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Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

A new perspective on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

I. Foreward

I am writing this Foreword after I have completed receiving the teachings of Jesus. During my co...

1. The Source Of Truth Is The Self From The Father

My beloved brother, and all other beloved brethren who are currently reading these teachings of m...

2. Why Are These Teachings Revealed?

Right from the very beginning I want to explain to you, my beloved brethren, as to why I have und...

3. Episodes Of My Life In The Human Flesh

For you to feel stronger while reading these teachings that I am presenting you, as well as to fe...

4. My Prayers

While I was growing up within my family I was taught at my parent home and the synagogue school t...

5. Vibrations Of Reality

My beloved brother, all my beloved brothers and sisters in spirit, I am transmitting these teachi...

6. The Concept Of God To Me As A Child Who Was Searching For Answers Within Himself

When I was in your very lowest material form, in the human flesh, and when my human consciousness...

7. The Importance Of A Living Contact With People

Inquisitiveness is a marvelous quality for everyone when questions are raised and answers are sou...

8. The Problem Of Psychology And Psychiatry

Today, your science investigates only man’s psychology while absolutely leaving out from its view...

9. My Environment

I did not come to this world entertaining a desire to bring to the people a concept of a theoreti...

10. My Reflections

My mind would also begin to strongly resist from within as soon as I would start reflecting on th...

11. My Loneliness And Association With The Father

Thus, I had to mature in this environment alone since I had not a single helper who could have be...

12. “My Conversations” With The Father

Such an experience was new and unusual to me. Therefore I could not understand how those bright t...

13. A Child’s Up-bringing

While growing up, a child is naturally seeking answers to everything that surrounds him and that ...

14. No Need To Fear Death

Whatever has happened pleasant, or unpleasant, never try to hide it from the child so that the ch...

15. The Creation Of The Reality And The Creator

You envision reality only as such as that which is experienced by your five senses; touching, see...

16. The Creator And Reality

Reality is all the space and all time that today, a creature is incapable of either seeing, feeli...

17. Creating

The first creative process of The First Source and Center marked the creation of both matter and ...

18. The Simplification Of The Creator

However, once again, I do desire to repeat that in eternity, throughout all the past, the process...

19. The Paradise Trinity

You heard such statements in church or read in the Holy Scriptures, as you call them, that there ...

20. The Spheres Of The Activity Of The Paradise Trinity Members

The same is with the Paradise Trinity. Each member of the Trinity has his sphere of activity as w...

21. The Present Universe Age

When I use such a term as the present universe age, I refer to such a level of the universe devel...

22. What Is God?

The time has come for all of you to know that what you call God is nothing else but the Supreme C...

23. The Lower Consciousness

You believe that a person, being in an unconscious state, has already lost his consciousness. He ...

24. My Searching

For many of you this explanation of mine seems to be incredible and impossible. However, do not m...

25. Walking With John The Baptist Towards The Mountain

When, after my baptism, I was walking to the mountain, I was accompanied to the foot of the mount...

26. The Vision Of The Creation Shown To Me

On the mountain I was shown even a more remarkable vision. I saw that the whole creation was enve...

27. The Information Energy Vibrations

When I stopped seeing the vision, I was feeling somewhere deep within my own self, that by raisin...

28. A Colorful Ocean Of The Energy Vibrations Of The Creation

While on the mountain, and while all the time intensively thinking about my further activity amon...

29. My Desire To Reveal The Father To Men

Having seen it I could not help falling down on my knees and crying, out of an enormous love with...

30. Everything Is Possible With The Father

That was the light that I decided to take to all the people down from that mountain, after those ...

31. My Decision

Thus, my decision was firm and ultimate: “I must behave exactly in a similar way as all other peo...

32. After I Had Descended From The Mountain

When after the forty days, I returned down from the mountain, my soul was so full of the love and...

33. Faith

I did realize very well that the whole environment was not yet saturated with those high vibratio...

34. Everything Is In Motion

People are too faint-hearted to know the real truth about the environment that surrounds them; ev...

35. My Good News

My life as of one of you and among you was devoted neither to have my blood shed nor to leave you...

36. Why Do I Address You Myself?

My mission among you, as a man among men, and my teachings, have been distorted so much, even by ...

37. I Am Happy About Your Sincere Prayers

My dear brethren, I am sincerely grateful to you that my name is so cordially and so often mentio...

38. The Environment Of The Apostles

They were not out-of-the-ordinary men. They were not exceptionally clever or spiritual men. In no...

39. My Spiritual Status

I am a Spiritual Ruler of the Supreme order in all my universe. I am The One whom you have taken ...

40. The Staircase Of One’s Spiritual Career

It is characteristic of man to rise up upon his career ladder so that others would attribute to h...

41. My Mission In The Profound Sense

I have mentioned to you that my mission was to reveal the Father and to demonstrate His qualities...

42. Mary And Joseph

Mary and Joseph, recently married were both very young. However, all their ancestry had been chec...

43. My Education

I had finished the synagogue school more than one year early and had become a son of law of Israe...

44. There Are No Miracles

All these teachings of mine are devoted to you so that you would realize at least to a certain ex...

45. Take Me Off The Cross And Worship The Father

Therefore, I am presenting you with these explanations to assist you in taking a deeper look upon...

46. A Free Will

My dear brethren, you have free will bestowed upon all of you, and upon each of you, by the Fathe...

47. Slavery Of The Soul

The distortion of my teaching – the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man – and now by som...

48. The Cause Of Distorting My Teachings

My teachings have been distorted only because instead of a living relationship with the Father th...

49. Communion With The Father

The time has come to hear my words without any distortions and admixtures which not only distort ...

50. A Living Experience Of The Father Within Your Own Self

And then you will realize, and you will also even witness to others by your own experience, that ...

51. Spiritual Teachers

You may have a spiritual teacher who would show you a path how to discover the Father within your...

52. The Body And The Personality

The Supreme Mind of Creation is the Source of Wisdom. If you do not seek greater wisdom, you do n...

53. Your Physical Body Is From Your Earthly Parents

This outer form for your own inner self is provided by nobody else but your material parents who ...

54. Who Are the Loving Parents?

I must explain to you the concept of “the loving parents,“ so that you would understand a very pr...

55. Eliminating Disorders Of The Material Body And Their Wrong Treatment

Children born of loving parents will be healthier and more receptive to spiritual growth and spre...

56. What Is Inanimate Turn Into The Animate Within Yourselves

As soon as the soul starts breathing freely and manifests itself in goodness, your body shall reg...

57. The Path

The more erroneous the path, the greater suffering your soul shall experience. Therefore, I addre...

58. Your Church Pronounces: “And The Word Turned Into The Flesh“. Did It Really?

When I was in the human flesh the situation of your world was totally different. People, apart fr...

59. The Dead Prayer Service

The time has come when you must wake up and start to comprehend that God, in reality, is not such...

60. Deliver Yourselves From The Dead Rituals

It is only you who are the masters of your own future. And it is this future in particular that y...

61. My New Command To You

Now I have already given you truly, at first sight, a very hard command – get delivered from the ...

62. The Living Church

Among you, there is already such a living temple named after my Father, and the Father of all, an...

63. Life Is A Meaningful Game Rather Than Idling Entertainment

Modern times distract man’s mind much more by various temptations. Therefore it is very difficult...

64. The Principle Of Cause-Action-Consequence In Creation

I teach you all, and with the same love I teach you who are unfair and who are fair. Only those u...

65. Expansion Of One’s Own Self

The only obstacle that is really hard for you to perceive is your own unwillingness to become bet...

66. Turn Into Being Me

It is then that you shall embark upon my path. And then that my words, “I am that path,” shall be...

67. Let Us Worship The Father Together

It is a great pleasure for me to provide you a simple truth that is well understood by all of you...

68. A Live Bond With The Father Builds Up Each One Who Is In Communion With Him

Two thousand years ago I experienced such moments of my soul elevation that it was these moments ...

69. I Could Not Teach You Everything That The Father Taught Me

As the Father was revealing His love vibrations to me ever more, as my soul desired to experience...

70. A Better Knowledge Of Creation Is Necessary

Creation, the whole of creation, is a living energy system. And everything is interacting within ...

71. The Scientist Must Lean Upon The Creator

It is only when the scientist begins to lean upon the Father as the Source and Cause of the manif...

72. Democracy Is The Grave-digger Of Your Future

The model of democracy being promoted by your politicians is leading to suppressing your initiati...

73. A Spiritual Aristocracy Is The World’s Future

The autocracy of a spiritual aristocracy shall not enter within a year or two, it shall not come ...

74. The Soul Dominance Within Human Mind

Then each one who has thus opened up their soul shall experience not only the Father’s love, but ...

75. Democracy Is Worn Out

When I was in the human flesh among you, I saw a better political and economic structure of the s...

76. Cooperation Instead Of Competition In All Spheres

A competitive struggle in any field; politics, economy, science, art, sports is nothing but the c...

77. The Harm Of Modern Sport To Humanity

You are playing down the sport achievements that you have made into a dirty business by traumatiz...

78. The Limitedness Of The Present-day Economy

It is even worse in economy since you look upon it only from the vantage point of material wellbe...

79. Spiritual Leaders Are Real Yet, So Far, Invisible

How many scientific forums have you held to which you have invited your brethren who have already...

80. Pass Your Hard Burden Over To The Father Or To Me

While reading my teachings you will begin to feel their rightness depending upon the degree of th...

81. The Most Efficient Economy Is The One Grounded In The Father

Your motives in all your activity would be transformed from selfish into divine, for the benefit ...

82. Low Vibrations Are Harmful To All

Too great an expansion of the cities sets up a multitude of concentrated venues that are dominate...

83. Heart And Mind

What I am revealing to you now shall have a big impact on the life of each of you provided that y...

84. A Real Replacement Of Your Mind By That Of Mine

The assertion: if your mind, rather than helping you is impeding you, then change it by mine, is ...

85. My Childhood Was Not Perfect

My trust in the Father and my leaning upon the Father did not come to me at once. That was a long...

86. Energy Vibrations Pass Information Through Consciousness And Sub-consciousness

When you are searching for answers within your own selves do not think that you get them by merel...

87. Assistance By Prayer Is The Most Effective

Being aware that you can help each other, not only to protect someone from falling into such a de...

88. Those Who Nailed Me Down On The Cross Were Innocent

While I was being nailed on the cross as a man among men I could have liberated myself as a spiri...

89. Whose Darkness Is It Today?

Тhe same is happening in your modern times. And now, among you, there are many Scribes and Pharis...

90. The Double-dealing Of Modern Pharisees

Modern Pharisees behave in the same refined manner as they behaved in the times of my living in t...

91. Send The Vibrations Of Love To The Present-day Pharisees By Your Sincere Common Prayer

I, whom you know as Jesus Christ, address all of you. Assemble together in collective prayer, ope...

92. My Warning To You

I, whom you know as Jesus Christ, address you by these teachings to warn you, each of you, who ha...

93. Once Again About A Spiritual Teacher

When empires break down there is much confusion around. However, the greatest confusion is not wh...

94. The Idea Of Reincarnation

However, I have to adapt myself to the thinking of the people I have chosen that cannot be change...

95. You Change Humanity While Changing Yourselves

By this teaching of mine I do not want either to scare anyone of you or to dispose you against me...

96. The Father’s Love Is The Universal Medicine For Vices

Love, only vibrations of the Father’s love and your complete devotion to Him, is the only means o...

97. The Impact Of Bribery

When any doctor or any official of a state institution takes a bribe, he believes he has not done...

98. A Parable?

All my teachings are simple, understandable to many, and produce joy for the soul. And this attit...

99. A Spiritual View Of The Environment And The Destruction Of Negative Emotions

By taking a spiritual rather than material look upon all creation, very soon and truly, you will ...

100. The Help Of The Father’s Spirit Is Everywhere And Constant

In order to establish the correctness of information you must set up a direct bond with the Fathe...

101. Relationship With The Father Does Not Come At Once As Is Also Witnessed By The Experience Of My Apostle

It is hard for you to believe my words, but for many years my words have been already testified t...

102. The Bird Of The Soul Presently Is In Captivity In A Cage

My teachings should not scare anyone of you for they are meant for you to discover the true peace...

103. Women Must Become Clergywomen As Men

As long as the church does not allow women to become religious leaders on an equal basis, such a ...

104. Catholic Priests Must Have Their Families

The Catholic church completely violates the free will of the Father once it forbids its priests t...

105. The Father Has No Exceptional Son Or Daughter

Priests are not exceptional people even though you consider them to be special people. Priests ar...

106. Mutual Relationships

One of the most important fields of mortal life are the mutual relationships which manifest thems...

107. Your Faith And Birth Of The Spirit

However, man is much more than a beast or an animal beyond comparison. He is a son or daughter of...

108. The Establishment Of A Living Relationship With The Father

I have already mentioned to you about that path how to set up a sincere and live relationship wit...

109. Association With Ordinary People Of Other Lands Draws These Lands Closer

When I was in the human flesh, people were also interested in what was developing in other lands....

110. Low Vibrations Of The Present Television, Radio, Press, And Online Do Harm To Humanity

You are constantly offered information that, actually, incites only low vibrations. You do not re...

111. Humanity Has Become Hostage To Advertisements

You see by yourselves what a multitude of different and nice products, goods, and articles are ma...

112. What Is One’s Learning And Its Meaning?

Only two thousand years have passed since my sojourn among you in the human flesh. What progress ...

113. Your Interests And Needs Have Impact On The Whole Of Creation

My teaching, even as the whole leading of the Father throughout creation, is devoted to the benef...

114. Verification Of Spiritual Teaching By One’s Experience

It is necessary for you to understand one of the most important things – never believe anything j...

115. The Sprout Of The Mortal Soul Is Within You

I am well aware of your foibles and desires. Therefore I do not blame anyone of you for your atti...

116. The Flourishing Of The Current Vices Can Cross Out Your Survival

Even the cost of your current childish vices can be very high to you, each of you. It can make up...

117. Teach Children To Discover The Father Within – It Is The Greatest Gift To Them

You often keep reiterating that you do everything for your children, that you even live for them,...

118. The Development Of The Soul After The Resurrection

When children start attending school their teachers begin to tell them about different things the...

119. Give Up Avoiding Decisions

And all this is done throughout creation under conditions of sincere and loving cooperation rathe...

120. One’s Growth Is Due To One’s Experience At The Present Moment

Whatever views you might hold on your present life you can still expand and improve them. Never t...

121. The Significance Of One’s Desire To Grow Spiritually And To Experience

One’s desire to grow spiritually contributes much to the progress of this growth. And this progre...

122. The Depth And The Foundation Of Children’s Up-bringing

My beloved brethren, I, Christ, want to go back once again to the issue of children’s up-bringing...

123. The Meaning

Each day, each moment has its value and meaning which are just, as such as is attributed to them ...

124. The Purpose Of My Teachings

My teachings are meant for those of you who sincerely desire to seek for more than you have alrea...

125. Different Views Of Death

There is not a single man who, while staying turned away from the Father, would not fear death. A...

126. Once Again About Non-existent Reincarnation, Faith, And Your Experiences

Due to the fact that your wisdom has declined, or to put it better, is not risen from the level o...

127. The Reward For Your Faith Is Your Resurrection

Thus, I tell you that by having faith in me you also have faith in the Father. There is no faith ...

128. Dead Rituals And Dogmas Are The Greatest Obstacles To Your Relationship With The Father

The path of my human life that I chose two thousand years ago, corresponded to the then- conditio...

129. My Address To The Clergymen

Therefore, now I address those who lead the prayer service and whom you call priests, pastors, im...

130. Faith And Food

If you make a decision now to discover the Father within your inner self through living faith, an...

131. The Mode Of Living And The Diet

You deviate from the path of the Father’s love so much that when you again have a desire to walk ...

132. The Knowledge Of The Environment

The present time on your planet, even though it is very tough for you, and fairly wearing and ful...

133. The Good Pilot And The Captain

As you recognize your brethren ever more, then you will realize that you have sailed to the other...

134. The Present Time And Your Decision

Your current time is magnificent by what it will testify to you in spiritual changes within many ...

135. After Your Resurrection

When from time to time you ponder as to what eventually awaits you after the so-called death, you...

136. Educational System Must Educate Children For The Benefit Of The Whole Rather Than For That Of The Individual

Individualistic-egoistic teaching does harm to the whole and to the individual. Therefore, the so...

137. Patience

Your knowledge of reality is just beginning. Therefore, you must be happy about the fact that you...

138. Ravaging Of Natural Resources Is Destructive To You

Today your natural resources are ravaged. You treat thoughtlessly that which you are given by nat...

139. Do Not Waste A Single Moment

Each wasted year when you do not care for the meaning and quality of your life, not only makes yo...

140. Expand Your Concept Of Creation

Your present knowledge about me and creation is far from coinciding with reality. Therefore, I de...

141. My Teachings Lead To Love And Truth And Point The Direction To One’s Survival

My teaching is not being imposed on you and it is not the one that must necessarily be carried ou...

142. Create A New Life And Cherish It Only Together With The Father

As I sojourned on your planet two thousand years ago, by the time I set up a live relationship wi...

143. The Child And You

The baby needs love vibrations and not only material food. Therefore, feed him with them permanen...

144. The Wasting Of Energy Is Harmful To One’s Body

Cooperation in creation is of different levels. The greater the creature’s experience the deeper ...

145. A Wise Consumption Of Energy And Restoration Of Its Balance

There is only one method to restore the balance of energy – your faith in the Father and His disc...

146. The Father Provides You With Wisdom To See Further

As far back as in my adolescence, as I was in the human flesh on your world I experienced great d...

147. Light Experiences Resistance Of Darkness

And greater perception also will open to you on your spiritual path and you will see the whole of...

148. Vibrations Of Man’s Thinking

My life in the human flesh was, and is, meant to demonstrate to you that even in the human flesh,...

149. The Brain Is Given To Man To Grow Rather Than To Degrade

The brain of man is not meant for harming him and causing pain to him and thus becoming a great p...

150. Help Yourselves

You must ponder ever more that after having started to preach the good tidings – the Fatherhood o...

151. Your Deposit In The Father’s Bank

My assertions about wealth have also a literal sense – pile up your wealth in good deeds. This is...

152. Our Family And Your Assistance For Me

Our common family together with the Father can be understood and experienced by you, each of you,...

153. Your Earthly Loving Family

If you desire to devote yourselves to the breaking down and disregard of your earthly family, and...

154. The Current Tragic Family Situation Is the Consequence Of Your Selfishness

That which now affects family as a negative influence produces within each of you low energy vibr...

155. A Bent Tree Of The Scriptures And This Teaching Of Mine

My life in the human flesh two thousand years ago clearly demonstrated to you that love, love, an...

156. My Second Coming

And when I spoke to you about my second coming, about my return among you I told you that I would...

II. Note

My dears, I feel happy to be able to present you the teaching of Jesus which he has just finished...