A transition can be smooth or it can be bumpy
SOURCE: Lightline Teleconference 2024-11-07
Teacher: Amanson
T/R: Mark
Amanson on Transition
Transition is the way of the world. Transition moves one era to the next; one movement to the next; one world to the next. Transition is the very thing we fear but, ironically, the very thing we aspire to. It is all about leaving one set of values for a higher; one set of prejudices to be toppled from its pedestal and replaced by a broader, more accepting view of life. Without transition our smaller thinking would remain in the driver's seat. No progress. No higher thinking. No transition.
Your world is presently in transition. It is trying to have it both ways: to remain comfortable within its familiar confines, and yet wrestle its way out of a system of bondage it can see is no longer sustainable, though it appeared to sustain for many years. Centuries actually. But there comes a time when a situation is glimpsed in its entireity; when all the participant's roles are examined and found to be, in one way or another, wanting, in that 'all the participants' are suddenly seen to be precisely not that — that what appeared to be 'all the participants' was actually only some of the participants. And this 'some' had been holding all the power. When it becomes apparent "all the power" does not equal "all the participants", a transition is needed — required — to remedy an unequal situation. And so transition ensues.
A transition can be smooth or it can be bumpy, it depends on how willing we are to see the transition occur. And that depends on seeing (and agreeing with) the need for it. A transition, when its time has come, will happen. But will it happen with the help and blessing of all those in its midst? How delicate feelings become when a way of life is threatened! ...even when it is acknowledged by growing numbers of people that such a transition is necessary.
A way of life will serve for a time. It can advance progress in its pull, it can provide life's necessities in its push. But when that way of life becomes top-heavy, and those who have benefited most forget society's responsibility to maintain a reasonable balance of progress, stability, and individual freedom, then transition becomes absolutely necessary to maintain real progress; i.e. ethical progress, new horizons in interconnectedness and morality. Nature transitions, individuals transition. All things evolve: from physical creation to a human being's thinking. And so, worlds.
Humanity is unfolding and its deepest concerns are coming to the surface, manifesting in its behaviour as signals to steer by: on the one hand, the heavenly urges (kindness, magnanimity, openness, welcome, sincerity) need to be noticed, acknowledged, and steered towards; on the other, the egoistic selfish urges — (factionalism, desperate and frightened selfishness) steer away from. However, not from the selfish themselves. Steer away from their selfishness, but those who harbor such tired and fruitless passions are not to be despised, merely dealt with, as one deals with perhaps someone who has been given the wrong directions and yet insists they will arrive by this route. You who know the (metaphorical) map well are now in a position — have been placed in a position — to gently correct as effectively as possible the person's misguided notions. Sometimes, yes, there is no choice but to leave them to their own devices but this is not always the case. And personal transition — the microcosm of the macrocosm writ large — can be accomplished in this way, affecting one more individual element on the way to achieving the great Transition which all will eventually be — either willing or 'un' — a part of.