153. Your Earthly Loving Family
If you desire to devote yourselves to the breaking down and disregard of your earthly family, and even worse, to its annihilation, the Father’s spirit cannot counteract you by anything else than his love vibrations which are sent to you so that you would begin to sense them and stop any effort towards the destruction of the family. The Father‘s spirit bestows upon you a creative power of love that your family would be loving rather than strong. It is only a loving family that is a creative family. And then the word strong, so often employed by you, loses its sense. Then your family becomes as it must be – loving.
The concept of a strong family was designed by you as an example which must be shown to such a family which lacks love, and which is not a loving family due to the deficit of love and very often breaks down altogether. In order to try somewhat to explain that this path is not good, you began to employ the description of a strong, harmonious family. However, when all families reach such a level of their spiritual development in which all men and women will have discovered the Father within themselves, when they really form up families out of love for the Father, and a person of the opposite sex who is encountered thanks to Him rather than out of some calculations, such a family will always remain loving and serving the Father and creation, and together with the Father, co-creating new life, their own children, and raising them as the sons and daughters of the Father. Then such a phenomenon as the break down of families, as adultery, will not remain any longer. Therefore, such a description of the family as strong will simply fade away.
Even though it is a very long way ahead that awaits you to such a loving family, even though many moments of suffering and pain still await your body and soul till that time, yet you must make a decision already now, in order to be able to choose the Father’s path which will bring closer the generation which will regard your suffering and pain, left behind in a far off past, with amazement and sadness that their ancestors lived under such difficult conditions by cheating each other, distorting the education of their children, hiding from them the love and light of the Father, and even destroying their own families. It will be beyond their understanding because the Father’s love will dominate and will be radiated by the husband and wife and their children to each other.
And it is you who are responsible for the appearance of this generation on the world as much as this responsibility is perceived within the higher self of each of you already now. It is the experience of your higher inner self that leads you to apply the principle of the love of my association and cooperation with my own Partner, Mother Spirit of the Universe, passed over to us by the Father himself, in the daily life of your earthly family. It is the only one that corresponds to the law of the Father’s love operating throughout creation.
The fact that you are material mortals does not provide you with any exception so that you might follow some other principle in your life if you desire and seek harmony within family and society.
You have not any other path but the path of the Father’s love within your own family. And the sooner you choose this path, and embark upon this path, the sooner you discover the Father within yourselves, and your families will sooner be over flooded with the surge of the Father’s love and the more blissful will be your personal living within the family. And you also will provide us, The Mother Spirit of the Universe and me, with greater pleasure and satisfaction. You also will provide the Paradise Trinity – the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit – with it.
All your love vibrations which emanate from your opened souls will reach both of us and the Paradise Trinity. Not even the least of the ripples of these love vibrations will vanish. It will remain in the universe and warm it. Therefore, you must be certain that by these vibrations of the Father’s love, which have no shade of selfishness, not only you warm each other but also you keep up each other’s health, and you also heal those who do not yet feel them and who have physical ailments. You would call these vibrations of the Father’s love a miraculous elixir which does that which cannot be done by anyone else, however hard effort one might make.
It is this type of family that you can make out of your love for the Father rather than out of your material and selfish calculations. Such a family, which will be free from ailments, conflicts which especially affect children’s mentality and narrow and delay it very much, free from anxiety and fear that you might belittle and trespass the dignity of man, free from secrets, since now they exist just because you cheat each other and you hide this deception, and by this, generate distrust in each other.