8. The Problem Of Psychology And Psychiatry
Today, your science investigates only man’s psychology while absolutely leaving out from its view both a living and real Source of the investigator of this very psychology and man’s living relationship with this Source. This Source is that very First Source and Great Center that is holding the whole creation in His arms. That is why it is impossible to have a scientific theory that denies the Source of the phenomenon under investigation. And it is namely psychology and psychiatry that deny the Source of man’s origin and the Source of all wisdom – the First Source and Center that you call God and that I called a loving Father of all, and of each of you, when I walked around as one of you and among you as Jesus of Nazareth two thousand years ago.
That is why your psychology and psychiatry have found themselves in a deadlock by trying to solve the problems of man’s disrupted spiritual-energetic inner vibrating that causes suffering to man ever more and deeper. And these problems shall ever increase while the chances for psychology and psychiatry to help such poor and despairing people by no means shall change if the psychologists and psychiatrists, making attempts to render assistance, will not experience the operation of the The First Source and Center within themselves and will not realize that all the diseases start with the disruption of the vibrations of His love ocean that are being poured out evenly and ceaselessly upon all creation and upon every creature. It is only by helping these poor and suffering brethren of mine, and who are also their brethren, open up to these love vibrations permanently and ceaselessly being sent by the First Source and Center that they shall cure them from such diseases that in reality testify to nothing else but a shortage of these love vibrations within them.