To be a companion is to simply be present with another person
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive March 24, 2000. Teacher Ambrosia T/R Bill |
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As you grow in spiritual understanding and in unselfish devotion to serving one another and all others whom you encounter, you are increasing in the quality and practice of love.
Personality interaction is the most fundamental satisfaction of existence, both mortal, for the soul, and spiritual. In your personality status you are most closely aligned with the image of God, for this is how God has created all of us according to the perfect pattern of personality manifest in the Eternal Son. You are learning to be companionate with each other, to express the pleasure of simply being in the presence and interacting with another person with no ulterior motives or manipulative devices.
To be a companion is to simply be present with another person. It does not involve the obligation of teaching. It does not require salesmanship on your part. It does not require obligatory service either. True,
companionship is not the sum total of interpersonal relationships but it is one very lovely aspect which is lacking in the hubbub of your materialistic, rushing to judgement, preoccupied state of affairs. In some ways simpler cultures have more wisdom for they have placed more value in being companions to each other. It is this lack which damages families and which is so sorely needed between parents and children and between siblings as well; and also between the original couple, husband and wife.
You see, in eternity's view it is these kinds of relationships which have such lasting value. Yes, work is important and teamwork and groupings to accomplish objectives are yet a very important part of interpersonal relations. But the flavor of a group is so greatly enhanced by the element, by the substance of the companionship provided therein.
Your companionship with the First Source and Center through your Thought Controller is your most intimate experience and someday you will achieve perfect completion of that companionship in fusion experience. You will be the vehicle of personality for your Thought Controller and your Thought Controller will give you the dimension of eternity. Together you will fuse and become one even as our Creator Son in his divinity is one with his humanity.
Great and wonderful are the purposes of God in His decision to create time and space. Those of us who are of finite status continually learn new and greater understanding of the great heart of love which beats the pulse of the universe.
There is a distinction to be made about companionability and teamwork as representing two different kinds of interrelationships. Many people choose their life partners on the basis of compatibility of interests and just "doing" things together. Certainly, this is not to be faulted, for there is an inherent value in this kind of interrelationship.
My observations are that men in particular define their essence in terms of their activities, although this is modifying somewhat lately, still males in particular think of themselves as teachers, construction workers,
golfers, fishermen, fathers, these sorts of activities define many men in their own minds. Similarly do women define their essence, although they see themselves more in the role of nurturance than production. But even the role of parents can be primarily a "doing" rather than "being" role, in many cultures.
Being in the same space but not interacting in sharing is not companionability. To be companionate in the sense that I was describing, means to be comfortable, relaxed, attentive, and interested in the other person, in their thoughts, in their feelings, and in their values. So companionship entails sharing ideas, certainly involves sharing values, and it also recognizes the domain of feelings as well. This sharing, in order to be companionate, needs to be non-judgmental. It needs to be non-competitive. It needs to proceed from
the inherent value assigned to that other person, the value of a faith son or daughter of God and therefore, a brother or sister. You see, even more fundamental in a marriage relationship than husband and wife, than lover, than co-parent, is the level of brother/sister, as children of one Parent. This ultimate, fundamental level gives final value to the person and to oneself so that these other levels of interaction are properly honored and appropriately framed.