Group dynamics
The group begins when you have at least three
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive February 29, 2000. Teacher Tomas |
The configuration of groups of people does not include a husband/wife team; that's a partnership, and even when Jesus is a part of the relationship, it is still a relationship of two mortals and that kind of relationship has its own blessings and challenges. The group begins when you have at least three, and from then on each additional person presents an aspect of change for every member of the group. The goal, again, is to be self-governing through your own maturity, through your ethics and morals established through your relationship with Our Father and socialized throughout the brotherhood of man.
This is an ideal having not yet been realized sufficiently to turn the tide of your planetary government. Here I speak of another aspect of the Hundred Monkey Syndrome that has not been attained yet but it is a reasonable goal — to be self-governing and to acknowledge that your peers are also self-governing, not requiring your leadership or counsel, only insofar as your relationship is mutually dependant upon the living God that is understood, respected, revered and worshipped by all.
One day this world will be settled in Light and Life and that will be the culmination, the glorious culmination of all these many thousands and thousands of years of effort on your part and on the part of your relations
in the material realm — your predecessors and your progeny — animal, vegetable and mineral — attaining a way of life which gives appropriate acknowledgement and homage to Our Creator.
But until the global attainment, until full stage Light and Life is here, it is fascinating to speculate, in this extremely intriguing environment, what might be effected in effort of attaining a degree of fraternity that would allow for the beginning of this potential to begin being realized and actualized. Configuration.
Configuration is so important an element, to bring together those compatible sorts of personalities which will be most effective in their relationship together, even serving throughout the future eras/ages to come.
Always must you remember the configuration of your members. Each occasion provides a different energy package. Each of you are becoming sufficiently astute to know and love each other in understanding of your strengths and in compassion for your weaknesses. By maintaining your spiritual roots, your ethics are able to acknowledge that in any given configuration there are strengths and weaknesses derived from the elements of the configuration.
If you are in a group of people that you, in your assessment, have ascertained to have certain strengths and certain failings, you will know instinctually, intuitively and inherently whether or not the configuration of the parties are in a position to make a wise decision about a matter which would be influential in the community at large; whereas a ruling or a determination by another grouping of parties will garner a different response.
To give a crass example; four women in a group will come up with a conclusion and four men in a group will come up with a conclusion and it's not necessarily so that the women's conclusion and the men's conclusion will be the same, and therefore, it would behoove you to appreciate the balance of the four women and the four men intermingled, and with the balance made more equitable, then determine the strengths and the weaknesses of the composition of the community, of the social group, of the family unit, at its largest and most effective point.
This allows for greater representation, greater democracy. It allows for all your brothers and sisters to be a part of the reality of the family. Jesus is the decided head of the household insofar as he is God and has lived as man, therefore he represents, perhaps, the highest ideal. But your future world will be comprised of men and women taking their instructions from the invisible realms, not necessarily from human rulers.
In the future there will be public servants in the appropriate sense, but rulership as it is understood in your government and has been known down through the ages, is a step in evolution that will evolve away. It is therefore very tricky, these times you live in, because you cannot relinquish your leaders, but they cannot be allowed to stranglehold you and your people. Even those who hold the avant garde of spiritual beliefs and values, are still subject to so much of the effects and cause and effects of your predecessors in politics and in government and in civilization, and so you are incessantly vulnerable to the might that is, even though it may not be right.
As you advance into your paradigms/prototypes of civilization which afford spiritual liberty and qualities having the earmarks of high civilization, you will do well to begin to appreciate the immediate configuration, feeling and sensing the Light and Life qualities therein. As that becomes a reality for you in your intimate associations, in your small groupings, you will feel emboldened to open yourselves to the possiblilities of greater embrace, greater connection to others, and thus expanding the configuration and
subsequently expanding Light and Life.
Variety in a group is very useful
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive January 27, 2002. Teacher Abraham |
In studying the apostles it can be seen that where one was lacking, there was another to compensate. Where one was downcast, there was one to bring humor. Where one was trapped in negativity, there was always one to point out the positive. They had team-ship, their trust in one another, their common love for the Master and an unseen Father.
It is beautiful to behold the non-rivalry of the siblings of Andrew and Peter. Where one brother was shy, the other was outspoken. Where one was disorganized, the other was quite capable at organization. Where one was apt to take rash actions, the other was standing firm in practicality. They had no envy for one another when one was better at something's than the other. They each truly believed that even though they were not gifted at one thing, they were glad they had a brother who was.
When I think about this era of time, the Master chose certain decisions and actions because He was to set examples for the universe as a whole. He tended to the common man as well as the pride-filled man. He welcomed the educated man as well as the simple man. He incorporated the women apostles as a part of the evangelical corps as if this were not anything out of the ordinary.
He, the Master, did assign some tasks here and there, but for the most part He seen with time each ones personal gift and allowed them to take that role on as their own. The women were skilled at compassion for the sick and afflicted. They were daring to go to a darker side of life to bring light. They were unafraid to be exposed for their beliefs, and the Master needed to give them very little direction, for their natural gifts took them where they were supposed to go.
Author Donna D'Ingillo has written an inspiring book detailing the untold stories of the twelve female apostles commissioned by Jesus. It is currently available on Amazon.
With the men apostles their varying social, religious, and financial status made up a great deal of the common life of that day and age. The Master needed representatives from every walk of life. The apostles had met with more challenge in dealing with one another than they did with the masses — just as you will.
When you are gathered think of the Master and how He would deal with these interpersonal situations.
We will meet a Judas here and there, but for the most part you can ride out your difficulties to promote each ones growth and carry on. Now we can all see Judas' mistake of going for validation and understanding to those outside of his divine beliefs. My friends, you know very well who you can speak to to find divine reality instead of ego validation.
Group often harbor some bruised egos, some hurt feelings, some grandstanding, but also those that heal, those that comfort, those that accept diversity. We might also witness in groups those that seem selfish, petty and closed off, but for the most part we see poets, artists, philosophers and leaders. Without one aspect of experience you cannot become the other.
Without experience of knowing prejudice, how can you become compassionate to those who are minorities? Without the experience of humiliation, how can you ever tame the ego? Without the experience of darkness, how can you ever really appreciate the light? Where there is lack and loneliness, there is light and fellowship to be found in your dedication to one another, to Michael, Mother and our First Source and Center.
Be not afraid to communicate with one another. Be not afraid to consult your fellows with your life concerns. If you share not, you receive not comfort, nor suggestions for solutions. While you may have your difficulties, the comfort you receive from fellowship far outweighs these difficulties. Find time to have stillness and contemplate the Mother's presence assisting you to find those gifts you need to sharpen.