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The Soul of Man: What – how – why?



What is the soul?

The soul of mortal man is a living construct of morontia energy suitable to the need. It is mortal before it is fused with spirit (it can die of neglect)neglect through the absence of survival values), and only becomes immortal after fusion during the morontia part of the ascension career.

How is the soul created?

The soul is first created, or initiated, by the Thought Adjuster as an energized morontia pattern, and at first is akin to an empty shell, much the same way the mind and brain of a newborn mortal is alive and functioning, but otherwise empty until new sensations and experiences start pouring in.

How is the soul maintained?

There are two aspects to maintaining the soul:

  1. The physical energy requirement which is largely supplied through the electrical and life circuits of the mortal biological heart (very little of this is understood by our current science). This is why the soul is so often associated with the biological heart, and why excitement of the soul can often be felt by the heart as a type of exciting energy surge. 
  2. The morontia requirements of personal growth, and the spiritual requirements of life value, experienced through the mortal adventure and discovery of Truth Beauty and Goodness are sustenance for the soul. These are referred to as your — survival values.
What of our mortal memories?

Our mortal life memories are not stored in the soul. These memories become the eternal inheritance of the Thought Adjuster, and if your TA returns to you in the resurrection then all these mortal memories will also be restored to you once you awake from the death sleep.

These mortal life memories are of two types:

  1. Internal personal memories. These are the mortal memories that are personally perceived and stored in the memory section of the biological brain. The Thought Adjuster makes a spiritual and eternal copy of all these memories that have survival value, and they become the TA’s eternal inheritance (whether we choose survival or not).
  2. External memories, the things we do outwardly. These are recorded and preserved by our Guardian Seraphim. A crude comparison would be of someone video taping your entire life. These recordings become part of the universe’s permanent public records and archives.
Why is the soul needed?

The Urantia Book tells us that physical matter cannot travel faster than the speed of light, and that the resurrection halls of the Mansion Worlds are many light years away from Earth*, thereby making slower than lightspeed travel through the vastness of space, from Earth to the Mansion Worlds, within a normal mortal lifetime (average 70 yrs), all but impossible.

* No precise astronomical information is currently available, but current estimates range from 11 to 430 light years away from Earth.

This explains one of the fundamental reasons for the existence of souls. Souls are used as a means of converting our most personal survival values from a biological physical format/state that is too heavy and dense for faster than light deep space travel, to a very light and strong morontia format/state that can easily be enseraphimed for faster than light deep space travel. In this sense the morontia soul can be loosely compared to a digital flash drive, onto which critical and essential computer files can be copied and later removed for easy transport to a distant location. The big heavy computer (which is hard to transport) equates to your mortal body, while the small and lightweight flash drive that can easily be carried anywhere equates to your soul.


To offer a crude analogy we could say that the mortal body of flesh and blood is like a computer, and the soul is like a portable flash drive.

  1. When the mortal body is alive, it is like doing work directly with the computer.
  2. Any important work that must be preserved in a distant location is also copied to the portable flash drive for safe keeping and easy transport.
  3. Physical death of the mortal body is like turning off the computer.
  4. Once the body is dead the Guardian Seraphim remove the soul for later transport to the Resurrection Halls. This is like removing the flash drive containing all the essential data (survival values) and transporting it somewhere else so it can be connected into another more powerful computer (an uppgrade) at a distant location.
  5. When the distant location is reached the flash drive is reconnected into the new computer, the computer is then restarted and work continues exactly where it left off with all the critical data intact. Likewise when your soul reaches the Resurrection Halls it is reconnected to your new morontia body and you are restarted (awakened from the death sleep) and life continues where you left off with all your survival values intact, having been safely transported from Urantia to Mansonia 1 by your soul.

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