Le pont de transition
L'avantage du Livre D'Urantia c'est qu'il nous donne
L'homme moderne est confronté à la tâche de faire en une seule génération plus de rajustements dans les valeurs humaines qu'il n'en a été fait en deux-mille ans. Et tout cela influence l'attitude sociale envers la religion, car la religion est une manière de vivre aussi bien qu'une technique mentale. Source: Livre D'Urantia 92:7.14
La communauté d'Urantia peut fournir un pont de transition requis pour effectuer les réajustements religieux nécessaires pour évoluer de la 4ème à la 5ème époque du progrès spirituel planétaire.
Il y a un manque de régularité entre la terminologie utilisée par le mouvement New Age et celle utilisée par la Communauté d'Urantia. Il est donc utile d’établir un lexique des termes et concepts abordés dans cet article.
Terme ou concepte du New Age | Terme ou concepte du Livre D'Urantia |
3D, 4D, 5D | 3ème, 4ème, 5ème révélations d'époque |
L'âge d'or |
l'âge du règne de la Règle d'Or (aimer son prochain comme on s'aime) |
avoir la Conscience Universelle | être conscient que la vie intelligente existe dans l'univers (au-delà de notre planète) |
les dimensions plus élevées | les domaines morontiel et spirituel |
Lucifer eschewed personal responsibility in favor of unbridled self-liberty.
This is our challenge — to reverse this trend.
Many are coming from the 4th Epochal Revelation and have not yet embraced the 5th. There are 2 billion Christians and 1.6 billion Muslims that come from a place in 4th Epochal Religion. The Jews are coming from 3rd Epochal Religion.
They all require a redefinition in order to embrace the new way. Each must be viewed as unique, but it can be said that the "God of Abraham" unifies all of them. They all need a transition bridge into the 5th Epochal Revelation. This bridge must provide for 7 primary readjustments.
3rd and 4th Epochal Religions |
5th Epochal Religion |
Worships God. | Encourages oneness with God. |
God is outside of you. | God is within you. |
Separates people who have different beliefs. | Unites people regardless of their beliefs. |
Teaches people to be afraid of hell. | Teaches people to create Heaven on Earth. |
Based on fear and restriction. | Based on love and freedom. |
Feels like being a single drop in the ocean. | Feels like being the entire ocean in a single drop. |
Based on others' experience. | Based on your personal experience. |
This bridge must provide two types of transition tools. One toolset to assist with the transition out of the old static belief system. One toolset to assist with the transition into the new dynamic belief system. These toolsets must be grounded in the reality that religious experience is not pious. It is not morbid. It is not mystical or sacred. It is characterized by joy and the freedom attained through personal responsibility toward God and man as made possible by the methods of personal, prayerful, and practical application. In addition, both toolsets must provide tools for the edification of stable students, for the training of wise teachers, and for supporting Father Centered leaders.
The 5th Epochal Revelation provides the uplift — we must provide the transition tools. It is in this transition phase that lies our greatest challenge and creative opportunities! The religion of personal responsibility for attaining survival value is a path to actualizing the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man.
The essence of this religion is Spirit Value Capture — its path is the Jesus Syllabus. The front door is the Truth Beauty and Goodness Commission. Like minded organisations can provide additional doors by building suitable transition tools that are Father Centered and rooted in the Jesus Syllabus.
There is UNITY in these new concepts that overwrite the old ways of division. The stale, abusive, cult-like religion of old divisions must be moved forward in mind to become the dynamic, engaging, enjoyable Spirit Value capture of new unity and Brotherhood.
The old requires a re-conceptualization to show what it was always intended to be. The dead ways of rituals must be replaced by the living way of personal relationship with Father. We cannot separate the living example of Jesus from the hunger for Religion.
Until now — and even now — mankind perceives itself as isolated, unworthy, and fearful of assumed divinity, of the warning of blasphemy. Because of this, mankind has tended to content itself with the verbal proclamation. Just as no recipe is worthwhile without the dish being cooked, the good news sits idle without its servants actively being its content.
It takes courage to work together to create yet better mechanisms for the promotion of the values of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. There are many exciting challenges ahead in the pursuit of such service adventures together. As some of you have already experienced, these will not always be easy, yet hard-won cooperation yields fruits of great sweetness and effectiveness. Such joint efforts are worth all effort.
Our world doesn't need a new religion...but...we do need to reboot the religion that Jesus inaugurated nearly 2000 years ago and became buried under centuries of evolutionary dogma, obfuscation, and brick and mortar temples.
The term Spirit Value Capture summarizes what this religion is about with only 3 simple words. This effectively leaves the personality cult "about Jesus" dead in its tracks. It levels the playing field. It highlights the direct connection between man and God which leaves no room for the trespassing of middle men.
On this level playing field all players are both students and teachers.