56. What Is Inanimate Turn Into The Animate Within Yourselves
As soon as the soul starts breathing freely and manifests itself in goodness, your body shall regain its health without any chemical drugs. But for your soul to take off into free flight within your own selves, and thus resolutely call you to manifest yourselves without, in love and mercy for your brethren, you must make permanent and steadfast efforts by turning to the Father indwelling each of you. And this stage of your inner turning, to many is tedious and difficult. Therefore, you cling to the dead rituals and dogmas that you have been erroneously taught for more than two thousand years by the top leaders of the church who have not discovered the Father within and thus they cannot lead you to the Father‘s love and truth.
It is to help you find your way and stop remaining in the skin of a lost sheep that I, whom you call Christ, am giving you these teachings to liberate you from an erroneous path that has been and still is being imposed on you by the church.
All of you must know that by walking on my living path, by walking through me, you may find the Father within your own selves. By saying, “I am that path, I am that living water, I am that living bread,“ I did not mean that you must believe in me by performing rituals and professing me, but I meant that you must vigorously and in faith, live my good news that I brought to you – the Father is one to all and each, and, among yourselves, you are all brothers and sisters in spirit.
And now this live teaching of mine has been distorted and imposed on you by the church hierarchy that do not know themselves what they are teaching you since they are teaching a dead, and therefore non-existent truth, they profess that I have set up the church and that I am the head of the church, and that you have to support the church and devote yourselves to your service to the church.