mortals then unceremoniously hung on a cross. After Christ Michael‘s magnificent revelation of God the Father, his followers, though well intended, distorted his teachings and passed them on to present-day inhabitants such that today many follow a religion about Jesus that is hardly recognizable as originating from him. Finally, and more recently, the fifth epochal revelation has come — the revelation of The Urantia Book.
This is truly the first revelation that was put into the hands of Urantia‘s inhabitants to manage and disseminate, who were organized as Urantia Foundation (its translator and publisher), and Urantia Brotherhood (its social disseminator and fund raiser). These two organizations, in an exceedingly short time — only a quarter of a century — both defaulted in the trust placed in them.
These two organizations have gone on their own paths away from the celestials‘ plan by their disregarding, not taking seriously, and not following the revelation mandates set forth by the Revelatory Commission.
The Rebellion Factors
A major weapon in the arsenal of the Rebels has been powerful and effective systems of mind control and distortion, along with the subduing of soul-spiritual growth through attacks and repression of the Ascension process. Over the course of centuries this has progressively caused a situation in many mortal Urantians, especially those of higher intellect, where their intellectual development has overshadowed their soul-spiritual growth, resulting in a certain type of intellectual dominance. This imbalance is fraught with numerous mind control artifacts, distorted concepts, and faulty intellectual frameworks left behind by the rebellion, simply referred to in the remainder of this document as rebellion artifacts.
The New Circuit Testing Phase
In recent years, since the final adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion, Urantia is gradually being reconnected to universe circuits, including the establishment of completely new circuits that never existed here before. Many Urantian mortal Light Workers have been actively participating in the testing and calibrating of these circuits, and the results have been overwhelmingly positive. Many of these circuits are now in full service planet wide and becoming accessible to all mortals.
Although the testing and calibrating phase was properly accomplished from the mortal side, it required well trained and competent mortal testers, men and women with the necessary conceptual framework (provided by the Urantia Book), highly experienced in the practise of stillness, prayer, and Transmitting and Receiving (being able to hear the voice of Spirit and interpret it adequately).
While such individuals were required for the testing phase, it also means that mortals with strong intellectual development contaminated with rebellion artifacts could not be used as test subjects during this phase. Therefore these rebellion artifacts could not be factored in the testing phase, which left them unresolved.
The New Circuit Deployment Phase
As we progressively enter the next phase — full circuit activation, these strong and highly receptive intellectuals under the influence of these rebellion artifacts, are now coming under the influence of the Spiritual pressure of these new circuits, and unexpected problems are occurring. Just a few are listed below as examples.
- Manifestations of very strong desires and positive activity to promote Love, Life, Light, and Goodness, but in a way that lacks focus and detail. It’s very cloudy, blurry, and generalized.
- Powerful impulses to promote and pursue a Paradise level of perfection directly and immediately, right here, right now, with a sense that there are no more limits, no more guidelines, no more procedures to follow.
- A severe lack of differentiation between existing levels of functionality having to do with many things and processes, leading to issues such as not being able to make the simple distinction between what is animate and what is inanimate, what is perfect and what is not, what is temporal and what is eternal. Reality becomes ethereal, airy, insubstantial.
- Rebellion artifacts are also crossing boundaries and manifesting themselves in other ways relating to the Ascension process, and causing errors of comprehension such as animals being part of the ascension process, souls having unrealistic abilities, and ascension leading to immediate perfection.
The 5th Epochal Revelation and default of the original mortal trustees
Around the middle of the 20th century a new planetary dispensation was inaugurated and is known as the 5th Epochal Revelation. It began with the Divine gift to mortal man of The Urantia Book, as the next step in planetary evolution after the previous on (the mortal bestowal of our Creator Son as the man Joshua ben Joseph (a.k.a. Jesus of Nazareth)).
This 5th Epochal Revelation began several decades before the anticipated final adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion by our galactic leaders The Ancients of Days. A team of mortal trustees was chosen, from among the best mortal candidates, by the Revelatory Commission and they were issued clear instructions — called mandates — on how to proceed with this new revelation, to be managed and published in the form of a 2000+ page book with all the necessary resources being made available for a successful launch. Yet in barely a quarter century this team of trustees had largely failed their mandates.
A brief review of these mandates will help illustrate another aspect of the current problem. There were 6 things to be done according to these mandates. This list includes the current status of each mandate.
- Train and prepare teachers and leaders, and prepare the mechanisms that will be ready in the future to attract the best of humankind.
Status: To this day there are very few trained teachers (ICC), and very few of these mechanisms exist. - Translation in other languages.
Status: There are only 18 or so viable translations so far, when many hundreds are currently needed. - Foster thousands upon thousands of study groups: From which millions of consecrated believers with established and growing religious, philosophical, and cosmological organizations would be made ready for the full spread of the Urantia revelation.
Status: There is an alarming absence of effective study programs for children, their parents, and families, and a near complete failure to study and apply Jesus‘ methods to the dissemination of the Urantia revelation by the Trustees and the greater Urantia Book community. - Foster a religion.
Status: This mandate has never happened at all, nor has it ever been discussed or taken
seriously. (tbgcommission) - Foster a Philosophy.
Status: Again, this mandate has never happened at all. - Foster a Cosmology.
Status: Again, this mandate has never happened at all. (school of cosmology)
All these varying degrees of failures are not keeping up with the uprising line on the curve of mankind‘s spiritual and cultural development.
There are currently: no ordained teachers, no certified leaders, no trained fosterers of thousands upon thousands of study groups of The Urantia Book, no Urantian-led religious institutions, no Urantian-led philosophic organizations, and no Urantian-led cosmological establishments.
Urantia has lost almost 70 years of progressive time in regards to the launch of this 5th epoch! Yet the forward momentum of evolution carries on. Michael's plan of recovery and correction for Urantia has been set in motion and is steadily advancing and gaining momentum. The final Lucifer rebellion adjudication is already 40 years in the past. Circuit after circuit is being connected, tested, calibrated and put into service, and the Spiritual Light this planet needs is now arriving, but we still lack the adequate teachers and leaders, translations, support organisations, religion, philosophy and cosmology that is essential for mankind to be ready for this new rising tide of powerful Spiritual Light that is now coming through our restored, enhanced and new cosmic circuits.
These three major problems: the incessant advancement of evolution handicapped by its unresolved ancient issues; the rebellion distortions and artifacts; and the paucity of adequate preparations by the mortal trustees of the fifth revelation are now forming a powerful and dangerous nexus of — rebellion distortion + evolutionary backwardness + organisational deficiency — which is now interacting with the powerful and unstoppable wave of Spiritual Light pouring onto the planet.
There is now a pressing need for a solution to neutralise this dangerous nexus. In response to a request by our Creator Son Michael 611,121 of Nebadon, the Corps of Master Architects have been authorized to deploy additional Paradise Finaliters to Urantia to assist in the resolution and neutralisation of this dangerous three pronged nexus.
These newly assigned Finaliters, being of mortal origin and completely familiar with the soul growth and Ascension processes will be able to temporarily take over the role that Lucifer took when he injected himself between man and Father in the Ascension process. These Finaliters, being totally faithful to, and mandated by the Universal Father, will be able to insert themselves where Lucifer once did, in the Ascension path, and correct Lucifer's distortions, as well as direct critical evolutionary corrections, and offer a temporary substitute for some of the missing resources, which will then allow the affected individuals to receive the new Spiritual Light signals in their proper context and without undue distortions.
At the beginning of this article a reference was made to rock worship. This particular and very ancient practice will now be used as one example of the sort of problems that this three pronged nexus is causing.
Example: Everything we know about the so called Annunaki largely comes from ancient stone relics. Stone statues (exhibit A), scenes carved in flat stones (exhibit B), and even some ancient writings etched in stone. The common factor is always stone, a.k.a. rocks.
We are now in our modern age of computers and digital imagery, and have at our disposal powerful image editing tools, like Photoshop, that can easily be used to add a new dimension to these ancient relics, like starry backgrounds of the cosmos and other artificial enhancements (exhibit C), and entirely new contexts begin to emerge as a result. But they are contexts without any real scientific or revelatory support, based solely on whatever ancient traditions and superstitions may persist to this day. As a result these newly created contexts soon devolve into the practice of metaphysics.
Once the adventure into metaphysics has begun, all caution is quickly thrown to the wind and the door to endless fantastical possibililties swings wide open. That allows large amounts of metaphysical fuel to mix with our rapidly advancing technological toolsets, and the ancient (and never fully purged) evolutionary tendency towards rock worship — see Urantia Book 85:1.4 and 85:5.1 — blooms into a vibrant and highly captivating universe of entertainment that convincingly blurs the line between reality and fantasy. Rocks become alive, they begin to form personalities, and even reach perfection and eternal life. The fantasies soon becomes all encompasing, as the following series of popular and captivating images illustrate.
Yet the simple fact remains that rocks are merely highly congealed and inanimate forms of atomic energy organized in various molecular configurations that can manifest as crystals, metals, or plain lumps of stone, containing neither life nor personality, being no more perfect than their inherent molecular patterns, and existing only as long as outside forces do not destroy them.
Such confusion and error is easily fixed, and better yet, prevented, by reading Part 3 of the 5th Epochal Revelation, the Urantia Book, which exposes the history of Urantia. Aspects of our own history that have either become distorted over time, or that are incomplete, and often times are missing completely.
This is hardly the only example, as similar patterns of confusion and error can be easily observed in a growing number of areas. Another quick example is the confusion with many overlapping and contradictory explanations of the common term dimension. The Urantia Book makes it abundantly clear that there are only three dimensions according to the correct usage of that English word.
Yet today we find an ever growing number of explanations, espousing a seemingly endless number of dimensions. To focus on but one of these, the 3D, 4D, 5D concept that is a current fad. This fad states that we are currently living in 3 Dimensions simultaneously (3D, 4D, 5D), with 3D being the old and passing dimension, 4D being the most current and active, and 5D ushering in the beginning a new era.
Such vague concepts and misnomers do nothing to bring mankind into the greater truth of the 5th Epochal Revelation, and in fact do much to complicate and retard its progress. A basic understanding of the Urantia Book can easily cut through this mataphysical fog and properly illuminate the concept in question, which is the 3rd, 4th and 5th epochal revelations. Unfortunately because of the Lucifer rebellion we find ourselves today, as a somewhat modern civilisation, still immersed in three different epochal revelations simultaneously, which further strengthens the case for needing a new epochal revelation in a clear and concise written form.
- The epoch of the Old Testament, the Torah still being held firmly by the Jewish faith - the 3rd epoch, metaphysically referred to as 3D.
- The epoch of the New Testament, still being held firmly by Christianity and Mohammedanism (Islam) - the 4th epoch, metaphysically referred to as 4D.
- The epoch of the Urantia Book Revelation, still in its nascent period - the 5th epoch, metaphysically referred to as 5D.
A deeper look into the ongoing problems of these three overlapping epochs can be found on this page: The Transition Bridge
These epochs are in lockstep with the confusing dimension misnomers being used by the current enthusiasts of 3D, 4D and 5D ideology. The Urantia Book not only provides us with much needed insights and revelations about our history, progress, and reality, but it also provides all mankind with a unified and well defined vocabulary that we can use to express our religion, philosophy, and cosmology in a consistent and clear manner that eliminates the fog of metaphysics, and misguided ideologies.
