113. Your Interests And Needs Have Impact On The Whole Of Creation
My teaching, even as the whole leading of the Father throughout creation, is devoted to the benefit of all, and each of you. It does not pursue the aim of providing you with a better job or a higher salary at which you currently aim. Its purpose is to help you become your true and better self so that while doing any job you could do it better and with love. It is only then that you will begin to realize that there is no job which would not be good or even holy as you often call it. And this exclusively depends upon your vantage-point on your relation to the environment, to creation, to the Father. Once you are filled with the Father’s love, then each job will be performed with love, provided that this job does not contradict the will of the Father’s love – to spread love to all and enlighten all by the work which you have performed.
You do not always enjoy your job, and very often you even dislike it, but all the same you continue to do it because the ambience makes you behave this way. And if only you follow my teaching, very soon you will begin to feel that even the job which you hardly enjoyed turns into that which you start liking ever more because you begin ever more to see its meaning to all. However, do not get surprised that there will be many of your brethren who will quit their current jobs since they will notice the harm they do to them and to the whole.
And those who quit their jobs, after having seen their harm to creation, must not feel anxiety. Instead of the old jobs they will get new ones which will be truly meaningful and valuable to them and to all. And do not be afraid that your income will be lower, that your needs will change, since everything has its meaning in relation to both an individual and the whole. Even one’s smaller needs have their effect on the income increase in the budget of an individual or a family even though a real income has not increased at all.
And if you, after this teaching, begin to assess your actions, your interests, and your needs in an absolutely different light, by this, you will also contribute to the change of the actions, interests, and needs of the whole. Exclusively your personal choice, however insignificant it might be according to your understanding, will impact the whole. The whole cannot change its needs and interests by itself without having them changed by an individual. The whole is not some theoretical abstraction. The whole is made up of real individuals, and the interests and needs of each of them have influence upon it. The whole is a system rather than isolated elements which do not act reciprocally.
Humanity, as a tiny particle of the Father’s family of all creation, is also made up of separate individuals who are mutually associated into smaller associations which keep mutual relationships. And it is the quality of this relationship that determines the direction of the development of the whole. Therefore, the interests and needs of each of you have a direct impact on the whole as well. But this influence is not noticed by your material mind during an interval of time which you sense. In order to feel an impact of one individual on the whole of mankind it is necessary to have a much superior level of vision and perception than that of a contemporary man. Therefore, now you would do well to trust my teaching and believe that the thoughts and actions of each of you have influence on all of humanity if you extend the time span from the current life span of man to the period of millions of years which is hardly possible for you to perceive.
Therefore, already now, you must begin to perceive that by your own personal interests and needs you immediately influence the future generations as much as they either will reject your current interests and needs as worthless stuff to anyone, or will cherish and develop them.
And if you just feel the pulse of all creation, if you begin to live according to its pulse beat rather than attempt to arbitrarily change it, at which you will fail all the same, then you will be certain that your interests and needs never will be thrown overboard as worthless stuff, but rather for certain will be continued and developed by your other brethren. And for you not to err I present my teaching. It is an auxiliary means on your path to form up and develop your own interests and needs.