There can be no real growth without conflict
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive Nov. 20, 1998. Teacher Daniel T/R Bill |
My dear siblings, if you could feel the joy and love that we your older siblings experience as we intermingle with you, you would have some small consciousness of the grandeur of a cosmic family of the brotherhood/sisterhood/personhood of all freewill universe intelligences. You see, you have struggled valiantly to retain your cohesion as a functional family unit and you have succeeded excellently. In this struggle you have heard many viewpoints divergent from your own. You have seen sides of each other you never even imagined were possible. You have discovered aspects of yourselves in deep recesses and dark corners which you knew not before. And in so doing has your universe of reality expanded to embrace the diversity of each other and yourselves as well.
You have tasted a small portion of the larger reality of the true cosmic unity in diversity of God the Supreme. Just a small taste of the flavor of the whole. And yet has this sampling been so grievous and difficult that you would withdraw from the table of our Creator Parents and leave the banquet feast of fellowship with your brothers and sisters? No, none of you would. In fact, you have all experienced an expansion of your own souls.
It is not the purpose of conflict to divide and destroy. Referring to conflict that is the result of growth expansion. Your experience of conflict has been of this nature rather than of destructive and unspiritual dimensions. You see, we live in an incomplete and imperfect creation which is evolving and developing towards the final goal of perfected status. That is why we know that without conflict and struggle, without insecurity and unsurety there can be no real growth, but rather the opposite, soul stagnation, which, if it continues long enough may result in spiritual death.
And so, on the one hand I say to you welcome to the real world, where conflict results in growth. And congratulations on letting your experience of love surmount all obstacles and difficulties. You came upon a large boulder on the path. You wished to move around it, but it blocked your way. You had to find a hand hold and a foot hold and scale it and come down the other side to complete your experiential triumph. As I have taught you in the past, every accomplishment results in a brief period of rest and rejuvenation, but only for a short while until the next task commands your attention.
When I first began teaching you seven long years ago, I told you that we were about change - that the essence of my teaching would be to dig around the roots to fertilize and to water so that you might grow up to be strong oaks bearing many branches, able to hold your living system of branches and leaves, trunk and root, a whole ecology of life. And indeed have our efforts together been successful.
The metaphor of ice as problems, troubles, conflicts, and obstacles
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive April 25, 1999. Teacher Elyon T/R Jonathan |
I will address the topics of problems, troubles, conflicts, and obstacles as well as spiritual connectedness. I will use the metaphor of ice.
Ice can be seen as any one of these troubles or conflicts in your life that you wish to melt. When the environment is right, when the conditions exist that can warm, that can bring solution, then your problems or your obstacles will begin to dissolve. This is like your conventional oven where the solution is applied from external conditions. You can as well use an internal technique not unlike your microwave ovens where you warm the ice from the inside out using the spiritual circuitry of the Father, the Son, and our Mother Spirit. It may be said that this is the method of exchanging your mind for the mind of Christ, for in the circuitry of the Father and the Son and the Spirit we discover love and mercy and compassionate service. These are qualities that reside within you even now. Love need not be sought; it only need be expressed, and therein you will discover your possession.
To be connected to the spirit forces and personalities of divinity, think of yourself as in their microwave field. They will warm you all over, every place at one time, but it is well and good to fellowship with your brothers and sisters to let love and compassion warm you from the outside in. Both sources of heat will melt the ice. Again, this illustrates the value of the coupling of the Fatherhood of God with the brotherhood of man, the realization of the personality and presence of God and the many personalities that minister to you from all areas of life.
If you find that a conflict of which you seek resolution persists because the time appears not right to resolve it, it may be that the conventional oven is not on. You can apply the other approach, the spiritual microwave, and work on that micro-level where those little factors that compose the problem each becomes heated, that is, thawed such that the greater macro-difficulty you perceive will begin to resolve itself. It may be that the situation involving numerous individuals and their relationships is the difficulty, and you are one of the molecules. By becoming warmed yourself, you are as an element in the internal
makeup of the problem contributing to the warmth and the thaw. Other times you are not an integral part of the problem, per se, and you act as a conventional heating coil and must warm the difficulty away from the outside. This form of ministry is often involved when you have already traversed the path of resolution of a conflict of a similar nature that another one is undertaking. It is growth that has gone by rather than growth you are now experiencing concomitantly with another.
Hopefully this will bring insights for you when encountering obstacles in your life or when ministering to others who are dealing with their obstacles. Refresh yourselves, to be invigorated such that you will be feeling more powerful when you do meet with the challenges that help you grow and the challenges that help you serve.